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Chapter 2 of 16 of my 6th stuck story, Bath Bomb.


“Ahoy, Alexandra,” Lori dropped her bag and tossed her keys on the table. 

“Howdy, Hannalore,” Lexi always had to swallow her heartache a bit when she was reminded about their longstanding domestic bliss. Silly exchanges they’d been saying to each other for years made her yearn for a return to intimacy. 

Lori collapsed on the sofa, spread out her arms and hung her head back. 

The sound of Lori’s sigh and the sofa’s creak made Lexi blush, she stayed in the kitchen, afraid if she got too close she wouldn’t be able to stop from touching her wife. She busied herself getting a glass of water, “long day?”

“My chair broke again, went back and forth with HR forever to get a new one.”

Lexi choked on her water, “sorry hun, that sucks.” She needed to get out of here, when did her shift at the restaurant start? 

Lori’s eyes were closed. From the kitchen Lexi watched her breathe, watched her belly push against the tight waistband of her trousers with every breath, watched the buttons pucker open. Lori was due for the next sizes up again. She had to pinch herself to look away before she was caught staring, “you should take a bath.”

Lexi didn’t know where those words had come from. There was no way Lori could fit in the bathtub anymore. The last time Lori had been in the bathtub was the year they moved in, the two of them had tried to take a bath together, and even though it was one of the sexiest things Lexi could remember, Lori complained the tub was too small. Not just too small for the two of them, but too small for her. Lexi could never convince Lori to take a bath with her in their own home again, though when booking holidays, Lexi always tried to find hotels with oversized tubs and jacuzzis so they could bath together again.

“A bath would be amazing!” Lori moaned. It was a thought that hadn’t crossed her mind in years. She used to love baths. She pushed aside the claustrophobic memories of her bath with Lexi years ago. She’d spent the entire day negotiating around her weight, she didn’t want to have to do it in her own home.

“Maybe I WILL have a bath,” she said again, as much to convince herself as anything else. 

Lexi needed to get out of there. She had a hard enough time knowing that Lori was naked in the same house, but naked and squeezed into their bathtub was too much. “Great! Well I gotta work late anyway so light some candles, put on some music, treat yourself.”

“What’s the event tonight?” Lori knew Lexi was taking private party shifts that went well beyond the restaurants usual hours, she suspected it was to avoid being home together, in the same way her overtime was to avoid being home together.”

“Some magazine thing, p-plus size models,” Lexi’s stutter gave her away.

“Oh my god, you’re feeding a room full of fat women, it’s your heaven!” Lori could still enjoy a good tease.

“D-do you want one of my bath bombs?” Lexi needed to change the subject. 

“The luxury!”

Lexi hurried to the bathroom to find a bath bomb under the sink. She found Lori getting undressed in the bedroom, she turned her back, holding the bath bomb behind her. 

Lori was endlessly amused by Lexi’s chivalrous behavior since their separation, it reminded her of the early months of nervous flirting when they first met. She put on a robe and tied it, though it didn’t fully cover her, and took the bath bomb, “so just toss it in as it’s filling up?”

Lexi glanced back, trying to avoid staring at her wife’s enormous belly peaking out between both sides of the robe, “no no, drop it in after you get in, they sizzle and float around, I like to watch them dissolve.”

Lori gave Lexi a peck on the cheek, “have fun at work! Wink wink!” 

Her face was too red to successfully laugh off the tease.

Lexi grabbed her bag and her phone, “I brought home a casserole from the lunch shift! 15 minutes at 300 should reheat it without burning it, but I know you’re going to eat it cold.”

“I’m going to eat it cold,” Lori leaned out of the bathroom with a smile to watch her wife leave, “love you.”

“Love you too,” outside the door Lexi couldn’t stop shaking. She wanted to tell Lori there was also a tray of desserts in the freezer but she didn’t want to press her luck. She took the stairs to decompress.


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