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14th April 2007

City Hospital, Newark

White tiles gleamed under Sharon’s dark boots as she strode past the throng of people gathered in the hospital's lobby. Harry trailed behind her, weaving between stragglers and passing stretchers, feeling the hospital stench cling to his nose.

Sharon jammed her fingers into the lift button multiple times causing Harry to wince. 

“Sharon, calm down.” He laid a hand on her shoulder. “It won’t help if you’re a mess when you go up there. Right now, your family needs you.”

“I know, I know.” Sharon took a deep breath, staring at her reflection in the lift’s mirror. “Jesus, I hope she is alright.” 

“She will be,” Harry said. “If what I have heard of that woman is even remotely true, she is a fighter. She’ll pull through.”

The lift dinged open and Sharon spotted a blonde man pacing outside a door. A slight smile curved on his face as he noticed Sharon running toward him, pulling her into a tight hug.

Matthew, son of John. The wind whispered in Harry’s ears as he walked closer to the two of them.

“What’d the doctors say?” Sharon peeked through the small circular window on the door. “Is she going to be alright?”

“Nothing yet.” Matthew shook his head. “They are still checking her and running some tests. We used her SHIELD card to get more urgent treatment and the special care ward but they still haven’t told us anything.”

“If you showed them the card, it means they are going as fast as they can,” Sharon glanced around. “Where are mom and dad?”

“Your father has gone to fill out some forms.” A woman with graying hair emerged from a corridor, a flowery duffel bag slung over her shoulder. “Sharon, do you think you can—”

The woman’s gaze flicked past her shoulder toward Harry, her blue eyes narrowing. 

Ashley, Daughter of Nancy.

“How may we help you, mister?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, he’s with me, Mom,” Sharon waved her hand. “He works with me at SHIELD.”

Harry gave them a polite smile. “I’m Harry Potter. I came here to help in any which way I can.”

“Nice to meet you.” Matthew shook his hand. “I am Sharon’s brother, Matt. Could you get them to hurry up or tell us what’s going on? Say you’re from SHIELD and would like to get answers or something?”

“I… don’t think I can. I am just a consultant.” Harry hesitated. “And for all it is worth, I do not think rushing the doctors will help. They are just doing their jobs.”

“He’s right,” Sharon agreed. “The best we can do is wait out for the initial reports and if, god forbid there’s something more serious, we can get her to SHIELD’s medical care.”

There’s no need for that.’ Harry’s fingers traced the outline of his amulet through his shirt. ‘I can cure her with the stone. It’ll take me seconds.’ 

“What exactly happened to her?” Sharon asked.

“We were all eating dinner and she was absolutely normal through most of the meal, talking perfectly and everything. Then, out of the blue, she started slurring and looking around as if she was befuddled. A few moments later she just… collapsed.” Matt ran his fingers through his hair. “Dad barely had enough warning to catch her in time before she hit the floor. We immediately called the ambulance and got her here.”

“And how long ago was that?” Harry frowned.

“Half an hour or so.” Sharon’s mother checked her watch. “We got her to the hospital in less than ten minutes and had her admitted before calling Sharon. Though, you both got here very fast. It was like you were in the hospital.”

“I was nearby,” Sharon lied smoothly. “Harry was with me and we came running as soon as we heard.”

“And you didn’t even bother to tell us that you were in town?” Her mother raised an eyebrow.

“It is not like that, Mom,” Sharon rolled her eyes. “It is protocol that—”

“There’s always some explanation with you, isn’t there?” She pursed her lips. 

“I’m terribly sorry, but did she have a pulse when you admitted her?” Harry intervened before Sharon could answer. “I am asking because I am the first SHIELD personnel on the scene— the first who isn’t family.” 

“She did,” Matt replied. “What do you do exactly? Are you a scientist?” 

“Something like that.” Sharon’s eyes darted toward Harry. “Harry’s doing some cutting-edge research on healing the human body without drugs or operations. Non-intrusive methods of healing based on some ancient techniques and aided by technology. He has already developed technology that can— what was it?”

“Um… basically it just helps the body heal itself faster by passing different kinds of energies through it that resonate with the cells.” Harry scratched behind his ear. “Your body does all the work but through certain methods, we can help it focus on the area that needs healing and give it a major boost.”

“That sounds… fascinating.” Sharon’s mother remarked. “And there’s John.”

A man made his way around a stretcher and the ward boys, a paper clutched in his hand. 

“Did the doctor—”

“Not yet,” Sharon said and the man’s eyes widened. 

“Pumpkin!” John stepped past Harry, pulling Sharon into a rib-crushing hug. “You got here already?”

“I came as soon as I heard, Dad,” Sharon said. “Do you need any help with the formalities?”

“No, no, they’re all done. Now we have to wait for the doctor to tell us what to do next.” Sharon’s father broke the hug. “Though it’s good that you’re here.”

“Right.” Sharon nodded just as the door behind them opened and a doctor emerged, clearing his throat.

Sharon’s father twisted to look at him. “Doctor—”

“We would need to run some tests, I am afraid.” The doctor held up a hand. “First, an MRI test and a CT scan. And even after that, we might need to run some more tests.” 

“What has happened to her?” Matthew shoved himself to the front. 

“We cannot say for certain.” The doctor clasped his hands in front of him, keeping his face blank. “We need to run tests to—”

“Doctor, I am from Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division— SHIELD,” Sharon held up her badge. “The woman who has been admitted is our former Director and founder and we’d like to get an immediate update on her health. Even your opinion as a medical expert on what has happened to her would be much obliged if you cannot give us anything concrete.”

Harry raised an impressed eyebrow, watching the doctor stare at Sharon dumbfounded.

“Doctor?” Sharon prompted.

“Um…” The doctor shifted on his feet. “I cannot say for certain until the test results come but to me, it seems like an Ischemic Stroke— a clot in the brain. You should pray it is not because, at her age, there would be a little we could do.”

Sharon’s mother stumbled back, her face paling while Sharon’s father clutched his son’s shoulder.

“Of course, I can’t be certain till the test results come.” The man repeated. “Now, Mr. Carter, I need you to sign some forms—”

Harry’s eyes sought Sharon’s who was staring at the badge in her hands, a tear rolling down her cheek. 

I can make all their pain go away.’ The amulet on his chest thrummed. ‘I just need to find a way to get in. And make sure I can do it undetected.

“Sharon,” Harry inched closer and she hastily wiped away her tears. “I can end all of this. I just need to get to her in private.”

Sharon’s eyes snapped up, a flicker of hope burning in them. 

“Distract your family,” Harry whispered. “I will go in and do what I can.”

“Matt, take care of mom. Stay with her.” Sharon turned to her brother. “Harry and I are going to wait here. We’ll see if anything is needed.”

Her brother nodded feebly and went to their mother’s side, leading her away gently.

“Go,” Sharon muttered.

Harry glanced around and pushed the door open, tugging on his magic. 

I don’t want to be noticed.

Magic flowed over his body like a splash of warm water as the door flopped close and he walked into the room, eyeing the nurse seated in a corner.

His gaze moved to the center of the room and his heart clenched, his breath hitching. 

McGonagall’s pale form as she was downed by stunners flashed in front of his eyes, a bittersweet pain in his chest.

She’s not Professor McGonagall.’ Harry crumpled the pain, feeling the amulet’s warmth seep into his chest. 

Stepping closer to Peggy, he watched her chest rise and fall with every shallow breath from the mask on her face. Beside the bed, machines beeped, their wires extending down to her arms where they were connected. 

She looks like she could be Professor McGonagall’s older sister.’ Harry caressed her hair. ‘And if she were here, she’d have told me to stop dallying around and get to work.

A faint smile curved on his lips and heat bled through his arm, onto her forehead, an orangish golden glow spreading down her face.


Her breathing grew deeper, the wrinkles on her face tightening a little, her pale skin gaining a rosy tinge. The monitor beside her beeped and a deep groan escaped her throat. Her eyes fluttered open and she blinked.

Shit.’ Harry pulled on his magic, disappearing from view before she could get a proper look at him, pulling back his away and slipping out of reach as Peggy’s hand shot out.

She sat straight up, her eyes running across the room, stopping on the nurse who looked up sharply, her eyes widening.

“Miss Carter, you’re… awake?” The nurse bustled toward Peggy.

“Who are you?” Peggy’s voice was as sharp as a dagger.  

“I am Claire Temple. I am a nurse here.” Claire gave her a placating smile. “You’re in the City Hospital in Newark. You were admitted here after you collapsed at your home.”

“Where’s my family?” Peggy’s eyes swept past Harry as he quietly made his way toward the door, invisible.

“They’re waiting outside, ma’am,” Claire replied. “If you allow me to check on you, I can call the doctor and we can proceed ahead.”

“Call someone from my family first. I want to see them.” Peggy drew herself up, leveling the nurse with a stern look. “Go.”

Professor McGonagall would be proud of that look.’ Harry smiled to himself, stepping back as the nurse walked past him, pulling the door open. 

“Excuse me, who’s here for Miss Carter?” Claire’s voice rang from outside. “She’s awake and asking for someone from her family. Please come in while I call Doctor Mason.”

She pulled the door open, and Sharon rushed in, a brilliant smile curving on her. 

Harry slipped out behind the nurse just before the door closed, wincing as his elbow banged against the door’s handle. A moment later, the warmth of the soul stone swept away the pain and he breathed a sigh of relief, allowing the magic over him to drain away.

That’s one thing done,’ The memory of McGonagall’s smile flashed in front of his eyes, a warmth spreading in his chest. ‘Maybe, just maybe, she would be proud if she could see me today.


14th April 2007

City Hospital, Newark

The quiet noises of the hospital faded in and out of Harry’s ears as he sat on a chair, his eyes drooping.

“Harry.” A voice startled him awake and he jerked awake. Matt stood in front of him, holding two cups in his hands. “Coffee?”

“Thank you.” Harry accepted the cup. “How’s your aunt?”

“Still awake somehow, drinking a cup of tea that she got a nurse to get for her.” Matt sat beside him with a sigh. “I think she wants to go home. But the doctors are reluctant to let her leave.”

“One thing which I’ve learned is that doctors don’t give a shit about you when they’re doing their jobs.” Poppy Pomfrey's glare swirled in front of his eyes. “And for all it is worth, they would probably let her go in the morning if they find nothing.”

“And if they do?”

“Then it’d be for the best, probably.” Harry blew the steam over his cup away. “Early detection saves a lot of lives. She didn’t collapse out of nowhere, did she?”

Matt nodded silently, drinking from his cup.

“Does she stay with you?”

“No,” Matt shook his head. “She was visiting. Though, Dad said that we’ll set her up in Sharon’s old room for the time being.”

“She might need someone to take care of her.” Harry leaned back in his chair. “She might not like it, but she would.” 

“That’s true too,” Matt agreed. “You’ve been a great help, Harry. Thank you for staying back here and helping us out.”

“Sharon’s a friend,” Harry waved him off. “One of the few I have. The least I could do is help fill out a few forms and keep you company till she returns. And believe me, even if you want to go and freshen up for a bit, feel free. I don’t mind.”

“I might take you up on that offer,” he chuckled lightly. “And speak of the devil…”

Sharon walked toward them, dressed in blue jeans and a simple black top, her SHIELD badge stuck in her pocket. 

“Did she go off to sleep?” Sharon asked.

“Nope,” Matt said. “She just drank a cup of tea. Though, it is barely eleven.”

“One doesn’t drink tea at eleven, Matt.” Sharon tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll talk to her.”

Sharon pushed open the door of Peggy’s room and disappeared inside.

“Seriously, if you want to freshen up, feel free,” Harry repeated. “Maybe grab a neck pillow or something too. I’ll wait with Sharon.”

“Nah, you should go home, man,” Matt said. “You were getting sleepy anyway.”

“And now I have coffee in me. I am not sleeping for another hour at least.” Harry snorted. “Also, I have a very flexible sleep schedule. I do make frequent trips to Asia, so it doesn’t bother me a lot. Freshen up, mate. It took Sharon about an hour. You’ll do it a lot faster I am guessing.” 

Matt barked out a laugh. “Alright. Thanks, Harry.”

“Not a problem.” Harry waved at him as he walked to the elevator, going home.

Harry sipped his coffee, closing his eyes and humming to himself until a pair of sharp, muffled voices had him snapping up. 

“What the hell?” Harry rose and ran into the room where Peggy was.

“You’re being ridiculous!” Sharon glared at her aunt. “There was no one here except the doctors and nurses. And if there was—”

“There was. Also, how may I help you?” She looked past Sharon’s shoulder, raising an eyebrow at Harry. 

“I heard shouting.” Harry walked to her bed. “Is everything okay, Sharon?”

“My aunt’s being paranoid that someone was in her room and did something to her.” Sharon huffed, shooting Harry an exasperated look from the corner of her eyes. 

“I know what I saw.” Peggy pursed her lips, turning to Harry. “And I am terribly sorry to be rude, but who are you?”

“I am Harry Potter, ma’am.” Harry stepped closer, holding out his hand. “I am a consultant for SHIELD and Sharon’s friend.”

“Peggy Carter,” she shook his hand before her eyes narrowed a fraction.

With a powerful tug, she pulled him closer to herself, staring into his eyes.

“It was you,” she hissed. “You were the man in my room.”

Harry felt his heart drum against his chest, his gut twisting into knots.

“What did you do to me?” Peggy’s eyes bore into his.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Harry tugged free of her grasp, taking a step back. 

“Auntie, you said you didn’t even get a good look at him,” Sharon said. “You might be mistaking—”

“I saw the eyes, Sharon. I’d reckon it did be tough to find someone with the same shade of eyes he has.” She leaned forward. “And I am guessing you know it too.” Her lips curved into a smile at Sharon’s surprised look. “I know when I see an evasive lie, dear. SHIELD might teach you to lie convincingly but you forget that I am the one who wrote that book.” 


“You want to know more? I’d say he’s an enhanced and you, my dear, are his handler.” Peggy looked over him with a critical eye. “He’s not trained but he’s confident in his own abilities. Abilities that include invisibility but not intangibility. I saw something bang against the door after you came in. Am I right?”

“That… is true,” Harry admitted. “But how’d you know?”

“Know what?” She arched an eyebrow.

“That it was me and the fact that I am… enhanced?”

“I saw your eyes when I woke up and I reckon that I would find someone with eyes like yours.” Peggy crossed her legs. “As for how I know? All enhanced people have their tells. And this is not my first time dealing with someone more than human.”

“Captain America.”

Peggy inclined her head, her eyes gaining a faraway look for a moment before she shook her head. “But now the question is, what were you doing?”

“He was healing you,” Sharon answered. “The doctor had said that we… might lose you forever. So Harry came in and cured you.”

“Oh,” Peggy took a deep breath, turning to Harry. “Thank you.”

“It was nothing.”

“It should be. You’ve been given what no one else has and you use it for good without expecting anything in return.” Peggy’s eyes stared into his. “You are a good man, Harry.”

Harry shifted uncomfortably, saying nothing.

“I think you should rest, Aunt Peggy,” Sharon said after a few moments. “It has been a long day and the doctors aren’t going to discharge you tonight. They want to make sure that you’re alright.”

“Perhaps,” Peggy said.

“We will leave you to rest,” Harry said. “Good night, Miss Carter.”

Harry and Sharon left the room, closing the door behind them.

“You know, I never said thank you either,” Sharon whispered, putting her arms around Harry, who froze for a moment. “You saved her life.”

“I mean, it was the least I could do,” Harry patted her back lightly.

“I never would’ve thought our dinner would’ve turned out like this,” Sharon pulled back, her arms still around him, staring into Harry’s eyes. 

A moment later, she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, and Harry felt a burning tingle spread down his cheek. 

Sharon’s face hovered close to his for a moment, her breath brushing against his chin. Then, she pulled away, squeezing his hand. 

“Thank you.”

“Anytime, Sharon. Anytime.”


AND… DONE! Hope you all liked the chapter!

I know it was relatively a little short, but I am going to do an extra update soon for GotSIS very soon. (Probably right after the LoSP update. Maybe sooner.) 

Also, I didn’t want to cram a lot of things here. The next chapter is going to be VERY important as we will see our first Marvel event take place and enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This, comparatively, was a breather chapter but still important. 

Also, I felt Peggy deserved a special place in the story. She was an awesome character in my opinion. I think I have said this before, but I had almost contemplated writing Captain Carter instead of Captain America in the storyline and even considered Captain Carter a pairing for Harry. But I just couldn't find it in myself to do it.

A huge thanks to Mughil for betaing this chapter.


Stay Happy! Stay Safe! Keep Smiling! Keep Reading!




A Captain Carter/Harry Potter would be kick ass! Great chapter as always and i'm looking forward to more ^_^