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Look at these guys! They're so cute! Don't get excited, they're not inanimate carbon rods, but I think they have charm and pizzazz nonetheless.

That said, I thought it would be unfair to you lovely people to stretch them out over two weeks, so here they all are. Also, how the heck am I supposed to find something individual to say about each of them?

What I find funny about this little educational film is how...not funny it  is. There's very little to it, it is mostly an earnest explanation of nuclear power. I think the intention is to parody the sort of cheap educational film of the writer's youth, but with little difference in animation it's not that separate from the main body of the show, beyond a grainy film scratch effect.

There are many mini-videos of this type within the show, but at the moment that are missing their key ingredient - Troy McClure. We'll get to him, eventually.

I wouldn't even say this type of educational film was even that relevant in the time this aired, and is more of a throwback to the writers' childhoods. When I see this kind of musty old filmstrip, I associate it with The Simpsons more than anything else. Just another way this cartoon has hardwired its way into my broken brain.

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.




Its crazy to me that you associate those grainy film strip with the simpsons and not the terrible "educational films" that I endured through out my school years. American's do love our nostalgia.

David Cooper

We had lots of educational video things, just not this specific style.