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Chapter 6 of 16 of my 6th story, Bath Bomb.


The next album in her playlist came over the speakers. 

Lori blinked and got her bearings, coming out of her post-orgasm-post-gorging nap. 

Satisfied she patted her still full belly, “I could get used to this.” She decided baths were going to be part of her weekly routine from now on. She couldn’t believe she’d denied herself this pleasure for so long. How had she gotten it into her head that she was a shower person, not a bath person. She couldn’t remember why she’d gone off baths to begin with. Her bad experience with Lexi all those years ago wiped from her memory by the enjoyment of this evening.

An evening worshiping her body was exactly what she needed after the humiliation and frustration of replacing her broken office chair today. 

The candles were nearing the bottom of their sticks and the water in the tub had gone tepid. 

“Time for bed.”

Lori tried to lift a leg and turn herself. She imagined getting up from the tub would be like getting up after yoga, turn onto her side, then her stomach, then up onto her hands and knees and then one leg up, hands on her knee and heave until she was up. It was a lot of work, but it was the most efficient way to lift up so much weight, she’d gotten used to it over the years. She’d hoped the bathtub might be easier with the tub to hold onto. 

But she couldn’t move. 

She tried to twist her torso, but her sides were wedged between the walls of the tub. She couldn’t bend her knees to get a leg up, her thighs were so squished together. She threw both arms over the edge of the tub and hoped she could heave herself in one direction and it would roll her over. Her fat squeaked against the tub, not letting go.

Sweat formed on her nose, her cheeks were going flush. The bloom was going off the rose as Lori struggled to shift her weight in any direction.

Bracing her hands underneath her side rolls onto the edge of the tub, Lori attempted feebly to lift herself straight up, as if she were a thin person, she laughed. It was laughable.

Maybe if she could get upright, she thought. Lori reached her arms out in front of her and thrust herself forward, her fat pulling her back to repose. She tried again, rocking herself forward and back, squeak, splash. If she could be a bit reckless with how she threw her considerable weight around, maybe the force of her own momentum would budge her.

Squeak she rocked back, splash, she thrust forward, again and again her fat, tight against the sides of the tub pulled her back, “OH NO!”

Lori couldn’t catch her breath. She lied back with one arm over her belly and the other dangled off the side of the tub. Breathe, breathe. 

“Oh my god, HUFF HUFF HUFF, I’m stuck.”


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