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We made it to the end of Smart Kid Week! This is the last character in the school with a speaking role.

And we're ending with some intense controversy!

Simpsons Wiki lists this character as "Calvin". But, while Calvin is mentioned as being a member of Bart's new class, I have concluded after WEEKS of intense research that there is not enough evidence to definitively say that this is Calvin.

In the classroom debate, Ms. Mellon tell us that "When we left off, Cavin and Tanya were arguing that free will is an illusion." The kid pictured above does not speak in this scene, nor is anyone addressed directly as Calvin. I believe that for convenience's sake this kid has been labelled as Calvin as he is the only other member of the class to speak, later, in the lunchroom scene.

HOWEVER there are other potential Calvin candidates visible in the classroom!

I submit to you, friends, that while this kid COULD be Calvin, he might not be. One of these other kids could be Calvin, or Calvin could be absent this particular day! I know we are only on episode two, but we have uncovered what might possibly be the most important mystery of the entire Simpsons mythos! Who is the mysterious Calvin? Be sure to use the hashtag #wherescalvin and we will almost certainly get to the bottom of this.

Or I've overlooked something. I dunno.

By the way, if you're now saying "I don't care about Calvin, where's Tanya?" I'll tell you: she's the blue-haired girl in the front row of the class. She shows up elsewhere, although I don't know if she ever speaks, so this may end up being a "Lewis's Lookalike" situation where I'll have to draw her as a bonus someday.

And that's the end of Smart Kid Week! I think we can all agree this has been a massive waste of everyone's time.

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.



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