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Hello and Happy New Year 2020! It's been crazy 5 days because we got hit by huge flood and we don't have access to electricity (2 days) and no internet service to update this page. Best wishes and prosperity this 2020 onwards!

So the plan for this month is I really want to draw Bowser (from Super Mario series and sorry I'm not sure how to put image on here) but you can pick which gender the Bowser would be ! Maybe the theme will be around new year and wearing rat/mouse attire just to celebrate the year of the mouse/rat.

Then for February we'll be doing Rat/Mouse character ! I'm thinking the theme will be similar to the year of boar last year (thick character with armor and stuff, but who knows!) so please look forward to it !

Once again happy new year and hopefully everything goes well for us all! Cheers !


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