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Chapter 12 of 16 of my 6th stuck story, Bath Bomb.


Lori’s reservations about letting Lexi feed her melted away as the first bite melted in her mouth.

Food had always been central to their relationship. Lexi was a chef and Lori loved to eat. Lori didn’t mind taking the occasional bite of whatever Lexi offered her. But she did mind food being brought into the bedroom, or used in foreplay. There was an invisible line of fetishization and Lexi was always walking it like a tightrope. Lori loved being worshiped and adored, she loved eating, she even loved having sex on a full stomach, but as her weight climbed out of control, she no longer felt in control of her own enjoyment of food and sex so she wanted to keep them as far apart as she could.

Despite being hopelessly stuck in a bathtub, and entirely dependent on Lexi for help, she felt like she had total control of the situation. She had gotten this fat on her own, she got stuck on her own, and she had asked Lexi to feed her. From the outside, it might appear as if things were unraveling, but wedged where she was, Lori was in complete control. Lexi was only doing what she was asked, when she was asked to do it. 

It was a breakthrough for both of them.

For Lexi, the desire to feed and fatten Lori wasn’t about control, she didn’t want to dominate Lori. She desperately wanted to be dominated by her enormously fat wife. Feeding her and fattening her was a form of thanks, a method of worship, and simply an enjoyment. Lexi didn’t expect anything to come from a bite of cake placed in Lori’s mouth, it was simply a way to express her love, an intimacy. Lori, asking, for the first time in their long relationship, to feed her in an intimate setting, is all Lexi ever wanted.

Lexi went gently and slowly. With on hand she rubbed Lori’s belly, and with the other hand she delivered food to Lori’s lips when requested. And in the brief moments when Lori’s mouth wasn’t full of food, Lexi kissed her sweet wife. 

It wasn’t a race. The goal wasn’t to stuff Lori with as much food as possible as fast as they could. It was like a meditation, intensely focused on the sensations of touching Lori’s soft belly and the feeling of food passing Lori’s lips. There was a quiet and a stillness they’d never experienced before as they methodically worked through the enormous trays of food Lexi had brought with her from her work. 

When Lori needed a break they took a break, Lexi continued rubbing her belly, and rested her head on Lori’s breast. Lori wondered if the belly rub was putting her into a trance, like flipping a shark upside down. 

She was getting full but she didn’t want it to stop. She figured Lexi would run out of food and they could stop then. Lori petted Lexi’s head. 

“Shall I keep going?” Lexi lifted her head to meet Lori’s lips.

“Yes please.”

This gentle back and forth of permission and consent continued. Lori was feeling emboldened, “more.”

Lexi did as she was told, delivering another bite to her stuck wife’s mouth. 

“More,” Lori hadn’t even finished her mouthful before asking for another. 

Lexi felt light headed, she had never seen Lori like this, every time Lori asked for more, Lexi’s heart raced. She was getting dizzy now, the circular motion of rubbing Lori’s belly, feeling Lori’s belly push further upward and outward as she got full, keeping the food coming with her other hand.

“Don’t stop” Lori pulled Lexi in for a kiss despite her mouth being already full of chocolate cake.

“I w-won’t” Lexi was shaking. 

In her wildest dreams, she never imagined Lori taking control like this. It was a side of her wife she’d never seen before, she didn’t want it to end, but she worried they’d be out of food soon.

Lexi reached for another bite but found another empty tray, she double checked both trays and the cart, there was nothing left.

“There isn’t anymore, you’ve eaten… everything.”

That was unacceptable.

“Feed me.”

The look in Lori’s eyes cut through Lexi, it was naked desire like she’d never seen from her normally demure wife. 

“I don’t think we have enough ingredients-“

Lori pulled her in for a kiss.

“I can try to order something-“


“Forget food, I want, you.”

Suddenly understanding what her wife meant, Lexi fumbled to climb on top of Lori. She mounted Lori’s face, a leg over each shoulder, she hooked her knees back under Lori’s fat arms so she could pull her wet pussy against Lori’s tongue. She grabbed the back of Lori’s hair and pulled their lips together.

Lori grabbed Lexi’s ass, pushing her harder into her mouth.

“Oh god-“ Lexi was already shaking.

Already over full and wedged tight and out of breath from their marathon feeding, Lori could barely breathe buried in Lexi’s pussy. She took her wife in, gasping just enough air to stay conscious and keep going. Her insatiable hunger transformed into insatiable sexual hunger.

She sucked Lexi’s lips and flicked her tongue hard against Lexi’s clit.


Lexi’s leg spasms sent ripples through Lori’s upper arm fat. Lori held onto Lexi’s ass, afraid she would accidentally orgasm herself right off onto the bathroom floor and hit her head.


Lori licked her wife frantically, prolonging Lexi’s orgasm as long as she could, not letting Lexi pull away.

Lexi finally had to put her hands on Lori’s shoulder and push her hips back off Lori’s face. She had intended to bend down and kiss her wife but her post orgasm twitching and spasms made her clumsy and she slipped back off Lori’s chest and down her belly onto her legs at the other end of the tub.

“Huhhahahuhhhhhauauhahh” shaking and spasming and unable to control herself Lexi couldn’t articulate anything but laughter.

One foot over the edge of the tub and one still over Lori’s shoulder. Lori took Lexi’s foot and kissed it, staring at her twitchy sedated wife, her heart beating and her lungs catching up on lost breath.

Each petting the foot of the other, they stared into each others eyes from across the tub. Both women, more content and happy together than they’d ever been. Their breathing settled and they drifted off to sleep.


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