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Chapter 10 of 15 of my latest weight gain/stuck story: 40 for 40.


Marion felt her fat against the frame of the narrow shower door as she pushed herself in sideways. 

To fit the old claw foot tub she wanted in their small upstairs bathroom, she had to compromise with a small corner shower stall. This compromise was made when Marion was over 100 pounds lighter and seemed like a good idea at the time.

The small shower became the bane of her existence at the end of every pregnancy. Every time, Marion and Roger had serious talks about renovating the upstairs to make room for a larger shower, but then she delivered the baby, lost the belly and renovating the upstairs dropped down their list of house priorities.

Bigger now than she ever was while pregnant, Marion wished they had gone through with the renovations years ago.

Squeezing through the shower door was just the beginning, once she was inside, she felt herself press against all sides of the shower stall. Her fat upper arms, love handles and hips pushed against the sides of the shower in one direction, and in front and behind her belly and butt pressed against the glass and the tile. 

Her every movement was accompanied by the sound of wet, soapy, flesh squeaking against some surface. 

They used to leave the soap and shampoo bottles on the floor of the shower, but she quietly purchased a suction cup shelf to hold everything up high when she found she could no longer bend down to reach them.

Marion found showering was easier if she lathered herself up straight away, being soapy all over made it easier to turn and move in the shower. 

She had just covered herself in soap when Roger slipped into the bathroom, “the kids are all watching cartoons.”

She knew he was up to something, “um, Rog, I don’t think-“

Roger quickly jumped out of his clothes and opened the shower door.

Marion faced him, filling the entirety of the stall. Even by opening the door, her belly poked outside, “sorry, hun, I’m afraid there’s not room for two anymore.”

Neither of them could remember the last time they’d showered together in their own home. They still enjoyed doing it on holidays, but since having kids it was rare the two of them could sneak away at the same time.

Marion could see in Roger’s eyes, that the fact that she completely filled the shower was not going to deter him. If anything, it made him more eager to get in. 

Roger placed a hand on her belly and pushed Marion against the far corner of the stall as he pressed tight against her to get in. They turned and twisted, Roger made his way to the inside and tried to close the door around Marion but every attempt to close the door bounced off her fat. Marion tried to reach back to close the door, pulling it against her butt.

“Forget it, leave it open” smiled Roger, “I’ll mop up after.”

Roger had already showered once this morning, so Marion figured the point of this endeavor wasn’t cleanliness as Roger ran his hands across her wet, slippery fat. 

Under the water, she enjoyed the kisses the most, it felt like a rainy movie kiss.

Cramped as they were, Roger struggled to get his fingers under Marion’s belly and into her pussy, “shower sex used to be easy,” he lamented, but he wasn’t really lamenting.

“That was before,” Marion said, pushing her weight against him as she kissed him.

“Before what?” Roger asked, knowing the answer.

“Before,” KISS “I” KISS “got” KISS “fat.”

Marion wondered if she could make Roger cum just by saying the word fat. She was pretty sure she could.

Roger pressed Marion back against her side of the shower, her fat squishing out the door. He lifted her belly and pushed a finger inside her while another moved on her clit. 

Marion wished she could lift a leg up for a better position but there was no room. She tried to grab Roger’s penis to pull on him but she couldn’t reach, pressed against each other like they were. Roger bit her nipples and Marion braced her hands against the shower, she was going to let Roger do his thing and hold on. She worried if she slipped in the shower they’d need a crane to lift her out.

When she came she dug her nails into his back and bit his shoulder to keep from screaming.

They stood, frozen, pressed against each other under the running water.

“How do we take care of you?” Marion didn’t like imbalance.

“Put a towel down on the bed.” Roger never lacked for ideas. 

“Wait, wait, wait.” Roger stopped Marion on her way out the door.

Marion could tell inspiration had struck.

“Don’t turn sideways.”

Marion looked at the shower door and back to Roger, “sideways is the only way I’ll fit anymore, I’m too fat.” She demonstrated pressing herself against the shower doorway, her fat arms, love handles and hips much wider than the frame.

“I know.”

Marion could hear a shakiness in Roger’s voice, like he was vibrating with excitement. She wasn’t entirely sure what she was supposed to do, but she figured whatever she was doing he’d find ridiculously sexy.

“Like this?” Marion twisted and squeezed her arms out in front of her out of the shower, she bent forward, pushing her shoulders and chest through until her belly met the frame. Her top half hung out of the shower, she didn’t worry about falling over, as her fat safely held her back.

She recalled the feeling of tightness she experienced when she got stuck in the porthole of the pirate ship. If she’d known it would drive Roger this crazy, maybe she should tell him about it. She was finding this whole situation very amusing.

She looked back over her shoulder, “I told you I wouldn’t fit,” she pressed against the door frame some more, her belly fat wedged into the frame. 

There was a blankness in Roger’s face, as if she’d crashed a computer.

Marion wiggled her bum against Roger, to bring him back online.

Roger grabbed Marion by the hips and pushed.

Marion laughed at the attempt, “careful! I’ll get stuck!” though she could tell that might not be a bad thing, she had a feeling she needed to brace herself for what was to come.

Roger pushed again, getting himself into position behind her, Marion spread her legs and got on her tip toes to get a bit higher.

She ass jutted further out behind than she used too, Roger had further to reach to get inside. He hunched over her and fumbled to enter her. 

If they were doing this in a bed, Marion could reach back and help guide him in, but wedged as she was all she could do was hold on.

Finally Roger found her pussy and pushed himself in. The thrusting was unlike anything Marion had felt before. From behind in a bed, she would be bracing herself with her arms and legs. But here, her feet slipping on the shower floor, her arms down against the outside of the shower, her belly and hips wedged in the frame the only thing keeping her in place. She could feel herself lurch forward and back with every push, but her fat kept bringing her back to the center.

She settled in the doorframe, her top half outside, her bottom half inside, the frame firmly in the crease of fat between her belly and her hips.

“Roger-I-“ THRUST “-I’m stuck-“ THRUST “-I’m stuck-“ THRUST “-I’m stuck in the doorway!” THRUST

Roger collapsed on her back as he came, his knees weak, even his weight combined with hers wasn’t enough to budge her. 

Marion laughed, she was giddy at the power she had over Roger lately. She knew he had always found her sexually attractive, but now, the slightest jiggle and simplest turn of phrase drove him over the edge. Her fat put him under her spell entirely. 

She could feel Roger still resting on her back, “Roger honey, I’m not teasing you, I’m stuck.”

“You keep saying things like that we’re going to have to go again.”

“Sure, let’s go again, just get me unstuck first.” Roger usually needed a little while to reset, but she wondered if his reset time had gotten faster as she’d gotten fatter.


Marion wiggled her butt to demonstrate she couldn’t make any progress forward or back, “really. You kinda wedged me in here with all that fucking.” 

“Okay, sorry, okay,” Roger ran his hands across Marion’s ass while he thought, “let’s pull you back in and you can go back out sideways.”

He grabbed her hips, not unlike the position he was just in for sex, but this time pulling backwards instead of pushing forwards.

Marion felt herself move backwards, but also felt her love handles and belly hanging down outside the door holding her back, “I think there’s too much of me on this side to squeeze back in.”

Roger kept moving his hands in circles from her hips to her butt. 

“I usually use soap to help me move about the shower,” Marion felt like she was admitting more than she wanted to, “it makes me all… slippery.”


“It’s a small shower!”

She could hear Roger rifle through the soaps and lotions and then she felt a gel squirt onto her where the doorframe divided her belly and hips.

Roger pressed his hands into her already squeezed flesh to work in as much soap as he could. This was like when Roger lotioned her up at the beach, but with a particular focus on her ass. She even noticed him lathering areas she was certain would never come into contact with the doorframe.

“Ready?” Marion wanted to hurry him along, or they’d be there all day, she didn’t want the kids to find her like this.

Marion braced herself against the outside of the shower and pushed herself while Roger grabbed her ass and shoved.

Her soapy flesh squeaked against the frame.

“Come on, Roger” Marion was getting worked up now, rocking back and forth, “get me unstuck and fuck me.”

Roger got lower and braced his legs against opposite end of the shower, pushing himself against Marion’s ass. 

“Oooh, I hate this stupid tiny shower!” With a pop, Marion’s fat shot through the frame and Marion fell forward, sliding wet and soapy along the bathroom floor like a seal, all the way to the opposite wall.

Roger fell out behind her. He shuffled across the bathroom to her. “Marion, are you okay?”

Marion kissed Roger and grabbed him, pulling him on top of her. She could feel he was ready to go again, “quick, get inside me.”

Both wet and slippery, Roger and Marion slid against each other, they could barely keep it together enough to fuck, Roger kept slipping out as they slid. Marion had expected Roger to lose his mind, but what was coming over her? What had just happened? Why did this make her so horny?

“You got me unstuck, now fuck me.”

And he did.


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