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Hey everyone!

I've been super focused on delivering this update, working very hard but it is taking longer than expected, so this is just to keep you all in the loop, especially if you're not on Discord!

If you are on Discord then nothing much has changed since last information, so feel free to ignore this message.

In short, it is the largest update yet (in total the game as a whole has passed the 100k words milestone!) so I suppose it's normal to take longer as well, I should have taken that into account when I mentioned the estimate.

Additionally, another big reason for taking longer is that I've decided NOT to postpone the animations until 0.5.1 - there aren't that many but they are that important, you will know exactly what I'm talking about soon 👀

I appreciate all the support! Catch you after the crunch!



Just take the time you need to finalize updates, I'd rather have a complete and consistent update delayed til ready, than have it be released halfbaked so keep doin what you're doin ;)

Jace Smith

Appreciate the grind, but don't let perfect be the enemy of Good! Scope creep can be counter productive! If you're rushing to fit in new features chances are they wouldn't get the time they should for testing and revision. Keep up the great work!

known ahmed

When are we getting the Next update? Any date?