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Hey everyone,

I'm full speed on the artwork. There's some complex scenes that are proving to be a bit more time-consuming than anticipated.

And... on the scripting side, things got pretty heavy - as usual 😅Sorry!

It is a draft but after a lot of tweaking to ensure everything flows well and ends just right, the word count is now officially >30,000 words... Yep, that's a lot of narrative to cover!

This means the deadline is starting to look a little tight. Unless I decide to cut some content (and you know how I feel about that), and even editing takes a fair chunk of time...

As always, my aim is to prioritize quality over rushing things out. I’d rather take a bit more time to ensure we’re all happy with the final product than to compromise on the game's quality but I'll do my best.

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

I'll leave you with a fun little tease: On the way to the party, Terrace suggested the girls to go up the grand staircase first... I wonder why 👀

(someone keeps forgetting something... wonder what)




excited for the update <3 tbh even if stuff was cut ( i know you hate that ) , its something and progresses the story while you fix the cut content.


If i can make one little bit of critism ( please dont bully me i love the game and appreciate the work ) But i noticed if you pick choices to not go ahead with certain things, or say it hurts your feelings, the game abruptly ends way to early I would like to see a second pathway, something much slower, were you can choose to take it really slow, and at first your against it all but she keeps pushing you into bad situations and maybe even bring in a new guy who isnt as nice and dominant, and brings out her meaner side and it becomes more forced on you. This would be ofcourse for much much later versions, but just an idea, its great how respectful and good terrance is, its refreshing to see another guy who isnt an ass But i think having a guy who is an ass and brings out her meaner side is always a good addition, ive experienced girls in real life with the right dominant male , ive seen very dark sides of females come out

man konko

i love this idea alot, i would def love to see a meaner guy as well come into the picture as well.

EXZecute ch.

I need Terrace and Ayumi ntr scene!!!!


Any ETA on release for 5.0? thanks