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  • Continue the existing project, don't rush! 37
  • Put an end to it and start a better project! 11
  • I wanted both... But since I can't have, I prefer you starting a new one. 3
  • I wanted both... But since I can't have, I prefer you keeping the old one. 1
  • I'm conflicted damn it... I won't vote! 1
  • 2024-02-04
  • —2024-02-15
  • 53 votes
{'title': 'THE MOST IMPORTANT POLL OF ALL TIME!', 'choices': [{'text': "Continue the existing project, don't rush!", 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Put an end to it and start a better project!', 'votes': 11}, {'text': "I wanted both... But since I can't have, I prefer you starting a new one.", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "I wanted both... But since I can't have, I prefer you keeping the old one.", 'votes': 1}, {'text': "I'm conflicted damn it... I won't vote!", 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 15, 5, 21, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 4, 12, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 53}


(Before we dive in, I just wanted to mention that I've adopted a informal tone. Discussing this topic is a bit tricky, but it flows better this way...)

Hey, my awesome players! Let's gather 'round for a chitchat about our dear game, "Vow Me Faeries!". So, today's vibe is pretty chill (jokingly); got some Wendy' art done while I was thinking things straight, maybe not a masterpiece, but cute. (dunno? it was too fast) Let's flow forward.

But before we dive into the Poll dilemma, let me lay down some backstory (it will be as short as I could make it!). "Vow Me Faeries" was once "Fairy Apprentice." Initially, I wanted Lucy to take the lead of FMC, but the critics were like, "Nah we want some harem, come on, it's FT!." and I said, "Yeah, makes sense... why not!". So, join August, our Harem boy from that other game. Plot twist: everything I wrote got tossed out the window. But hey, that's when the FT fans team sprouted, not yet "Team Alters," just three musketeers > one coding, one story/grammar, and yours truly, the newborn artist (Me, LoL). I had just started doing digital drawing back then, for real...

Fast forward to 0.4; the coder bounced, the writer vanished around version 0.5  too (all due to personal problems), and there I was, solo and clueless. Turns out, being a solo dev ain't a walk in the park, especially when you're picking up someone else's work (yeah I freaked). Learning codes, attempting to mimic my friend "coder" and bam! Act 1 was going on (a rollercoaster of) system changes, messier than Mashima changing Lucy's romantic duo!

Now, hold onto your seats, guys! Back in 0.10, a silver-armored knight, aka @DoubleEdge, swooped in, and "bought" the project for a cool $300 (I needed the money...). We hooked a writing fellow from 0.6 to 0.18, rebranded to "Team Alter's," doubled Patrons numbers (thanks to Edge!), and things were golden. But plot twist #2: @DoubleEdge pulled a Houdini, vanished, and left us hanging. (Hope he's alive and fine since the last thing he said was doing was skiing... :/)

No payout button, no answers, and I had to beg Patrons to migrate (mostly left...). Meanwhile, I faced a flood, starting from scratch with just my brother's help. Speaking of him, he's currently bedridden from a motorcycle spill, and I'm the designated caregiver (our dad died and our mother's a bitch, to keep it short). Life's a crazy sometimes, right? It's hard to dig some passion out of so much chaos. This part isn't to get a pit out of you (If you felt it; please don't), it's just to let you understand how things went so badly, and some of the reasons why I lacked energy BUUUUUT, I GREW STRONGER guys! (Pfft, cringe dev moment...)

So here I am,  still managing two projects like a boss (or a crazy person, you decide) being "Renewal of Mortals" my change of pace, some new fresh air that I needed! Money's tight, and time for rest isn't thaaat large, but "Vow Me Faeries" doesn't rake in much money, it helps me but I can't say it's all worth the time... I continue because y'all appreciate it even being this fuckin' mess, I still enjoy drawing those scenes though, yeah I put a freakin' effort there. That said, I can't afford a third project, that's why this poll is being made!

Truth is, I'm a die-hard Fairy Tail fan who kinda despises her own game (AND I HATE THAT I CHANGED WENDY! Now I learn I would have dodged it easily...) It was meant to be an epic game, but life happened, and I had little to nothing of experience making games also drawing. Now things are different in manifold ways. Now, I'm throwing some choices at you. 

Regardless, I'll bust my chops to make it good, beautiful, and organized. Vote wisely, my friends! I really like the idea of a Fairy Tail H game, we just a lack a good one. I still can fix that...

A brief list of things that will change if a new one comes:

  • All sprites/scenes will be redrawn.
  • Characters; Wendy, Kagura, Chelia, and Carla will have their official versions (no body change).
  • The opening story will change drastically to remove abandoned content such as; "Monster" events, unnecessary missions, kidnaping e.tc...
  • The game will be heavily focused on choices, that said a corruption system (with a menu) will be made.
  • The game map will only follow ONE TYPE of system (UI), which will be used throughout the entire game. No inventory or such, there will be dates tho.
  • A gallery system will be created from scratch, it is easier to do at the start as there are not yet 237 images queuered...
  • The protagonist's appearance will change, as well as his background... he's still a pretty strong slayer tho. (that said, no more August dilema!)
  • Focus on simpler things like; Missions focused on delivering H scenes. That said, we will have an increase in H content.
  • Option of variants. (Hairy/Shaved, for example)
Maybe (just maybe) I'll make MC's hair customizable.


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