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>>> Download only the files from credits <<< from the public version on hub. Laptop kaput for now so desktop has a dirty meta.

Been a while since made scenes via PC and it seems that the meta is dirty. Will clean in near future.

What do we got :

* 4 anims of 1 vs 5, motions, where it's possible, otherwise, it messes up everything and results in physics crash on some character

* The environment and nice menu

Maybe it's my pc or maybe it's VAM's limits, but i think this is aaaalmost all of the juices that can be squeezed from a scene. Unless, it's low settings, then a larger scenes would be possible. Gonna release public version as well in an hour.

Tomorrow Sunday, laptop is broken, can't bring it to any repair shops till Monday, thus will spend whole tomorrow to work with Unreal.

File : https://mega.nz/file/r2RB0QJJ

Key : PG8YhtzMU0BSCkcezZkmi6H8mKw53oiN_B_pCEX06hg

Ok guys, 12:36 AM, alive on 2 liters of coffee throughout the day, finally, deserved to sleep (smiles) and Lyla, good luck for her getting those ingredients. Waiting for response from IAmAFox, will see.

Good night folks, see you, most likely, in Monday with some news.



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