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12th April 1996

Flamel Chateau, France

Wizards and witches in deep navy robes swarmed around the ruined lawn.

“Monsieur Potter,” a French Auror cleared his throat. “I will need you to describe the events again in your own words.”

“Look, mate. I told you all I had to. Not once but twice.” Harry scowled. “If you have more problems, take it up with Sebastien Delacour or Albus Dumbledore. I just fought Grindelwald and his men. I am in no mood for this shit.”

Harry turned on his heel and stalked toward the Flamel Chateau, entering through the hole in the wall.

Reparo,” Harry waved his hand and a few of the debris flew back into place, leaving a smaller hole in the wall.

I destroyed it with the killing curse.’ Harry winced. ‘That’s not going to get repaired.

Harry walked into the Chateau, his eyes searching for Perenelle Flamel. She was nowhere to be seen. Harry waved his wand and a blue shimmer spread from its tip, racing through the Chateau. A moment later, Harry felt it respond and he walked up the marble staircase to the first floor.

Before he could go further, the door of a room slammed open, Perenelle emerging from within.

“Oh, it’s you.” She wiped her tears away. “I— I apologize for earlier. It wasn’t your fault.”

“It’s alright, Madame—”

“It should’ve been me instead of Nicholas.” Fresh tears flowed down her cheeks. “I was the one who didn’t listen to him. It should’ve been me. He always kept saying that we should go away! Run off into the sunset and live our remaining life in comfort. But I wanted to keep this home. I was stupid and selfish.”

“Madame Flamel,” Harry shifted uncomfortably. “What has happened has happened. But I don’t think you’re safe here anymore. I have a… friend who lives in France. We can go there.”

“It doesn’t matter if I am unsafe.” Perenelle sniffed. “Grindelwald took all I had. What do I have left? At least—”

Harry grasped her arm.

“Madame Flamel, your husband wouldn’t want you to die.” Harry said. “Don’t let his death be in vain.”

“You do not understand.”

“Madame Flamel, I lost everything I had when I was just a year old. I grew up with no one to call family.” Harry gave her a penetrating look. “I know you grieve for your husband. But let’s be a little practical here. We need to leave. You’re not safe here.”

Perenelle nodded weakly.

“And—” Harry grimaced. “This might not be the best time to ask you this, but do you have any clue what Grindelwald stole?”

“This Chateau has many things,” she muttered. “Even if we don’t have the stone anymore, we have a lot of different things. Books, potion ingredients, money, Elixirs, artifacts and even—”

All color drained out of Perenelle’s face.

“And?” Harry prompted.

“Merde.” Perenelle gasped. “Mr. Potter, you must fetch Albus right now!”

“Of course,” Harry flicked his wand and his dragon patronus flew out, vanishing through the wall.

Turning to Perenelle, he saw her hurrying up the stairs, two steps at a time.

“Wait up!” Harry ran after her but she didn’t stop, bursting through a set of doors in near panic.

“MERDE! MERDE! MERDE!” Perenelle’s curses rang through the house just as Harry burst into the room. “CONTACT THE MINISTRIES!”

The room looked like a workplace and library. Its walls were lined with shelves filled with scrolls of parchments and old, leather bound books. In the center of the room, behind a posh mahogany desk, a safe was built, its doors ripped off the hinges. And all its contents were missing.


She turned to him. “Potter, you need to go and contact whomever you can. Tell them every ward scheme I’ve built after the first Grindelwald war has been compromised. These include the French and American ministry buildings and several of Grindelwald’s old strongholds which were seized.” She paled further. “They also include the whole of Beauxbatons and a part of Durmstrang’s wards. Run!”

“Calm down,” another dragon patronus flew from Harry’s wand. “Go to Sebastien Delacour. Beauxbatons and the French Ministry’s ward schemes are compromised. Grindelwald might be preparing to attack them as we speak. Take immediate security measures.”

The dragon soared through the ceiling in a trail of white mist just as Dumbledore appeared through the chateau doors.

“Harry?” His blue eyes followed the white trail left behind by the patronus. “What happened?”

“We found what Grindelwald stole, professor.” Harry replied, his voice echoing down the Chateau. “He was here to steal the ward schemes Mrs. Flamel created for various places. The French and American Ministries, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Grindelwald’s old strongholds are compromised.”

Color drained out of Dumbledore’s face. “Oh, dear.”

“Don’t worry, I have sent a message to the French Ministry.” Harry added. “But you need to get hold of the ICW as soon as possible.”

“I will get going.” Dumbledore drew his wand, a phoenix patronus bursting forth from it and soaring out of the window. “Take Perenelle somewhere safe, Harry. I will have the house sealed. Bill and his friends are already on the way. Take care of her.”

Fawkes flew into the room from the hole in the roof and grasped Dumbledore by the shoulder. Together, they vanished in a flash of flames.

“Potter, you’re not taking this seriously enough,” Perenelle grasped his elbow. “You do not understand the consequences this could have. On top of it, he has Nicholas’s spear.”

“Madame Flamel,” Harry sighed. “We have already alerted the needed authorities. Grindelwald isn’t going to act right at this moment. Even with the ward schemes with him, he would require a couple of days to study them. And not to mention, he isn’t exactly in shape to start tearing wards down.”

“That is a part of the problem, Potter but not the whole problem.” Perenelle’s eyes darkened. “Nicholas’s spear is a very powerful magical artifact. It tore through your shield, didn’t it?”

“It was a little surprising,” Harry admitted. “But—”

“That is what it is meant to do, Potter.” Perenelle’s grasp tightened. “If Grindelwald figures how to use it properly, he could tear through any of these ward schemes within minutes. You don’t need to take security measures Potter. You need to evacuate these places.”

Harry closed his eyes. “Right. One problem at a time. First, what can this spear do exactly?”

“It has three main functions.” Perenelle said impatiently. “It enables the user to fly, it can create a very powerful shield around the user and it can fire a single spell that Nicholas named the tear-through beam. The spell is a combination of a cutting curse and shield breaker. This spell grows more powerful with the more magic you pour into it.”

“In the hands of someone like Grindelwald, it could prove very dangerous,” Harry cursed under his breath. “Alright, I will warn them about this too. Is there anything else?”

“Yes. Evacuate the schools first. Grindelwald has devolved into a monster now. No sane man would ever have performed Draugr creation.” Perenelle Flamel drew herself up. “If Nicholas and I valued one thing the most, it was children because we couldn’t have any of our own. That was why we built the school. And I will not let anything happen to the students there.”

“Yes—” Perenelle disappeared with a pop. “Shit. Hedwig!”

Hedwig appeared in a swirl of purple flames and landed on the railing, cocking her head.

“Hed, I need you to take me to Beauxbatons. Right now.”

Hedwig cooed and flew to Harry’s shoulder, and they disappeared in a swirl of purple flames.


12th April 1996

ICW Chambers, Paris, France

The chatter of the dozens of ministers rose through the place, echoing against the walls of the chamber.

“SILENCE!” Purple sparks burst from Dumbledore’s wand with the sound of a cannon blast. “Kindly maintain decorum!”

The room quietened and Dumbledore’s eyes scanned through the assembled crowd.

“Ministers, today we have lost a great man,” he said. “Nicholas Flamel has contributed more to the world of magic than anyone else has. And Grindelwald didn’t stop there, choosing to steal from the man and what he stole now poses a great threat to all of the wizarding world.”

“Senor Dumbledore,” a female voice called. “Why did Nicholas Flamel have these ward schemes? Beauxbatons, we understand because he was its founder. What of the rest?”

“His wife, Perenelle Flamel was the one of the lead warders of all these places, Liliana.” Dumbledore replied. “But that is not our cause of concern.”

“Yes, our nation is in danger!” The Head of MACUSA stepped forward. “If the ministry is compromised, Grindelwald might just waltz in and take control. We still remember the last war. How he and his men infiltrated our ranks and caused destruction like nothing we have witnessed.”

“We all know how dangerous the man is.” The Indian Minister stepped forward. “Grindelwald has set his sights on the whole world. He sent his knights to the Andaman Islands where our Shakti Council fought and apprehended two of them while the rest were killed in the skirmish.”

“His men have already captured control over Malta,” The Italian Minister shot to her feet again. “Well, officially Russia did. What does the Confederation aim to do?”

“About Malta or Russia?” Someone yelled.

“Malta, of course!” The Italian Minister scowled. “As long as we get Malta back, we will have no problems.”

“If the ICW sends a force to acquire Malta back for you, it would mean declaring war on Russia.” The German Minister stroked his goatee. “Are we sure that’s the wisest course of actions post the sanctions we have already imposed on Russia?”

“If Grindelwald has taken control—”

“Of which we have no proof,” the German Minister cut in. “Grindelwald hasn’t declared himself the tsar of Russia as far as I am aware.”

Arguing broke out in the chamber at that, a few in support of the German Minister while most were against.

“SILENCE!” Dumbledore roared. “We have a crisis at hand, gentlemen. Let us not quarrel with each other.” Dumbledore’s eyes darkened as he looked at the German Minister. “Besides, I am inclined to agree with Minister Gottbroom. The ICW cannot mobilize an army to support a single nation when both nations are a part of the ICW. Thus far, Russia has only declared its rule on Malta. No other nation yet has come under its attack.”

“You cannot be serious, Dumbledore.” Amelia rose to her feet. “Russia invaded another country and took control over it— Grindelwald or not.”

“Minister Bones, Britain is welcome to support Italy,” Dumbledore spread his arms. “But the ICW as an organization cannot act on this. It is not the function of the ICW to be partial in a conflict between two countries. Any country is welcome to support Italy and help them win back Malta.”

“But the ICW won’t lift a finger?”

“We have already imposed sanctions on Russia, Minister Anaxandridas.” Dumbledore replied. “That’s all we can legally do as specified by the founding charter of the ICW.”

“And what of your support, Supreme Mugwump?” Minister Anaxandridas raised an eyebrow. “You defeated Grindelwald before. And it is my understanding that Britain’s infamous Dark Lord, Voldemort, is back and whenever he attacks, you respond personally.”

“If you call me for help, I shall come unless I am preoccupied elsewhere.” Dumbledore responded. “Gellert Grindelwald poses a threat to the world now more than ever. Today, Harry Potter and I almost had him but to escape, he created Draugrs— necromantic constructs much more dangerous than your regular Inferi.”

Murmurs spread.

“So, Grindelwald is insane, we get it.” Someone from the back stood up on their seat. “He nearly burned down the whole of Paris in the last war. He has already burned a few cities in the past few months. What is the ICW doing to stop him?”

“The ICW has issued an international manhunt for Grindelwald,” Dumbledore said. “And same for Lord Voldemort. The ICW has also dispatched teams of security wizards at every office of ICW who can be summoned if aid is required. Now, if you would, sir, please get off the chair.”

The person thankfully listened and got off the chair.

“The ICW should be doing more.” The minister of Kenya said.

“That’s what we are here for, Minister.” Dumbledore said. “First, the schools should be evacuated and rewarded for the safety of the students. The ICW will be redirecting some of its forces to France and America till their ministry buildings are rewarded or shifted for additional security, if they accept, of course.”

“I accept on behalf of the MACUSA,” The American representative said.

“So does France.”

“Then it is decided.” Dumbledore said. “Please come to my office for the paperwork. And as for the old strongholds of Grindelwald around the world… the confederation must come to a decision.” Dumbledore’s eyes roamed around the room. “Sooner or later, he will come to reclaim what was his. And we must decide what we must do.”


12th April 1996

Beauxbatons École de magie

Harry appeared in a flash of purple flames in front of a set of majestic gates made of steel. In its center, the logo of Beauxbatons was carved, thrumming with magic. A wall several feet high stretched in both directions as far as his eye could see, in addition to the wards he could sense enveloping the school.

“Hedwig, take me to Madame Flamel,” Harry said but the phoenix shook her head.

Phoenix wards?’ Harry frowned. ‘Well, whatever.

Raising his hand, Harry knocked at the doors with the knocker provided and waited.

After a minute, Harry noticed a figure nearing the gates and waved.

“Harry Potter?” The man frowned as he neared. “Is something the matter?”

“Yes, Madame Flamel has come here a few seconds back.” Harry said. “I must get to her.”

“Madame Flamel?” The man’s eyebrows rose. “How do I know what you’re saying is true? How do I even know you are Harry Potter?”

Expecto Patronum,” his dragon patronus flew around him. “See? That’s my patronus. This is my wand. And that is my phoenix.” Hedwig trilled and landed on Harry’s shoulder. “What else do you need as proof?”

The man regarded Harry with a scrutinizing gaze before acknowledging his presence with a nod. With a flick of his wand, the gates creaked open.

Harry stepped through the threshold, and the gates immediately swung shut behind him.

The sprawling grounds of Beauxbatons stretched before him, adorned with impeccably manicured gardens and elegant architecture. Hedwig remained perched on his shoulder, her feathers glinting in the soft light.

The large man gestured for Harry to follow as they walked along a cobblestone path flanked by towering topiaries. The air carried a hint of floral fragrance, as Harry walked toward the castle.

They approached the main entrance of the Beauxbatons castle which was adorned with intricate carvings and magical symbols. The massive double doors swung open, revealing a grand foyer adorned with magical tapestries and gleaming chandeliers.

“I do not know where Madame Flamel is,” the man frowned.

“Then take me to the headmistress’s office.” Harry said.

The man nodded and began leading him through a labyrinth of corridors, all adorned with magical portraits and beautiful paintings. The school reflected a glint of beauty and elegance that Hogwarts somewhere lacked.

Students in the corridor looked at them, whispering to each other as Harry passed.

“Harry?” A loud voice called and he turned. Gabrielle stood there with her friends, a bag clutched in her hands. “Harry, what happened? Did something happen to mama or papa?”

“No, your parents are absolutely fine, Gabby.” Harry said. “We will talk later. I am here—”

“À l’attention des étudiants.” A voice rang through the walls. “Veuillez retourner dans vos dortoirs jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Tous les cours sont annulés.”

More whispers spread down the corridors as students began to move.

“Let’s get going.” Harry patted Gabrielle’s head and followed the man up the mahogany stairs, so similar to the Flamel’s home, avoiding the students moving in either directions.

Soon they arrived at a tall, domed door.

“The headmistress’s office, Mr. Potter.” The man said and Harry knocked at the doors.

“Thank you,” Harry told the man as the door swung open.

Both Olympe Maxime and Perenelle Flamel were inside the office much to Harry’s relief.

“Potter?” Madame Olympe frowned. “What are you doing here?”

“I am here because of her,” Harry pointed at Madame Flamel who was pacing across the carpet. “She apparated away even though I had sent a message to the French ministry.”

“I haven’t received the message yet,” the headmistress frowned.

“I just sent it a few minutes back.” Harry sighed.

“You must send the students home immediately, Olympe.” Perenelle said. “I will redo the wards. I—”

“Mrs. Flamel, you are in no condition to redo the wards right now.” Harry interrupted her. “Neither mentally nor magically. You just faced off against Grindelwald and lost your husband.”

Madame Maxime gasped. “Nicholas is dead?”

Perenelle gave a nod, her eyes darkening. “He is. But I will not let his legacy die. Grindelwald could be preparing to launch an attack as we speak!”

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Madame Flamel—”

“You won’t stop me, Harry Potter.”

“I am not stopping you, I am just asking you to calm down.” Harry said. “I am here. Dumbledore is talking with the ICW and alerting all the needed authorities. French aurors are probably on their way. I understand what you might be going through, but we must do this in a calm, orderly fashion.”

“So, we must send the students home?” Madame Maxime frowned.

“That will be the best course of action for now.” Harry nodded. “Prepare their ride home and send letters to their parents.”

“I must talk with the French ministry before this happens,” Madame Maxime’s eyes flicked between Harry and Perenelle. “Mathéo will help you with anything that’s needed.”

Perenelle got to her feet. “We should be doing this immediately. Grindelwald could be here any minute.”

“If Grindelwald comes, I am standing here.” Harry said. “If he wants to get to the students, he will have to go through me, Madame Flamel. The students will leave tomorrow after breakfast. Alright? We must arrange security for the travel too.”

“You both are making decisions here.” Madame Maxime frowned. “Must I remind you that I am the headmistress of the school.”

“And I am the founder of this school.” Perenelle drew herself up. “I think Potter’s idea is sound. The school is in danger. Make it happen.”

Madame Maxime pursed her lips.

“I am terribly sorry if I overstepped my boundaries, Madame Maxime. But we are talking about Grindelwald here.” Harry said. “This is the best course of action.”

“I cannot do this so fast.” Madame Maxime frowned. “It is already evening.”

“Get me a list of whatever you need.” Perenelle ordered. “The safety of the children comes first. They will be leaving for home tomorrow.”

“I will talk to the ministry then.” Madame Maxime stood up, towering over Harry and Perenelle.

“Can I use your floo?” Harry asked. “I must inform Hogwarts and the Order. With me and Dumbledore away, Hogwarts is vulnerable and so is Britain.”

“Feel free.” Madame Maxime nodded.

“Thank you.” Harry dug into his pouch and removed two potion vials as Madame Maxime went out of the room, Mathéo standing guard. “Madame Flamel, please drink this.”

“I am calm.” She pushed away the vial. “I do not need a calming draught.”

“Please, for me.” Harry said. “Because if you do not, I will make you drink it.”

She glared at him. “Potter—”

“Madame Flamel.” Harry glared back. “Drink”

She pursed her lips and uncorked the vial, drinking it. Her eyes closed and she sighed.

Harry drank a pepper up potion and steam billowed out of his ears.

“You stay here please. I will talk to Professor McGonagall and Sirius.” Harry said. “Please don’t run away this time. Professor Dumbledore asked me to take care of you. Please don’t make this harder for me.”

“I will try not to,” she nodded.

“Thank you.”


AND… DONE! Hope you all liked the chapter!

So, the problem thickens with Grindelwald stealing ward schemes and Nicholas’s spear. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang might be in trouble. What will Grindelwald do next?

Betaed by Mughil.


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