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Hello! Hope you all doing well.
Currently I'm not sure on what to draw for March, but I kinda want to avoid Pkmn stuff for a bit, maybe there are any suggestions?
(Note : I do not draw feral stuff eventhough they are dragons, try to avoid suggesting such theme)



Have you tried Kindred (specifically Lamb) from LoL before? She's pretty good.


Anthro Flammie from Mana [any gender/genitals, preferably FAT, whatever you want] since you already did someone from Legend? Blanking on ideas but give this time to see if someone else has a suggestion. Most of all have fun!


You've done renamon recently-ish, why not something with guilmon?


Brunhilda/Mym from Dragalia Lost in a chubby anthro dragon form, perhaps?


Guilmon seems fun but I imagine it'll be a 'he' rather than 'she', and maybe fem weregarurumon? acting up tough and stuff.


Oh yeah I haven't have the chance to draw her ;o; I'll try look into it!