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Chapter 2 of 5 of my new weight gain/stuck story.


“So this morning was supposed to be the start of my new exercise routine.”

“You’re not trying to lose weight are you?!” pried Maria, tipping her hand.

“What? No!” Melissa responded, surprised. “It was doctors orders.”

“I hate that, doctors are always pushing weight loss.” Maria knew she wasn’t playing it cool but couldn’t help herself.

Melissa got defensive, “No, my doctor’s a good doctor! She listens to me and this hike was supposed to be part of our deal.”

Maria realizes she’s stumbled upon something interesting. “What deal?”

“That’s not important is it? It doesn’t have anything to do with my getting stuck in your window.”

“Well if your doctor hadn’t prescribed a hike in the woods, you wouldn’t have broken into my cabin and stuffed yourself until you were wedged.”

Melissa sighs, “we dubbed them my stoutness exercises. My doctor told me I could get as fat as I want so long as I keep active.”

Maria’s eyes grew wide, “as fat as you WANT?”

Melissa blushed tries to back peddle, “as fat as I am, as fat as I’ve gotten, I mean-“

“You WANT to get fatter?”

“Do I really have to tell you all this?”

“It sure seems relevant to the topic at hand.”

“I’m a gainer.”

Maria felt like she needed to sit down, she was learning a new language for feelings she’s had her whole life.

“I eat and gain weight… for pleasure.”

“Pleasure?” Maria laid on the innuendo thick. 

Melissa blushes, speechless. 

“So you tell your doc you like being fat and want to get fatter, and she sends you off into the woods to find cabins full of food?” Maria was getting overexcited.

“The walk in the woods was supposed to be my end of the deal. She agreed to treat my fat and fat desires with respect so long as I didn’t neglect my health. High quality foods, regular exercise. Our goal was for me to be both fat and fit to whatever capacity I’m capable of.”

“And there’s no more enjoyable fitness than a walk in the woods on a sunny day.”

Dressed in jeans and a shirt that couldn’t quite cover her belly Melissa got in the car, felt her belly against the wheel, she noticed, and it made her smile.

Her car weaved through the mountain roads to a park with many trails into the woods. Melissa picked the most empty of the trails and started her morning walk. 

“I don’t know how long I’d been walking, but I was exhausted and starving. I’d eaten some fruit before I left and was drinking plenty of water, my body didn’t care, it wanted to eat.”

Melissa strolled through the woods when suddenly she was overcome by a smell.

“It was the most delicious feast I’d ever smelled.”

Guilty, Melissa stepped off the trail to follow her nose.

“I just couldn’t resist.”

Melissa stepped out of the woods to Maria’s cabin. She slowly approached the house.

“The smell became stronger with every step.”

Melissa shyly stepped onto the porch, addressed the door. “Maybe if I just knock and compliment them on such a wonderful smelling meal, they’ll offer me a taste.” She smiled as she knocked. But no one answered. Melissa peeked in the front window, her eyes wide at the sight.

Her mouth watered as she knocked again. “Hello? Is anyone at home?”

Frustrated that no one was answering Melissa tried the doorknob, locked. She took another look through the window.

“I couldn’t leave.”

Melissa strolled casually around to the back door, but it was locked as well. Defeated she made her way back to the front of the house. But something caught the corner of her eye. A window, slightly open.

Melissa approached the small shoulder height window. She lifted it open and poked her head inside. The bathroom. “Hello? Is anyone in there?” She closed her eyes dreamily, the smell of food was so strong in the house.

“Before I knew it I was trying to climb in the window, it was like I was under a spell.”

Her entrance proved to be quite a chore. It wasn’t the size of the window that challenged her but it’s height off the ground. Melissa stuck her arms and head through the window and tried to pull herself up but she was too heavy. Her legs shuffled about outside as she tried to find a ledge or some footing to climb up. She dragged over a trashcan to get her foot up on, but it was too high to give her a proper step. She hopped off the ground to try and get the leverage she needed to lift herself up. “Umph, oooo, come on Melissa, up you go! You use to be such a good climber.”

Finally she hopped high enough to where she could lift herself onto the trashcan and shove herself into the window. The metal trashcan immediately warped under her weight. She laid in the window, her belly filled it completely. Her body was half in and half out, she looked as though she was already stuck. But she was merely resting, catching her breath from the great expenditure of energy it took to lift herself off the ground.

Inside the window was only waist high and her hands easily reached the floor. Finally feeling a second wind Melissa started to pull herself through the window. It was slow going, with many rest stops, but she was making progress. Her feet kicked and flailed about outside as she tried to find footing on the wall as the trashcan left her reach. The commotion caused her sandals to slip off onto the ground. “Nuts.” 

She planted her hands against the wall and pulled herself left and right as her fat inched through the window. Her ass proved most difficult, but the variety of hip shaking dances she developed over the years while wrestling with her old clothes helped her shimmy through.

Finally she was in the bathroom. She laid on the floor on her back, out of breath again. The long time it had taken her to squeeze through the window, and the fact that she got stuck a few times should have worried her, but the hypnotizing aroma clouded her mind.

With the help of the sink she lifted herself to her feet and peeked into the hall. Not that she was paying attention to such things, but the fact that she was being sneaky led her to shuffle out of the bathroom sideways, had she attempted to walk through the door normally she would have found her hips too wide for such a passage.

Melissa wandered through the house towards the dining room table. “Hello-“

She stood frozen in the living room. The table was such a beautiful sight in person. She felt a tingle between her legs. She must be really hungry she thought, even for a gainer the mere sight of food was never this sexual before.

She cautiously neared the table, observing but not touching. She strolled around to the various trays and plates overflowing with food.

She looked around to see if anyone was watching.

“Just a taste,” she said as she poked a finger into a warm soufflé and brought it to her lips.

The taste overcomes her and in an instant her hand goes back for more. Soon she’s reaching for food from every plate. Not just mindlessly stuffing herself, but savoring every bite.

Melissa works her way down to the head of the table where she sits. Her butt overflows the chair. 

“It was all so good, I couldn’t stop.”

She fills and refills her plate, uses utensils for some foods, but finds them too slow for others. Soon she fines her plate too small for her helpings and pulls in entire platters instead. 

She leans across the table to reach a tantalizing ham but the waistband of her jeans pinches her belly and calls her back. With much effort she leans back in her chair and releases her belly, which pushes down the zipper and spills out onto her lap and up against the table. “Much better.”

She continues with her meal, never taking a bite of the same food twice in a row.

She reaches for a duck but the sound of straining fabric and the pop of a seam calls her back to reality. 

Not wanting anything to get in the way of her eating Melissa decided the jeans had to come off. Had she been paying attention she would have noticed the chair stood up with her for a brief moment before slipping off her hips and falling back onto the ground.

Melissa started to peel the jeans off herself. They were being stubborn. “Let go,” she said as she wiggled to get them off her hips. She bent over as she swished back and forth to get them off her thighs and found herself face to face with a marshmallow topped casserole. She dives into the casserole as she steps out of the jeans and kicks them away. Her panties are tangled in her jeans and come off with them. She doesn’t care, picking up the casserole and carrying it back to her chair. 

Free from the confines of her jeans her hips spill out through the armrests, overflowed the chair wherever they can. Melissa scoops the casserole out with her hands, licks the plate clean.

“I just ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate and ate!” 

Maria was taken aback by Melissa’s sudden exclamation. Melissa blushed, her legs squirmed inside, she was getting wet again. “Where was I?”

“You were eating.”

“Yes, so I ate and ate and ate, until at last...”

Melissa stands up to reach the last bite of food on the table with her fork. The chair stands up with her, but this time it doesn’t slide off, her hips are firmly stuck between the armrests.

She slides the last bite between her lips and sits back down, never noticing the chair is attached to her.

She sits back in the chair and closes her eyes, rubs her impossibly full belly, purrs satisfactorily.

A creak comes from below, she doesn’t hear it, but she does hear the crack that follows. Her eyes open wide for an instant before the chair completely collapses beneath her. The legs shoot out in all directions and the impact of her ass on the ground causes the armrests to shoot off in either direction, freeing her. “Oh my!”

Melissa sits on the floor surprised, surveys the damage around her. She laughs, giddy and exhausted with fullness. 

“Well,” she said as she patted her belly, “I must be going now.”

She smiles and grabs her belly, “If you’re sure you won’t have anymore?”

She jiggles her belly and talks for it, “is there anymore?”

Melissa cranes her neck above to see the ravaged table and looks down at her belly, “no, there isn’t.”

She jiggles her belly, “I thought not.”

With a final smack of her lips and lick of her fingers Melissa casually motions to stand up, but finds the simple task difficult. She rocks back and forth on her bottom while she uses the table to lift herself up. It takes her several tries to get to her feet and when she’s finally done she’s spent.

She leans against the table to catch her breath.

Her shirt did nothing to cover her now. It pinches her upper arms and runs out just below her breasts. Her belly pushes out in front of her and hangs to mid thigh. It would have thrown her off balance was it not for the massive ass jutting out so far behind her. Her hips formed shelves on either side of her waist and her thighs pushed her legs apart.

Melissa leans down and picks up her jeans. She feels a bit woozy, almost drunk she’s so stuffed. Oblivious to her new body she steps into each leg and gives the jeans a casual tug. They stop at her thighs. “What on Earth?”

Melissa wriggles and dances as she tries to pull the jeans up but they refuse to reach around her hips. “These can’t be the same pair.” She looks for another pair of jeans on the floor, but finds none. She tugs and tugs at the pair but they wouldn’t fit. She grows tired and pulls them off, frustrated. She holds them across her, they seemed so small all of a sudden. “Maybe the trail will be empty.” She thought if she could just hide behind the jeans and get to her car she could get home.

She wanders towards the back of the house. “I doubt I’m so lucky that the owner is my size, but maybe they have a sun dress or a robe I can ‘borrow’ long enough to get to the car.” Melissa opens a few of Maria’s drawers, shuffles through the too small clothes. She stops at the bottom drawer in the dresser by the bed. 

Three vibrators stare back at her.

“Digestif” she laughs to herself, as she sizes them up. The plug-in magic wand is too powerful, her stomach was uncomfortably full, she was in no mood to be rattled like that. The little bullet is too fussy, she was feeling tired and lazy and not motivated to perform the yogas necessary to keep the little vibe exactly where she wanted. That left the simple, classic eight-inch vibrator. Not too big, not too small, it felt well balanced in her hand, it was just right.

She applied some lube and laid back on the bed, one leg up on the footboard to help her get the angle right. Reaching across her stuffed, protruding belly brought on a shortness of breath. She wondered if she’d finally overdid it with the overeating but brief that passing thought only turned her on more. She only buzzed around her labia and clit for a moment before diving in. She rocked herself on the creaky bed. It wasn’t going to take long, it couldn’t take long, she didn’t have the energy to stay in this position much longer. She rolled the vibe in and out along her clit. She lifted herself up at the last moment and pushed the vibe in deep. UGH UUUUGHHHHHH Her face contorts and she loses her balance, collapsing back on the bed.

A rapid succession of SNAPS echo out as the wooden bed splinters and breaks under Melissa’s weight. “Oh!”

She catches her breath, then rolls off the mattress to survey the damage. “All this shoddy woodworking is marring my perfect crime.”

She finds a sanitary wipe conveniently in the vibrator drawer. She cleans and replaces the vibe.

“Now to make my exit.” She tries to open the front door but finds it deadbolted. “Nuts.”

She waddles back towards the bathroom. She takes one last look at the former feast. Blows it a kiss goodbye. She doesn’t notice that now, even sideways she completely fills the bathroom doorway, and it was a squeeze just to get inside.

Melissa notices her face in the bathroom mirror, there was still a bit of marshmallow on her cheek, she scoops it off with her finger and licks it up with a smile. She tosses her jeans out the window and gives her belly one last pat. She drops her belly and dives hands and head first into the window.


She’s almost immediately stuck. “What on Earth?” Her fleshy arms and chubby cheeks were squished together as her fat shoulders and breasts refused to fit through. Surprised, she wiggles and works her shoulders out. 


She plants her arms on the wall around the window and pulls with everything she has. Her huge legs push from inside. On one hand it was easier than coming in because her feet could reach the floor to push, but on the other hand, she was so much fatter, no amount of pushing was going to get her through.

One breast popped free of the window, Melissa grabbed the other one and pulled it through. She squeezed little further, just a bit into her belly and she stopped.

Her legs were running in place inside. Her belly rolled up against the wall around the window, unable to squeeze through. Minutes were passing and she wasn’t budging.

“This can’t be the same window!” She looked down and saw her sandals on the ground, it was indeed the same window.

She wasn’t making progress, the word “stuck” entered her head.

“Oh no. No, no, no, no, no! Come on Melissa, squeeze darlin’. Suck it in and squeeze honey!”

She tugged her shirt out from the window until she found her belly beneath. She grabbed the fat and pulled.

“Think thin thoughts, think thin.”

She pulled left and right, one roll of fat, then the other, slowly inching out the window.

“Think thin, think thin, think thin, think thin, think...”

Her progress stopped.


She wasn’t budging.


She stopped pushing and pulling. She caught her breath.

“Oh my, I’ve gotten too fat.” Her legs started to back peddle inside.

“I’ve got to- ugnh!” She tried to push herself back in.

“I’ve got to go back- oh!” Her great ass rocked left and right, trying to pull herself back inside.

“Maybe I can find another way- umph! Another way- oh! Another way...out!”

She couldn’t budge.

“Oh dear. Oh gracious. This all comes from eating too much!” She alternated between pushing herself out and pulling herself in, anything to budge.

She shook away the silly thought, “eating too much? This all comes- oh- from not making windows big enough!”

She wasn’t making progress in either direction, she rocked back and forth. “Oh help. Help! Somebody help me!”

She gave up, exhausted.

“Oh help and bother, I’m stuck.”

She caught her breath.


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