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We've covered every character in the first episode! Obviously the Simpsons themselves (including Abe) are also in the first episode, but we covered them before. Sadly classic Tracey Ullman characters like "Jake the Barber" or "Burglar" didn't stick around for the first episode.

We've getting through some heavy hitters though! I'd argue that 12 of these 27 characters are significant and recurring beyond minor appearances. Expect less characters that you actually care about as we go forward...although we still have a fair few to get through in season one.

Official count is 48 altogether, 27 from this episode.

It's a shame that I've finished the Christmas episode slightly ahead of Christmas. We'll be *just* into Bart The Genius for actual Christmas! Oh well.

I think the biggest tragedy of this episode is that we may never see Crindy again.

See you tomorrow when we'll start episode 2!

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.




I’m so glad you did another roundup image! Would you ever consider selling these as prints? I would love the Treehouse of Horror one in particular!


When you put them all together like this it's really quite an impressive body of work 😍 bravo!

David Cooper

Maybe! It's a tricky one. I can't sell them publicly, they'd have to be only available to Patrons (most of these images are Patreon-exclusive, it would be unfair to you guys to make them public with a print), so it depends how many people here would be willing to buy one.