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WIP clip: Score Board MEGA
                 PinBall MEGA

I figured out how to animate the score board by using Geometry Nodes last night. If any patreon supporters wants to give me a custom number between 0 and 777,777  to use in the scoreboard :p me know in the comment section. I will put it in the animation for lols. Doing the pinball moving about in the pinball machine will probably be done last, along with the score board.  Yeah.. I am kinda doing lots of small stuff to go with the sexy time lol. Should I keep doing it that way??

I am deciding on what I want to have happen in the background. 2 soldiers leering and holding Jessie and Aerith hostage at gunpoint. Or just 2 soldiers standing behind chuckling and waiting their turn. Having Jessie and Aerith increases render times by quite a lot and uses a lot more VRAM and RAM. Not sure if it is worth having them there. Don't think they will be doing anything sexy, probably leaning up against the bar half naked. Maybe Tifa is sacrificing herself to save them. A kuroinu plot lol.. where the sister goes to bat, literally, so the younger sister doesn't get defiled (but gets defiled anyways).

Eventually Tifa hits 777,777 and the platform where they are on will go down and reveal secret hideout. Along with Tifa and the soldiers. I also replaced Mustard's Tifa with Mokujinh's because yeah.. it uses less VRAM. 16GB on the 4080 isnt enough. I deleted everything outside. Reduced poly count of background objects. Deleted a few objects that are out of view inside. I estimate, this will be done in 1.5 weeks for 3 soldiers + tifa. 2 weeks for 3 soldiers + tifa, jessie, aerith. Maybe more I try to get a voice actress for this. Thinking of tifa doing moaning, but while moaning, she is talking to herself in her head.



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