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Hello everyone,

It’s that special time again – Dev Diary time! I'm excited to dive into what’s been happening behind the scenes and share some of the news.

Here’s the latest:

  • CG Updates: I have added 6 key CGs spread between the paths. I won’t spoil the details, but do remember a scene can have multiple key CGs.

  • Script Updates: This update brings another 2,500 words.

Managing double the paths means double the work at each story stage, but somehow it just feels right.

 As the toga party chapter closes with this diary, there's a lot of ideas swimming around in my head for the next day on their trip. However, for the sake of transparency, I am still going back and forward on a few ideas as there's so many ways go about what's going to happen and I want to get it right. Once that is more settled that means I’ll be able to give you a clearer idea of when to expect the next release.

For Plat, I’m leaving you with a CG from a scene that, for various reasons, will never make it into the game. Consider it a little glimpse into the 'what could have been.'

As always, your support is incredibly appreciated. It’s what makes this VN possible!
