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The thrilling conclusions of my latest weight gain/stuck story!


Box of lube in hand Maria rushes inside the house. She kicks the sex toys out of the way in the bathroom. She tries to focus on the task at hand and not get distracted staring at Melissa’s dramatic derrière. She had an even harder time finding the window frame this time. Melissa’s lower belly and hips flared out in all directions, and just like outside, her fluffiness gave way to an impossible tightness at the point where she was wedged. Maria tried her best to slip the butter and lard between Melissa’s fat and the window frame. There was no space, and Melissa’s bottom half took up so much of the bathroom that Maria had a difficult time even maneuvering around her to reach. 

She emptied the end of the olive oil onto Melissa’s lower back and watched it drip down her hanging belly. She put the box aside and washed her hands, Melissa needed to be slippery but Maria needed her grip if she was going to have any luck pulling. Padding her hands dry on the towel, Maria admired Melissa’s glistening globes. She snapped herself out of it and shook out her arms and legs like a body builder about to lift a weight.

“I’m going to give you a pull, you ready?”

“Wait, let me put my spoon down… ok, ready!”

Maria tried to figure out where and what to grab, was she grabbing Melissa’s ankle? Her thigh? Her hips? She found herself awkwardly pawing at Melissa’s bottom half as she searched for a position that would give her some much needed leverage. She decided on the thigh to start. It was like hugging a tree. A soft, sexy tree. Maria marveled at the weight of Melissa’s leg, the enormity of her challenge was beginning to dawn on her. Maria wasn’t weak, if she could barely lift Melissa’s thigh, what hope did she have of budging her? 

With one leg braced against the wall, Maria rocks back in forth in preparation. “One for the money, two for the show, three to make ready and four to… GO!”

Outside, Melissa tried any way she could to push herself back in but she had nothing to push off of.

Inside, Maria strained, she quickly moved from thigh to hips to ankle, looking for any advantage. The total lack of progress shocks her a bit.

“Ok, that’s not the way to do it.” Maria cuts the attempt short. 

Melissa catches her breath. “Where you pulling?”

“I was yeah. I was trying to anyway. It’s like trying to get a Buick out of the mud.” As the words come out of her mouth an idea follows, “That’s it!”

“What’s it?”

“I was silly to think I could just yank you out of there with brute strength. That’s impossible. I probably couldn’t even move you if you weren’t stuck. Instead we’re going to rock you like a sexy Buick. We’re going to use your weight to build some momentum and see if we can inch you out poco a poco.”

“Sounds like a plan. What do I do?”

Maria positions herself at Melissa’s ass like a starship captain at the helm. “Follow my lead.” Maria shoves Melissa’s ass to one side, then quickly grabs her fat and pulls it to the other side. Melissa’s legs do the majority of the work, left and then right and then back again. She moves beside Melissa and positions her shoulder against her hip and as Melissa rocks, Maria shoves as hard as she can. Melissa’s ass swings from one side to the other and slams back into Maria, throwing her against the wall. 

“Oh my god, are you ok?” Melissa stops but her fat keeps swaying. 

Rattled, Maria gets hypnotized by the waves of flesh. “Don’t stop!” Maria jumps up from the floor and throws herself into Melissa’s side to get her rocking again. She finds a safe rhythm to push and then pull without getting wrecking balled. 

Outside, Melissa has trouble keeping herself steady as the extreme movements inside are pulling her in every direction.

Maria decides to add another dimension to the plan. As Melissa’s bottom half swings to one side, Maria grabs her love handle and pulls. Then, as Melissa swings back Maria hops to the other side and tugs at that love handle. She hears the squeak of lubed flesh. “It’s working!”

“We need up and down to!” Maria jumps back to a steering position at Melissa’s ass and lifts her bum up when she goes one way and down when she goes another, alternating between a circular pattern and a figure eight. Another squeak. “Keep going, don’t stop!”

Maria surprises Melissa back outside. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think!” Maria grabs the inner tube of belly fat outside the window and shoves, trying to follow the pattern of movement. Melissa puts her hands on Maria’s shoulders and tries to push herself back. Another squeak. “All right!” Maria runs back inside and wraps her arms as far around Melissa as she can, and tugs this way and that as Melissa rocks, but instead of a squeak there’s a CRACK.

Melissa feels the first bit of relief she’s felt all day as the wooden window frame cracks.

“That works too!” Maria doubles her efforts. Crack. CRACK.

“I’m moving! I’m moving!” There’s excitement and trepidation in Melissa’s voice, she’s on the verge of freedom, but she feels like a run away train with all of Maria’s pushing and shoving. All of her fat is swinging like a pendulum, she’s off balance, she couldn’t stop herself if she wanted too. 

Molding and drywall fall on Melissa’s head, she looks up to see the crack running along the window frame and up the wall, “Maria!”

Maria doesn’t stop.


A pane of glass bursts out of the window and falls past Melissa, scaring her, “Maria!”

“This is it!” Maria excitedly watches the cracks race out from the window frame and through the drywall, up to the ceiling. 


More glass falling, “Are you okay?” Maria checks.

“I’m fine I’m just- I’m just-EEEEEEEEEE“


With a crash and a crumble Melissa falls backwards into the bathroom, the wall and ceiling follow. “AAHHHHHHH” Maria screams, she still has her arms around Melissa’s ass, is smooshed as Melissa falls back onto her. 

A post-collapse quiet comes over the bathroom, Melissa’s labored breathing is the only sound. She looks around but can’t find Maria. “Maria? Maria! Are you okay-YELP” There’s a pinch on her ass. Melissa rolls over to find Maria underneath her, crushed.

“Oh my goodness are you okay?”

Hearts, stars and birds circle Maria’s head, “never better!”

“That was so dangerous! You could have been killed!”

“It was worth it, to get another chance to fuck you.” Maria crawls up to Melissa, kisses her. But Melissa pushes her away.

“Nuh-uh, that wasn’t our deal.”

Maria feels cheated.

“What do you mean, that was the deal exactly! I tore down the whole house to get you out!”

“We agreed to not have sex until I got unstuck and well,” Melissa brings Maria’s attention to the window frame, still wedged around her middle, “I’m still stuck.”

Maria calms down. “Of course, of course, let’s get that off.” Maria helps Melissa to her feet, she’s wobbly after spending all day in such an awkward position. “We’ll need tools.”

Melissa waddles over to the toilet, “I’m just going to rest here.” Her belly squashes out as she sits and the stressed wood can’t take it, SPLINTERS and bursts off. “OH!” It was a familiar sensation for Melissa, she’d lost many pairs of jeans to exploding waistbands.

Maria looks pleased with herself, “well that was a gimmie.” She leans over Melissa with a kiss. 

“Maybe lets have sex outside the disaster zone” Melissa suggests surveying the drywall dust and shattered glass.

“Good idea,” Maria helps Melissa to her feet, “after you.”

Melissa steps gingerly through the rubble, bumps into the too small doorframe of the bathroom door. “He-he” she blushes, turns herself sideways. She works herself through little by little, a bit of one butt cheek, a bit of belly, she didn’t remember the bathroom door being this tight. “Heh.” 

Maria’s eyes go wide, this can’t be happening.

Melissa catches her breath, struggles to make progress. The doorframe draws a straight line down the middle of her, one cheek in, one cheek out, one boob in, one boob out, her belly spills out on either side, squished. “I-um, I-“

Tears of joy well up in Maria’s eyes. She grabs Melissa’s face and kisses her, pirouettes her tongue in Melissa’s mouth. Melissa is flushed, “stuck again.”

Maria kisses her again, “this calls for cake!” Maria grabs too handfuls of fat and squeezes, she jumps out the hole in the wall down to the ground and dashes around to the kitchen. 

Melissa laughs, she’s embarrassed, but what fun! Maria surprises her on the hallway side with an entire chocolate cake. “I thought you meant a slice!”

Maria places the cake on Melissa’s shelf-like bosom and hands her a fork with a kiss, “don’t worry, Mel, I’ll get you out, but first…” Maria pours lube all over her hand and down her arm. She drops to her knees and maneuvers herself under Melissa’s constricted belly. Maria squeezes her hand between Melissa’s thighs and her apron, reaching as far up as she can, her face deep in Melissa’s hanging belly, her other hand wrapped around Melissa’s thigh like she’s climbing a tree.

“No hurry,” Melissa says in between forkfuls of cake, “take your time!”

As Maria’s fingers reach their destination, Melissa’s fork becomes clumsy and awkward. One finger becomes two, Melissa drops the fork. Two becomes three, “UNGH” She brings her mouth directly to the cake to lick the cream cheese icing, “UNGGH” her face dives through the icing into the chocolate below as Maria’s entire hand enters her. “UNG-UNG-UNG-UNG-UNG” She gasps! Her legs buckle, she’s afraid she’ll crush Maria when she falls, but she doesn’t fall, she’s suspended in mid air, held aloft by the doorframe. She is completely. Utterly. Stuck.



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