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For every ying there is a yang. Balance must be maintained, even in the fictional universe of The Simpsons. For every tattoo artist...there is a tattoo removal guy.

When I drew this I missed that he has a degree on the wall confirming his name as Irving Zitofsky, which I guess is a pun. 

He later appears in the season 3 episode "Black Widower".

It's interesting to me how we're meeting a bunch of all time classic characters, and then jerks like Irving in between. We'll be seeing a healthy mix of both all through season one I think. What's also interesting is how often some of these characters that you barely remember existing occasionally reoccur. This is likely because it's easier to reuse an existing character model than design a new one, even for two seconds of screentime, but for the purposes of this project it's really making Springfield feel like a lived in town, with people who appear in and out of our favourite family's lives, just on the periphery.

I don't think we will hear Irving Zitofsky ever again, but it was nice briefly meeting him.

This post is part of my "Every Simpsons Character Ever" series. For a list of my rules in this project, click here.



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