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Good day guys.

v5.0 is out, what's new ?

  • 5 anims of 1 min loops. 4 of 1vs2 and 1vs1. Don't want to reveal too much, but, i really enjoy these anims. Prob best ones is ever done. Not all. But one for sure.

  • Billiard Room unlocked. I know poll said that she invited guards to help into her room, but the room had no electricity, so she went into billiard room, to, play a bit, with balls/z.

  • Few voice lines

  • And a tiny surprise with one button, just look at the chest on the left when having fun, on the floor it's bit dusty

  • As you can see a maid clothing set

  • Made one, kinda - custom look

  • Tons of bug fixes. Last time when we went into the forest, anims were there on the couch already, without finishing intro. Buttons missing. Usual nonsenses.

What's next for the Long Night ?

So far i really like it, prob, my favorite scene i ever made. As long as it can be expanded, it will be, unless we encounter some game breaking bugs. Remaking scene from scratch each time i want to create an update it's just stupid / time waste. Ain't so bad, but, wouldn't be surprised, cuz already seeing some weird s. Like voice lines playing when they should not. Because VAM is not made for such a large scenes, but Nobis doing what Nobis do best, - weird experiments that runs into a dead end.

What's next overall ?

I am moving from one apartment to another, cheaper option, so, busy a*. And promised my landlord to leave old apartment by tomorrow, thus, no scenes or game creations for at least, two days.

Other than that, ales good as they say in Dutch and see you soon with something new.

Enjoy the summer and take care,




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