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Chapter 4 of 16 of my sixth stuck story, Bath Bomb.


A rude pop-up greeted her when she opened the vibe remote app on her phone:

“Device Not Found”

“Try harder, phone,” Lori cycled through the usual culprits, closing the app, opening the app, turning her wifi on and off, pressing the phone down into her lower belly in case the signal couldn’t reach between her legs. A new pop-up:

“This Device is Synced to Phone #555 669 1402” 

“Oh no,” that was Lexi’s phone number, she must have used it last. 

Lori sighed, the only way now was to take the vibrator back out and reset it to sync to her phone, what an inconvenient design.

Putting her phone back down on the drink cart, Lori reached for the vibrator between her legs, but her reach came up short. Reclined as she was in the bath, her arms only reached her lower belly. She tried to prop herself upright but found herself unable to lift herself or scoot around in the bath. 

Maybe if she could lift a leg up onto the side of the bath, but no, her legs were wedged together between the walls of the bath with her belly weighing down on top of them.

Frustrated that she couldn’t cum, she heaved herself forward a few time to try to reach past her belly, which folded and rolled and pushed her tits up into her face. She was utterly unable to lift herself out of a reclining position, she could feel her fat against the sides of the tub pinning her down.

She collapsed back, breathing heavily, sweating. 

The full scope of her predicament hadn’t dawned on her yet, so focused as she was on masturbating. 

She looked at her phone. 

Lori know it was against restaurant policy for any of the cooks to bring their phones into the kitchen. She’d have to call the restaurant and ask Lexi to get her phone out of her locker. 

Wiping the sweat from her brow, she composed herself, Lori prided herself in her impeccable phone etiquette so was annoyed she couldn’t sit up straight in the bath to speak.

“Hello, hi, yes, is Alexandra there in the kitchen, this is her wife Hannalore.”

“Lexi, phone call, take it in back.”

Phone calls in the kitchen were rare. Most people checked their phones during breaks, what couldn’t wait until then? Lexi passed her spoon one of the apprentices to stir the custard.


“Lexi it’s me.”

“Lori are you okay? You never call this phone.”

“I’m sure I called this phone before. Last year when I was worried about you getting home before the blizzard hit.”

“Is there a blizzard right now? What’s happened?”

“I-um,” Lori went flush, suddenly very aware of the boundary she was crossing with her separated wife.

“How’s the bath?” Lexi knew Lori wasn’t calling for chit chat but had to coax her out of the awkward silence.

“It’s nice, thanks for giving me the push…” Lori you fool, you’re going to small talk and hang up and still not cum, spit it out! “I tried to use the remote vibrator but it’s synced to your phone not mine and this damn bathtub is too damn small and I can’t get it out to reset it, so I’m sitting in the bath horny as hell with a dud vibrator inside me, please help.”

Now it was Lexi’s turn for awkward silence. 


“I’m here” but Lexi wasn’t sure if she really was there, she felt like she’d astralprojected outside her body, “you want… my help?”

“Sorry, it was rude of me to call while you’re at work, and I know I’m crossing a line.” 

“You want, my help?”

“Please,” but Lori’s plea was met with silence, “Lexi?”


“Please help me cum,” the line was crossed now, there was no going back. 

Lexi felt dizzy, she pulled the phone cord with her as she reached for her locker and pulled out her phone, fumbling and breathing heavy as she swiped to find the remote app. She stared at the pulse button in the app. She hadn’t been allowed to touch her wife sexually in a year and a half. 


Lori catches her phone as it almost slips out of her hands and into the water. “HHHHhhhh.” She puts it down on the drink cart for safety, “HNNNnnngh.”

Lexi pressed the button again, and again, she missed the sounds of her wife’s heavy breathing as got turned on. She wanted so much to hear her cum.

“Lexi! Where are you? Break time’s over!”

The emotional whiplash she felt was almost enough to make her quit on the spot and run home, she could hear Lori laugh on the other end of the phone.

“Go feed your party full of hungry fat chicks.”

Lexi was flustered, “s-sorry, I gotta go.”

“Lexi, wait.”

“What is it?”

Her toes twitching, her fingers losing their coordination, as they fumbled on the drink cart, Lori picked her phone back up, “don’t stop.”

Lexi hung up the break room phone.

She slipped her phone into her apron pocket as she walked under the sign “No Phones Allowed In The Kitchen”

Lori was alone again in her bathroom, being penetrated by random pulses and vibrations, like being fucked by a spectre. 

Lexi had teased her before during sex, but never like this, unseen, unheard, never knowing when the next buzz would come, it drove Lori mad, she braced one hand against the wall and reached out with the other.

Her hand found the dessert tray. She grabbed a creamy french pastry and shoved it into her mouth as another bolt of electricity shot through her. Waves of fat rippled across her belly with every pulse. 

“Oh God, Lexi.”

Every time she thought she was about to orgasm the pulses receded. She knew Lexi was at work but she needed to cum.

How long had she been sneaking her hand into her apron to press the button, thought Lexi as she snuck again. How long did it usually take Lori to cum? Not that she’d ever set a timer, but she must be close by now. Lexi spun the app dial to hurry things along, she was too horny to get any work done.

Lori couldn’t move. This amount of teasing would usually leave her squirming, but the only part of her body she could move was her feet and toes. In the tight confines of the bathtub, she couldn’t turn, she couldn’t move her legs, she couldn’t sit up, she pushed against the wall with one hand while she got another pastry from the dessert tray. Being unable to predict the next pulse and unable to move except for her hand next to a food cart introduced a bizarre new element to her masturbating where she kept wanting to fill her mouth with food. 

It was like bondage, but whenever Lori and Lexi had played with ropes, Lori could still move a little, she could still wiggle and squirm. This was so much more constrictive.

“Lexi please, I’m so close, please…” Lori attempted to send thoughts to her wife across town to hit the button again and again, “don’t stop, don’t stop.”

Lexi had her hand in her apron pocket, pressing the button furiously, how would she know when Lori orgasmed? Would Lori call her? Txt her? She decided to keep pressing to be sure.

“Oh ohh ohh, ahhhHHHHhhhhh” Lori had crossed the threshold, it was a surreal orgasm being unable to move, barely able to arch her back she was so tightly wedged. The waves crashed through her body, “Ungh ungh ungh, AHH AHHHH AHHHHHHH”


Lexi snapped out of her trance, pulled her hand out of her pocket and looked around the kitchen frantically for the danger. 

“Lexi, you’re on fire!”

One of the dishwashers wrapped Lexi in a fire blanket, which is when she noticed the flames running up her sleeve, “AHHHHH!”

And just like that the fire was out. One cook turned off the stove, another waved a towel to clear the smoke before the alarm went off.

Lexi was ushered back to the break room. The head chef looked her over, “where’s your head tonight?”

“Sorry, my wife-um -isn’t feeling well and I guess I’m worried about her.”

“Do you need to go home?”

Lexi wanted to go home, badly. But wasn’t sure what to do now that this dramatic line had been crossed. She didn’t want to misinterpret and run home to find out remote vibe sex wasn’t an invitation to anything else. 

“I’m fine. I just need a minute.”

“And a new top.” 

Lexi looked at her scorched sleeve, “right, I’ve got another in my locker.”

“Take your time, we need your help tonight but you’re no help to us distracted like that.”

“I’ll be okay.”

The head chef went back into the kitchen. Lexi leaned back against the lockers. She pulled out her phone, there was a message from Lori, “my hero, thank you ;)”


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