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Hello! Hopefully all of you doing okay on this difficult times.
First of all, I want to thank all of patrons for staying with me even in these pandemic times. It means a lot for me as my income are half of it are from patreon stuff. It's been difficult these past 2 months to deliver content and make a living especially first weeks when the pandemic hits. I give you all my most gratitude from my deepest heart.

Second, what do you think of having a cartoon human content? I have some idea in hand (maybe not for May content) but like in the future. I've been meaning to draw something like Roadhog (from Ov*rwatch) or maybe Melony ( from P*kem*n Shield) What do you guys think?

Third, I have some idea on making comic in the future. Maybe I can deliver 1 page per 2 weeks and then release the 2 page a month publicly. It's still just a base idea, nothing really set on paper for now.

Lastly, I kinda wanna push the nsfw content a little bit further. Sometimes I thought that nudity are great but maybe people find it too boring or not really excited. But I don't know, what do you think?

Thank you again for all of your support. I understand to people are deleting/backing down the pledge especially on these difficult times. Hopefully you all in great health and stay safe at home.




Both pushing the nsfw content and doing cartoon/anime humans sounds good.


I'd like to see your version of nfsw content myself and I wouldn't mind some human cartoons. Perhaps it can be human/anthro?

Jay Thicktail

Same. Would love to see NSFW content from you. Your style is quite lovely, so I'm curious on what sort of human related content you can produce!


I think I read somewhere that human/anthro is prohibited, so I'm stick to furry categories for now.


Much appreciated ! I've done a couple of NSFW content before but I just didn't confident from what I produce.

David Lee

Draw whatever! I like all your work, imo. One request though: could you consider posting stuff you're posting for free to Twitter and elsewhere here too, maybe at an unpaywalled level? I like getting a convenient email feed of my favorite artists work through patreon. It'll also help paper over long gaps between patreon tier projects, which should help your subscriber growth and retention.


Draw the subjects you enjoy-I appreciate your passion for characters like Roadhog and others. I am quite curious as to what sort of NSFW content you want to do, further than nudity


Oh for sure! I'll try keep an update for some free doodles here in the future! Thanks for the input !


I've been wanting to draw Roadhog for so long but I bet it took me a whole lot of time to do it. Probably some pairing, 'liquids' or some toys related? Maybe!


Yes to all the above lol. Human stuff, do it. If you're happy to do so it'll show in your work. Pushing NSFW may give you some boost to get more variety in that will draw more people in. As long as you're having fun. Have confidence in it though. You can pull it off well.