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Let's get to business: I'm starting a project in which I draw every Simpsons character ever. I'm guessing that's why you're here! Thanks for taking an interest in what I admit is an insanely ambitious undertaking.

I've been exploring the world of The Simpsons a lot this year, with my comic Lenny and my upcoming zine Eye on Springfield, and I've been having so much fun rendering these characters in my style, so I thought why not keep the ball rolling and draw as many of these beloved (and many unfamiliar) characters as I can.

"Wait...you're drawing literally EVERY character!"

Yep! Over 30 years of people, ready to be drawn by me.

"Even, like, Bumblebee man?"

You're thinking too small, I'd say Bumblebee Man is in the upper 5% of recognisable characters I'll be covering here. I'm rewatching the series and noting every character along the way. Like I said...this is ambitious.

"This is gonna take a while. Are you okay?"

You're probably right! And I hope so.

"So what constitutes as being worthy of being drawn then?"

Good question! That's the main focus of this post, to lay down some ground rules:

  • A character needs to appear on screen to be included (otherwise what would I draw?)
  • A character needs to have at least one line. What constitutes as a line may be open to debate but we'll figure it out.
  • The Simpsons has a lot of crowd and mob scenes - I am NOT drawing every single random person in these scenes, but if they have a distinct line (IE not part of a chant or general crowd noise) they will be featured.
  • I'm only covering the Tracey Ullman shorts, the main series and The Simpsons movie. No comics/videogames/whatever. There will be one exception to this, they come fairly early on.
  • I'll be covering characters more or less in the chronological order they appear. There will be instances where a character is on screen but won't be covered until later (for example: Sherri and Terri appear in the first episode of the series, but do not speak, so I'll wait until they get a line to draw them.)
  • Each character gets one 'official' entry in the count, unless I can justify them existing as a separate character. This'll come into play a lot in Treehouse of Horror episodes, I imagine.
  • THAT SAID, I'll probably end up doing things like alternate costumes, young versions, whatever, as bonus drawings, because frankly I'm having a blast drawing everyone.
  • Some characters will be accompanied with some thoughts and musings from me, but I can't commit to having anything to say about "random plant worker #7" or whoever.
  • I'll be uploading drawings on Mondays and Thursdays.

Rules are meant to be broken, and I've certainly bent a couple already, but this is a good guideline for how I'll be approaching this.

"Two a week, huh?"

Two a week unless the Patreon really takes off! But to get the ball rolling, I'm going to start by posting five the first week, starting August 2nd, available to everyone" And then five the second week, exclusive to Patrons.

"Seeing as you're doing them in order, can I follow along?"

I recommend it! You can watch along with me, noticing all the little details as we go.

"Sounds good, what do I need to do to see this wonderful project?"

Just sign up at your preferred Patreon tier! If you feel like telling your friends I wouldn't object, but even you considering your support is appreciated.

"And to be clear, you will be drawing Bumblebee Man?"

You sure are obsessed with Bumblebee Man, random imaginary question person I made up. Jeez, here you go:

Join us tomorrow for the first character! No prizes for guessing who it could possibly be!


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