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Chapter 1 of 5 of my new weight gain/stuck story. The illustrations Another Cookie, Intruder Alert and Poke are all from this story. 


Maria’s car weaves casually through the mountain road. A bag of groceries rattles and rustles in the passenger seat next to her from the rough road. Her small belly pooch peeks over the waistband of her jeans from beneath her too small t-shirt. She soon finds her hand fondling the roll, enjoys how it jiggles in sync with the groceries. She couldn’t wait to get home. She’d been looking forward to this holiday all year, it was finally happening.

Maria’s car left the mountain road for a dirt trail. She followed the long unpaved driveway to a secluded cabin in the woods. She quickly hopped out of the car, she misses the days when her hips used to brush the steering wheel, at this rate her belly will never reach the steering wheel. She excitedly bounds up the stairs to the front door, juggles the groceries precariously as she unlocks the door and steps inside...

With a clatter the groceries hit the floor.

Maria stood, frozen, shocked. Before her, her dining room table laid in shambles. It looked like a feast was just finished, the only problem was, Maria hadn’t eaten a bite yet! “Raccoons,” Maria immediately thought and she cursed herself for not making sure all the windows were closed before she left. 

Maria kicked the groceries out of the way of the door and closed it behind her. She strolled around the table, scooped tiny tastes of what was left with her finger. She noticed something on the floor at the head of the table. One of her antique wooden chairs, in pieces. “What’s going on here?”

Suddenly the patter of footsteps got her attention. They were still in the house! Maria backtracked into the kitchen, armed herself with a frying pan. She smelled something, opened her oven, her cakes, cookies and brownies were safe, untouched. “Good thing raccoons can’t open doors,” she thought as she took a brownie for courage. She stopped at the fridge on her way out of the kitchen, pudding still in the fridge and ice cream still in the freezer, she scooped a finger of pudding for courage.

“Ok, they didn’t get into the oven or the cabinets, but how did the raccoons break my chair?” Maria thought as she slowly investigated the rest of the cabin.

More footsteps. Maria listened closely, tried to pinpoint them. She tiptoed down the hall, the footsteps have stopped, but she had a good idea where they came from now, the bathroom.

Maria pauses next to the door to the bathroom, takes a deep breath and clutches her frying pan. She jumps into the doorway with the pan over her head ready to strike!

She gasps and falls back against the hallway wall. Was she dreaming? Was she seeing what she think she sees?

An ass. An enormous, gigantic, naked ass. Maria never thought of her own butt as small but she felt completely eclipsed by the moon in front of her. Maria thought it was the fattest ass she’d ever seen...and it was stuck in her bathroom window!

“The thief caught trying to escape!” Maria thought to herself as she slowly stepped into the bathroom. The ass was connected to two equally fat legs that sprawled out across her bathroom floor. The great backside heaved up and down as the thief breathed. Maria peaked her head up to see out the window, to the top half of the culprit. Short blonde hair and the back of a head was all she could see. The thief wore a shirt, she wasn’t completely nude, Maria guessed that a partially nude thief was better than a completely nude one. 

Almost without thinking she takes out her phone and snaps a picture. She is just as surprised to see the butt in the photo, it’s not a hallucination. 

As a final confirmation that her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her Maria slowly reaches out and pokes the great ass. God it was so soft! Suddenly the great ass came to life. The thief’s legs hoped up of the ground and pushed, running in place as she tried to squeeze through. The footstep noise she heard. But it wasn’t hard for Maria to see things were hopeless. The burglar’s belly rolled and folded against the wall around the window, far too fat to fit through. Maria was getting wet, she’d never seen anything like this in her life. “Who’s there?” a muffled voice said from the other side of the wall. Maria ducked behind the fat as the woman tried in vein to turn her head to see who poked her. The woman moved her leg about to feel if anyone was in the room with her.

Maria snuck out of the bathroom into the hallway. She was breathing heavily, she had to calm down. “That explains the chair,” she thought, though she was a surprised a girl that fat could even fit in the chair to break it.

Maria put the frying pan back in the kitchen and grabbed a brownie to help her think. “Why wasn’t she wearing panties? For that matter, why wasn’t she wearing pants? What should she do?” She played with her belly absently.

Say hello, would probably be the first step she thought. She rolled her eyes at herself. She felt like she was picking up someone at a bar. She made a note to remember that this girl ate all her food, but thoughts of the fantastic ass clouded her mind. “I need to clear my head” she determines, and takes a cookie with her back to the hallway.

There was something hypnotizing watching the great ass in the window. Every tiny movement sent ripples across the sea of fat. Cookie in her mouth Maria slid down to the floor, her back against the wall. She undoes the button on her jeans and slides her hand down between her legs and inside. She was so close to cumming already, she was shocked by how quickly she came. Usually masturbating takes meditation, lube and her favorite vibrator. She hadn’t even finished her cookie. 

She caught her breath and button her jeans. Now maybe she could investigate the crime without unraveling into a horny stuttering mess.

Maria took another cookie before going outside. She started to the side of the house and stopped. A morbid idea popped into her head. Maria walked to the back of the house and out to one of the walking trails. She followed the trail to the side of the house where she might sneak a glimpse of the girl in the window.

“Wow,” she thought when she saw her. The girl was just as big on this side as she was on the other side. Her upper belly hung enormous from the window, stuck out all around her like an innertube. She noticed the girl’s jeans and sandals on the ground, why she wasn’t wearing them Maria couldn’t figure out. The girl was still trying to see through the window into the bathroom. Maria stepped out from behind her tree and continued along the trail.

The girl in the window heard Maria and turned her head back, “wow again,” thought Maria, “she’s cute to boot.”

Maria casually glanced over at the woman in the window and waved. The girl waved back awkwardly, shyly. Maria stopped on the trail and stared at the girl, who squirmed.

Maria stepped off the trail and approached the window, “hello.”

“Hi,” the girl responded reluctantly.

“I say, are you stuck?” Maria was ready to milk this for all it’s worth.

The girl laughed embarrassedly, “stuck? No, I was just, resting, thinking, leaning out the window for a bit of fresh air.”

Maria shrugged, “oh, very well then, have a nice day.” Maria turned and walked back to the trail.

“Wait! Don’t go! Help!” the girl called out after her. Maria grinned devilishly when she heard it.

Maria spun back to the girl, “you are stuck! A great woman, in a great tightness, in a word, irremovable.” She could barely contain her excitement. The girl hung her head, caught.

Maria introduced herself, “I’m Melissa,” responded the girl. “So Melissa, how did you get yourself into such a silly spot?”

Melissa took a while to start her explanation, a dead give away that her story wouldn’t be the real story.

“Well you see, sometimes, when I take a shower, the humidity makes the bathroom door warp and jam in the frame.”

“This was a good one,” thought Maria, “this girl couldn’t even fit in the shower!”

“Today it was a little worse than usual. Usually by the time I’m finished drying my hair I can open the door. Anyway, after an hour or so I got tired of waiting and decided to find another way out… I don’t know what made me think I could fit.”

Maria stares at Melissa, unconvinced. She leans over and picks up Melissa’s jeans, panties and sandals from the ground, “What about these then?”

“Oh, didn’t I say? I had those with me in the bathroom, I was, um, afraid the waistband of the jeans would get caught on the window frame so I tossed them out ahead of me to put on once I was outside, obviously I didn’t get that far.”


Melissa extended a hand for Maria to help, but Maria crosses her arms.

“Aren’t you going to help me?”

“Not until you tell me how you got stuck.”

“You don’t believe me?”

Maria took a step back towards the trail.

“Wait, don’t go, ok, I’ll tell you the truth.”

Maria smiled triumphantly.

“This is your house isn’t it?” Maria nodded. “And that was you who poked my butt in there wasn’t it?” Maria winked slyly.

“Ok, I guess you want to know what happened to all your food too huh?”

“Well I’ve got a good idea where all my food went” said Maria as she lifted Maria’s huge belly and let it drop. It undulated hypnotically. Melissa swats away Maria’s hand and tries to tug her shirt to cover herself but she would need a much larger shirt to do that.

“Ok, well you’ve figured out what happened, so help me.”

Maria shook her head. “I want the whole story, beginning to end, then I’ll decide whether I want to help you or not.”

“Or not? You can’t just leave me here!”

Maria smiled and poked Melissa’s belly again. “You’re stuck girlie, leaving you here would be easy, getting you out is going to be the hard part. Now, you wanna tell me what really happened?”

“Fine,” relents Melissa. 


