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Alright, let’s do this the last bloody time.

My name is Ron Weasley. 

In my second year, I was bit by an Acromantula in the forbidden forest. And for the past three months, I’ve been the one and only Spiderwizard.

But that’s not all I am. Yes, I am a wizard with the power to shoot webs out of my hands and spells out of my wand. I can also brew potions, and fly a broom, and I'm not too shabby at chess either, I reckon.

Aside from all this, I am also the youngest son of my parents. I have five older brothers and a younger sister. Yes, there are seven of us, and I am the sixth child. 

An interesting fact about me that you should know is that I am terrified of spiders. Bloody fucking terrified. Hermione calls it arachnophobia.

So, how did I become the Spiderwizard you ask? A whole lot of rotten luck.

I also have two very best friends in the whole wide world: Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Harry is a celebrity in the wizarding world and Hermione… well, she is the brightest witch of our age.

Now you might be wondering. How in the name of Merlin’s saggy balls did I, simple, plain, Ronald Weasley, manage to befriend them? Well, it was all luck. The good kind of luck. And no one can deny that we are pretty brilliant together.

We’ve had some pretty crazy adventures. 

Like, even before I got my powers, the three of us descended into a death trap of a series of puzzles to stop Voldemort from getting the Philosopher’s Stone. I also played a crazy game of chess, sacrificing myself so Harry and Hermione could stop him.

The next year, well, we flew a car to Hogwarts cause a crazy house elf named Dobby shut the barrier to our train.

And then, on Halloween, Harry started hearing voices, and the attacks started. The caretaker's cat— Mrs. Norris ended up petrified under a message written in blood, saying: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir beware.

Needless to say, it sucked. Soon, more people got petrified, and my mate Harry was blamed because he was apparently a parselmouth.

Then, the craziest thing happened. 

Hermione was petrified by the monster in the chamber, and the ministry decided to fire Dumbledore and put Hagrid, an innocent man, in Azkaban. 

But Hagrid didn’t leave before giving us the last, and perhaps worst kind of hint— follow the spiders. 

It scared the living daylights out of me, but we did follow the spiders to an Acromantula nest in the Forbidden Forest. That’s where an Acromantula— a giant magical spider the size of a muggle car—bit me. 

It was pretty painful, but hey! I gained some cool powers along the way. I could shoot magical webs from my wrists and had received crazy reflexes and a sense of danger.

Then, everything went to shit. Just a few weeks after the incident, just as we were about to solve the mystery, my sister, Ginny was abducted and taken into the Chamber of Secrets. 

So, Harry and I naturally followed, only to be confronted by a shade of a younger Voldemort who was draining my sister to regain his body.

After that, he unleashed a Basilisk upon us. An extremely poisonous snake with the ability to kill with a stare.

But together, Harry and I defeated it. 

I webbed it up, and Harry shoved a sword through the snake’s mouth, killing it and saving Ginny. It was scary, but it was worth it.

And that was my first adventure as the one and only Spiderwizard.

And that, my friends, was the beginning of the tale of the Boy-Who-Lived, the brightest witch of her age, and... the one and only Spiderwizard.


AND… DONE! Hope you all liked the story!

I know it is not my best work but this is what I could whip up in about thirty mins. Why? It has been a hectic couple of weeks and starting Monday, I have my mid-semester exams.

There are two stories in the works already— GotSIS chapter 14 and a Deadpool-Harry Potter story, ft. Luna Lovegood.

Both are turning out into something really awesome especially the Deadpool one but I want to work more on it. After all, I do not want to botch a Deadpool story up, do I? It is absolutely crazy and you guys will love it!

But, since both are work in progress, I had no buffers and couldn’t do anything else in the timeframe.

And that’s why, The Spiderwizard was born. (Originally, I was going to skip the update but instead put this up, because, why not?)

Anyhow, there is a slight possibility that the updates in the following week might be a little… wobbly. Exams, as a university student, are very important cause the grades do matter.

The update schedule will be back on track after the first week of March though (exams start tomorrow, and end on the 2nd.)


A huge thank you to Mughil, Anax, and Nanu for betaing this chapter.


Stay Happy! Stay Safe! Keep Smiling! Keep Reading!



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