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"Hey, sweetie, how about a dance?" Martha says to his friend Damon, rubbing his chin and winking at him, a smile adorning her round face.

"I don't know; this is just a mere stupid thing, and I don't like it. You know, I'm not into dance and stupid things like that." He says in a concerned tone that for all the things he dislikes or despises, parties and dancing are one of them; he is just your typical boring guy who spends his nights on his bed or just reading a book, unlike others like his friend who just enjoys parties and goes to a single fuck every single night, such as Martha.

"No, sorry, you know me very well; I'm not that kind of person. Don't waste your time trying to convince me; you know that is useless, Martha," he says, watching at his phone

."You're such a boring guy." She scorned him. Damon's indifference and concern towards parties and joy are things that make her think about his emotional state."You know me very well, Martha; I'm boring and whatever; I'm just like this, and you and nobody are going to change it." He says coldly as he makes his way to the bathroom, leaving Martha with a confused look on her face. There is just as much confusion and concern about her friend's behavior."This guy needs to relax a bit," she thinks, looking at her friend going away."I can fix that," she says, followed by a chuckle as she takes her phone.

"This might help him to enjoy it a little bit." She grins while she touches one app."there is" She grins, looking at her phone, and then a few letters appear."Embrace your inner self.""We might help him to embrace his inner self, far away from that old, boring persona," she thinks, watching the app options that appeared on the screen."This might change him," she thinks.

"That fucking bitch, I'm tired of his stupid shit," Damon says in despise as he enters the bathroom.Damon feels sudden aroused, a bunch of thoughts inside his mind, "This feels odd" He thinks, a sudden tingling all over his body, For whatever reason, a moan is escaping from his lips, a very feminine moan, by the way. Instantaneously, he shuts his mouth with both hands, but there is an undeniable arousal growing inside his body. He notices his dick growing erect, a pleasure overcoming his senses, turning his worries into a fog of pleasure."Oh god, i'm so horny"He just let out another feminine and sultry moan escaping from his lips, this time though he could not help, his thighs rubbing together. The sensation was so pleasurable that he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. Whatever thing has caused him to be this horny; the only thing on his mind is to release this growing arousal; he needs to do something with this horniness. And that was what he did.Damon unzipped his pants and started to jerk off his ragging erection like a complete maniac.

"YES YES, I'M SO FUCKING HORNY, FUCK YES YES." He moans, stroking his member faster, his hand gripping his ragging erection, jerking off like a maniac. There is no shame or fault inside his mind, but the primal urge to release all this sexual tension."I'm so fucking horny." He says between breaths, he wants to stop, but the pleasure is too much for his poor brain to handle, a dreadful feeling that this is pleasure is so dangerous that it might threaten his life.

"I'M TOO CLOSE, I'M TOO CLOSE, UGHHH." He moans in ecstasy, finally enjoying the moment of bliss he always wanted; his dick spurts a torrent of white sticky seed all over the floor; his body trembles with passion; and his mind is completely overwhelmed by the mind-blowing climax.his body rippling, he didn't notice the excess of fat from his entire shape disolved into nothing, the pounds of a full life of lack of self-care melting like nothing, leaving in its place a slim, toned shape.With each cumshot his body changes further, his face turning angular, his double chin receding, the wrinkles from a old hardworking life vanishes, the big nose shrunk, his lips plumping forming a O. The pleasure is overflowing, his vision obscured by the long strands of hair growing from his scalp. In a few seconds, his face transformed into that of a young woman no older than 20 years old.

His dick keep spurting loads of white seed, his body compressed entirely, the middle-aged chunky look turning into a little tight and hot shape, his clothes look like a tent on his body, except for the two big spheres growing from his chest, turning luscious pair of tits, his pale complexion gained a caramel hoe."OOOOH YESSS" He screams in a high-pitched voice as his last vestige of masculinity, his dick, spurts the last loads of virile seed before shrinking into nothing but a clit, his balls receding into his shaft, opening, and forming the entrance of his new tunnel of love. Inside him, his new chalice of womanhood forms, the urethra disappears, the womb forms, and his old, male, and sterile reproductive system turns into a functional and very fertile female reproductive one.

In a few moments, any vestige of Damon is gone for good, replaced by a completely stunning woman standing in nothing but her loose garments."Hey, whats up?" He asks in her high-pitched voice, looking at his new reflection in front of the miror.

"I'm hot," He says horny as fuck.

"Hey," Martha says to his friend, noticing he is fully transformed."Hey, what's up? bitch, ready for the party?" She asks."The party? oh yeah" A few memories appear in Damon's head, the party with her friend, in fact, they are besties, always enjoying parties and fuck with the hottest guys.

"Yeah, right, it's true, ready for the party" She says"Better get ready. Dina, look i have this for you" She says, and offers her a hot piece of cothing, ready for her to enjoy."Thank you sweetie" Dina says to her friend."You welcome, we're besties" She winks at her, feeling with a huge sense of happiness inside her soul, she has a new friend to enjoy parties and a few cocks to fuck.


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