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Chapter 10 of 16 of my 6th stuck story, Bath Bomb.


“YOU can’t be stuck, I’M stuck!”

“You’re grabbing my arm with your thighs.”

“My thighs can do no such thing they’re wedged together between the sides of the tub.”

Lori tried to wiggle her legs but couldn’t. Lexi tugged forcefully but couldn’t get her arm out from between Lori’s thighs. Her attempts to remove her hand were not unlike thrusting, Lori’s breath quickened.

“Will you stop fisting me, I can’t concentrate-“

“I’m not TRYING to fist you, but I can’t get my hand out,” she pulled again, this time lifting her arm by Lori’s clit. “Okay, I’m fisting you a little bit.”

They both laughed but the sound of their laughter was tinged with panic.

“How did you get in there?”

“Lube, lots and lots of lube. The bathwater must have washed it off.”

“Can you put on more lube?”

“Where is it?”

Lori and Lexi looked around the tub. Spying the bottle of lube on the floor but the sink. Out of reach.


Lexi began looking around, “can you reach the shampoo behind you?”

Lori reached up over her head to the shampoo on the shelf, tapping it with her finger until it fell on her chest. Lexi picked it up and went to squirt it. 

“I can’t get it on underwater, is it okay if I pull the plug?”

“If I could reach the plug I would have pulled it hours ago, the water’s gone cool, please.”

Lexi pulled the plug and waited for the water level to reveal Lori’s thighs and her trapped arm. She squirted shampoo down her arm, not finding much inside, she shook the bottle. 

“I thought I just bought this.”

“I-uh, I might have used it up on my hips.”

“Your hips?”

“To um- squeeze them into the bath.”

Lori had to avert her eyes from Lexi’s nakedly lustful stare, “stop it, get your arm out you perv.”

Lexi wiggled her fingers to elicit a gasp from Lori.

“I don’t think you’re even trying to get out of there.”

The shampoo bottle empty, Lexi worked the shampoo down her arm and as far as she could reach in Lori’s thighs. Lexi stepped out at the end of the bath and braced herself to pull again, “ready?”

Lori lifted her belly as much as she could, “ready!”

Lexi pulled her trapped arm, twisting and turning and not so accidentally brushing Lori’s clit.

OOOOHHHHH!! With a slippery squirt, Lexi fell backwards onto the bathroom floor. 

Both were overcome with nervous laughter, neither sure what the next step would be if that hadn’t worked.

Lexi caught her breath, relieved, “now we just do the same with you.”

“Give me a minute,” Lori was still out of breath, Lexi kissed her on the forehead and started collecting all the bottles of soap and moisturizer she could find, noticing most of them were empty.

“You went through a lot of these.”

“I have a lot of- surface area,” there was electricity in the air from playful teasing flirting, something they both missed desperately.

“Here, you get that side and I’ll get this side,” Lexi handed Lori a bottle of soap while she squirted moisturizer down Lori’s fat rolls along the side of the tub.

The way Lori’s fat overflowed the tub meant Lexi kept having to catch the lubricants as they dripped over the edge instead of going down in between Lori and the tub.

On the wall side, Lori was trying unsuccessfully to push the soap down between her fat and the porcelain. 

Before Lexi knew it she was tossing aside another empty bottle, and she still didn’t feel like she’d covered that much of Lori, “I think there’s more moisturizer in the bedroom.”

“Hurry back,” Lori sang in a silly voice. 

Lori lifted her belly and tried to work the various slippery substances down her side, there wasn’t much give. She leaned as far as she could to the other side while trying to press the soap down as far as she could, she felt like she was making some progress when suddenly she very much wasn’t. 

She had somehow gotten her hand down to her hip, but couldn’t get it back out again, trapped in her own fat.

Lexi walked back in with more moisturizer to find Lori heaving herself frantically to one side.

“I’m stuck.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you out.”

“No, I’m twice stuck, I can’t get my hand out the side.”

“Oh for goodness sake,” Lexi reached across Lori’s great expanse to grab her wedged arm. 

It wasn’t coming out, “how did you do that?”

“I don’t know! I was trying to work the soap down there.”

Lexi grabbed the moisturizer and started squirting it on Lori’s side and down her arm until she’d emptied out the entire contents of the bottle.

With Lori heaving herself to the opposite side, Lexi climbed over Lori to pull her arm, grabbing hold of her upper arm fat. 


Lexi braced her foot against the wall and pulled. Lori grabbed the opposite edge of her tub and heaved herself. 

With a slippery squeak her hand came free.

“Jesus, that was tight.”

“You’re telling me,” Lori was sweating, all that effort to get an already slippery hand unstuck didn’t bode well for the rest of her.

“Now for the rest of you,” Lexi put on an optimistic smile as she extended her arms out to her wedged wife.

Lori tried to share her optimism but could only muster a sheepish grin as she took Lexi’s hands.

“Let’s get you out of there.”


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