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The penultimate chapter of my BBW weight gain/stuck story, A Round Peg! Tune in Friday for the thrilling conclusion!  


It was the mundanity that Peg loved the most about this second attempt with Jaye. Going to the movies, making dinner together, having sex in a bed and not squeezed in some confined space. 

Jaye was obviously on her best behavior, and Peg appreciated it. She liked that Jaye was still affectionate with her fat while holding back the weird shit. It allowed Peg some power to drop an occasional fetishy flirt, when she wanted to, on her own terms. 

She’d even allowed herself the occasional donut while at work.  

She hadn’t told Jaye about the nightmares, thankful they’d subsided since they had gotten back together. She started to wonder if the she had let her imagination run away with her before. Jaye had been nothing but kind and supportive and Peg let a bad dream torpedo their burgeoning relationship just as it was getting started. 

Peg vowed not to let it happen again. She refilled her tablet with fat acceptance books, she wanted to be strong enough, mentally, so that Jaye wouldn’t have to walk on eggshells all the time.

They were watching TV when Peg decided to test her newfound mental fortitude. “I want to tell you something.” 

Jaye had been lying with her head on Peg’s belly, her “favorite pillow.” She turned from the tv to look up at Peggy.

“About when we first got back together.”

Jaye sat up, Peg watched as Jaye turned off the TV and sat facing her, it felt so good to be listened to so attentively. “After that… day.”

“That day.”

“That Day.” Peg was glad they were on the same page. “I had a bad dream.”

“I’m so sorry,” Jaye reached out but Peggy stopped her.

“It wasn’t your fault, it’s my mind. But I wanted to tell you about it… because, well you’d probably like it.”

Jaye looked hurt, “I never want you to have a bad dream.”

“Of course not, but the subject matter of the dream, it was…” Peg didn’t know where she was going, why did she feel the need to tell Jaye this? It was just an anxiety dream, it didn’t mean anything. She worried she was sabotaging their relationship, again.

“I had gotten fat.” Peg saw Jaye’s eyebrows cock, Peg laughed and pushed Jaye over on the sofa, “not like THIS fat,” she grabbed her belly, “like even fatter, the most fat, like 500 pounds!” she opened her arms up wider and wide, touching both ends of the sofa.

Jaye tried her best to keep a straight face, why was Peggy telling her this? But she could feel her face turning red, she could feel herself getting wet.

“And The Donut Hole wasn’t doing well, and I was doing nothing but eating donuts all day, and you had to help me in and out of the phone booth because I couldn’t fit anymore.”

“I had to… what?” Jaye tried to steady herself but she could feel herself shaking.

“I couldn’t fit, and I couldn’t stop eating and you came to help me out of the phone booth and I got stuck.”

“You- got, um…” 

“Stuck. Stuck in the doorway, and you tried to help me out but I was stuck.”

“Uh-huh,” Jaye had lost the capacity for coherent speech.

“But instead of helping me, you fed me donuts, while I was stuck in the doorway, you just kept feeding me and feeding me, it was getting tighter and tighter.” Peg had never considered herself a strong storyteller, but Jaye’s reactions made her think she was developing a knack for it.

Jaye could only blink now, the room was spinning. 

“And then I got turned on. Every donut you fed me was getting me closer to orgasm, I was begging you to feed me.”

Jaye’s mouth hung open, her breathing was getting heavy, she worried she might be drooling.

Peg felt herself getting more aroused as she went on, she thought she was telling this story for Jaye’s benefit, why was it turning her on? “And when you shoved the last donut in my mouth I came, I came so hard I demolished the Donut Hole into a pile of rubble.”

“A-And then what?” Jaye whispered. 

“And then I wake up, I would always wake up when I orgasmed and The Donut Hole collapsed.”

“You had this dream more than once?”

“Almost every night for two weeks.” Saying it like that made Peg feel like she maybe was the weird one.

“Wh-What does it mean?”

It was an obvious question that Peg was entirely unprepared for. What did the dream mean? She had blamed Jaye for the dreams but beyond that she hadn’t delved very deeply into their meaning. “They’re just dreams, my brain trying to process everything that was happening between us, all your fantasies, filtered through my anxiety at reopening the Donut Hole.

“All my fantasies?” Jaye didn’t want to argue, but she also didn’t want to be blamed for the actions of dream-Jaye, “It was your dream.”

“Yeah, but that’s not my fantasy, you feeding me donuts, me gaining hundreds of pounds, getting stuck, that’s your silly stuff.” If that were true, why did Peg feel her face getting flush? Why was she getting so turned on?

“So your telling me all this, why?”

Another obvious question Peg didn’t know the answer to. “I- I don’t know…”

“Do you want to try it?” Jaye had been so cautious for so long, but why else was Peggy telling her all this?

“Try what?” Peg wondered what she had gotten herself into.

“Do you want me to feed you?”

Jaye locked eyes with Peg and didn’t back down. 

“It was a nightmare, I woke up screaming, covered in sweat.”

“You said the dream ended with an orgasm.”

Putting it that way, Peg had to admit it sounded like a good dream. “It scared me.”

Jaye knew she was threading a needle. “What scared you?”

Peg sat with the question, what had scared her? She was enormous in the dream, but it felt natural in the dream, the donuts tasted delicious, she was having an orgasm, even being stuck in the doorway didn’t feel bad, it felt like she had been restrained, it teased her more than anything. The more she thought about it, the less things there were that really scared her, “it scared me that The Donut Hole was failing… and it scared me that you weren’t you.”

Jaye felt like they were making a breakthrough, “that dream me wasn’t real me?”

“The dream you didn’t help me when I asked her for help. The real you always listens. The real you always helps.”

“It sounds like the scary thing was a lack of control. Control over the future of The Donut Hole, and control over what we were doing together.”

Something that had upset Peg for weeks, that had been her reason for their separation, now seemed very small, a slight shift in perspective and the nightmare was gone.

“But it is absurd, I mean, feeding me donuts until I get so fat I can’t fit through the door…” Peg almost lost her breath saying it.

Jaye could sense Peggy retreating, but she wanted to hold on, “Peggy, I’ll do whatever you want me to do, in whatever way you want, at whatever pace you’re comfortable with. Do you want me to feed you?”

The answer had to be no, Peg thought, it had to be, hadn’t it? “Yes.”


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