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Chapter 1 of 16 of my 6th stuck story, Bath Bomb.


Lori used to look forward to arriving home, her space to relax and unwind, toss off her bra and strip to her panties. 

That was before the separation. 

They really did pick the worst time to separate, thought Lori. She and Lexi separated a year and a half ago… because Lori got too fat. 

Not too fat for Lexi of course, never too fat for Lexi. And that was the problem. Lexi’s constant adoration and feeding had caused Lori to gain more weight than Lori had ever thought possible. 

Lori didn’t mind being curvy when she met Lexi 8 years ago. She didn’t mind being pudgy when they got married 6 years ago. She didn’t mind being chubby when they bought their apartment 5 years ago. But she’d left curvy and pudgy and chubby behind her a long time ago. Now she was FAT. And as long as she stayed with Lexi she worried she’d never stop getting fatter. 

Lexi had never kept her preferences and kinks a secret, even early on. Lexi was a chef after all. Feeding people comes with the job. And Lori loved the adoration. Parts of her body which had never been given any attention before were given endless attention by Lexi. Her softest spots become her most sensual spots, and year by year she had less and less hard spots and more and more soft spots until finally she was soft all over. 

She wouldn’t have minded being fat even if she thought her rate of fatness could be controlled. But fat quickly became fatter, and fatter, and fatter still. All of their attempts to get Lexi to back off or slow down never slowed down the needle as it kept moving up the scale. When she finally passed 400lbs a year and a half ago she’d had to put an end to things. 

But the needle picked the worst time to cross the 400lb line, as it also happened to be during the worst housing bubble burst they’d seen in their lifetime. The apartment they owned was buried in negative equity. They couldn’t sell. At the same time, the rental market was in crisis with rents going through the roof. Neither of them could afford to move out. 

So there they were. Separated together in the same home. Money was so tight they couldn’t even afford to swap their queen size bed for two single beds. Their separation was a farce, still sharing a home, still sharing a bed. And even the reason behind their separation, Lori’s fatness, still sharing meals. 

Lori took a little solace knowing that even though her weight was still climbing a year and a half later, that Lexi could only watch from across the room. But that also meant that Lori was being denied adoration as well. They discreetly allowed each other to masturbate in private, Lori fantasizing about Lexi touching her, Lexi fantasizing about touching Lori. They hadn’t gotten to the stage of separation of seeing other people. Divorce hadn’t been discussed yet. Both of them had hopped that if Lori’s weight gain slowed down then they could get back together, but Lori’s weight kept climbing.

Even with Lexi on her best behavior. Short of giving up cooking as a profession she’d done her best to only prepare the most reasonable amounts of food in their home, to never offer seconds (but also never deny them) to limit extravagant desserts to special occasions and give most of the treats she baked away to friends and family (minus some that she would “allow” Lori to sneak when she thought Lexi wasn’t looking). 

So Lori and Lexi were stuck. They had separated so that Lori might get unfatter, but a year and a half later and she was now the fattest she’d ever been. At this rate they’d never get back together. 

And now as Lori arrived home from a long day at the office, she knew she couldn’t strip naked and spread out on the sofa, that would be too teasing to Lexi. Instead she looked forward to Lexi leaving for her job at the restaurant so she could have the house to herself. 

To deal with being separated together, Lori and Lexi both threw themselves into their work. Extra shifts at the restaurant, overtime at the office. Anything to keep them from being in the house together, resisting their urge to hug, kiss, touch, fuck, feed. 

In the lobby, Lori checked the mail, flipping through the junk as she waddled to the elevator. 

She opened the doors and pulled back the folding gate, turning herself sideways to squeeze into the antique elevator. Compressing her belly as much as she could to get through the door, no room to exhale until she got out on her floor. The elevator was the bane of Lori’s existence since they first viewed the place 5 years ago. The memory of squeeing in with Lexi and the estate agent, staring at the “400lb weight limit” as she tried to do the math, her own 250lbs, plus Lexi’s 100lbs, plus the estate agent’s 140lbs… would it break? Then for years she worried about her 350lbs and Lexi’s 100lbs… would it break? Now, with 400lbs a fading memory… would it break?

They only thing worse than dying in a plummeting elevator was taking the steps. 

Lexi heard the elevator and instinctively went to the peep hole on the front door, to get a glimpse of her enormous wife's attempt to unwedge herself from the too tiny elevator. When Lori was finally free the elevator swung back and forth from the shifting weight and Lori leaned against the wall to catch her breath. Lexi ducked back to the kitchen, breathing to calm herself down. 

Before their separation, Lexi would have pounced onto Lori the moment she came in the door and fucked her until her shift started at the restaurant. Now she tried her best to hide her horniness every afternoon, every evening, and every morning, every day. She worked to be Lori’s best friend and confidant and wife. She knew from the moment they met that Lori loved food and had incredible potential to gain weight, but she also knew early on that Lori had no intention of getting fatter forever. Lexi’s hope was either that Lori’s weight would plateau, or that she’d develop some enjoyment, or at least acceptance, of her ever growing body.

She couldn’t blame Lori for asking to separate when she did. She’d grown fatter than Lexi had ever dreamed possible, faster than Lexi thought possible. When Lexi imagined Lori gaining weight, it was at a slow enough pace that Lori would have time to accept her new size. Lexi wanted Lori’s weight gain to be sustainable. She was also too foolishly horny to practice the restraint she needed to practice. She saw the separation coming for months. With each new obstacle Lori’s fatness met, Lexi anticipated an equal an opposite consequence. The outgrowing of clothing and outgrowing of things and outgrowing of places was escalating so quickly in the last six months before separation that it was no surprise when Lori finally put an end to things. A roller coaster that exciting needs to end eventually.

But now Lexi was on her best behavior. Her best cooking behavior, her best baking behavior, her best wife behavior. Time was wearing her down though. 18 months is a long time. And despite Lexi’s best efforts to help Lori control her weight, Lori’s fatness persisted. Since the separation Lexi was no longer privy to the number on Lori’s scale. Lexi didn’t know if Lori even used the scale anymore or if that had just been for her sexual gratification. But she knew the number was still going up. She could see Lori getting fatter. It was a curse, watching her wife grow more desirable every day while that same desirability pushed her further away. 


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