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I'm a bit artblock, but here's the poll for february piece.
The 1st sketch is Roxanne from the latest fnaf, will add some lewd alts like a D or some insertion.
The 2nd sketch is (Alpha) Nid*queen with red glowing eyes. I have an idea that she'll be in heat. The alt hopefully can add small partner to 'help' her heat.
Both will have creamy alt and hopefully a bit of inflation.
Happy voting! The vote ends in 20th.


Fen Longpaw

Queen is in the name. How could you vote differently?

Darsen McPanda

While that Roxanne sketch looks lovely, I absolutely adore the idea behind the 2nd pic!

Fen Longpaw

X3 sorry for the confusion. I was making a joke that the queen being a queen was the obvious choice. I had no problem with voting


me too ! I think I'm gonna move the un selected sketch to other month if everyone agrees!


Love sizeplay but want the canine.