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"Good to see you one more time, man. I'm glad to be with you at least for today." Lindsay says to Matt, a man who is almost like her brother. They have been together since their childhood days, sharing moments of joy and sadness. Matt has been her only support in all her tough moments, in this case tough. They have been distant for a couple of months due to the respective duties of adulthood such as work, family, etc. This time, though, there is a new lovely day on the beach they finally could be able to share with each other to remember the old lovely days of their friendship.

"Yeah, baby, it's cool to share more time with you," Matt says with a smile on his face. His eyes glow with glee as he watches Lindsay's beautiful face; her striking blue eyes are so beautiful that they could hypnotize every single man in the world.

"Awww, me too, sweetie. I love more times like this; it has been a long time since we met together." Lindays smiles at him while she adjusts the straps of her bikini top, with her impressive D-cup tits moving together.
"Oh, god, they're so big," Mat thinks. His face flushes a bit watching Lindsay's tits; the nipples are very visible through the thick fabric of her red bikini top.

"Ehm, yeah, me too; I'm glad to share this lovely beach day with you." He says in a trembling and shy tone, avoiding watching her tits while she adjusts her bikini top. Instead, he watches the sea and takes a look at the bunch of people wandering around the sea, with the bright sun on the horizon.

"How do I look?" Lindsay says, flaunting her toned, tight figure to him, making Matt's face flush even more at the marvelous toned physique of his friend.
"God, she is so fucking hot," Matt thinks, his jaw agape and his eyes glued to Lindsay's toned body glistening due to the bright sun.
"Ehm..yeah, you ehm, you look good." He says, trying his best to hide his attraction towards his longtime friend, that there is a fact that Matt is attracted to Lindsay, a feeling that has grown since his childhood days, a feeling he has hidden for himself due to the fact that he is a bit of a coward to share his inner thoughts with Lindsay.

"Thank you, sweetie; I thought this piece didn't fit me very well. I think I gained a couple of pounds recently," she says, her soft, dainty hands on her slim waist.
"How do you think that? You look amazing." He is amazed by the words Lindsay says to him; she doesn't look fat by any means, compared to him, who is a bit on the chubby side. His pale and out-of-shape body is a huge contrast with Lindsay's toned body with her glowing, healthy, tanned skin.

"I'm a fucking loser; I have nothing to do with her; how could someone like her be interested in someone like me?" He thinks in shame, looking at his flabby and pale body. He is very unconscious about his own shape, hiding his body with a green sleeveless t-shirt and frumpy shorts.

"Good, there is a long sunny day; we can get whatever we want; we're on the beach, baby," Lindsay says happily. She nears Matt and takes him on the shoulder, looking at him with a smile. Her stunning facial features make Matt's body shiver. He is a bit worried about all of this; he tries to hide his thoughts about Lindsay, and the scene and the moment don't help too much with it.

"We...we can walk and talk, ehm, I don't know Linds," Matt says, his voice trembling, and Lindsay's beauty makes his behavior turn erratic, his anxiety growing.

"Oh, c'mon, baby, we can do it better this time. It has been a long time since we met together, so this time we have to enjoy the moment," Lindsay says, grabbing him by the shoulders, his eyes locked with hers.

"Ehm, I think we can do it, or, well, I..." Matt's mouth got shut up by a sudden kiss from Lindsay. her luscious lips kissing his dry and thin ones, meeting together. The feeling is like something he always wanted, and then he finally got it.
"Sorry, Matt, but I need to do this," she says in a seductive tone, looking at Matt, who seems to be hypnotized by her seductive voice.

"I think I can't hold it anymore, but I have to say this: I have deep feelings about you; I need to share this." She says, kissing him again, this time longer and deeper than the first one, her tongue playing with his own.

"I am...i..ehm" Matt is in shock due to Liundsay's words; she has the same feelings as him; she is attracted to him as much as he is to her; and he is in a complete state of shock.

"I need someone to love and share my life with, and you are the right person." Tears ran down her cheekbones, and she finally shared her thoughts with him, a lifelong friendship that evolved into something else.

"I do." Matt replies that, without anything else to share with her, he finds a lack of words to express himself due to this shocking revelation.

"I know. I know; this is why I have no fear or shame to share my feelings with you, baby." Lindsay rubs Matt's hair, sending a shiver down his spine, making Matt more shy than ever before.

"I do anything for you, Linda," Matt says, feeling the courage to share a bit of his soul with her.

"I love to be with you forever." Lindsay kisses him in a longer and deeper kiss, so long that it lasts for a few seconds. Both souls are connected, enjoying a pure state of happiness, with Matt's hands grabbing the contours of Lindsay's tiny waist and feeling the toned shape of her stunning body.

"This is amazing," he thinks, and finally, his longtime fantasy comes true.

"Baby, we'll be forever," she says with a kind smile to him, rubbing his chubby facial features with her dainty hands.
Matt feels the soft touch of Lindsay's hands around his pale, doughy skin; he feels this very exciting, and his entire body tingles as a result.

"Don't be shy, baby," she whispered in his ear, sending a shiver running through Matt's spine.

"Ehm..I'm shocked to hear this from you...because...ehn...I never thought someone like you could be with someone like...ehm...you know," Matt says to her, trying his best to make her look less shy and pathetic.

"That's not a problem at all, baby; we'll be together forever. Don't need to be so harsh to yourself; nobody can see the inner beauty you are, but I do, baby; I can see it; I can see such a lovely soul you are, and now, baby, it's time to show them to everyone." She stomps him with a long and deep kiss.

"Oh god, that is amazing; I cannot believe this; I'm with her; I'm with Lindsay; no way this is happening to me," Matt thinks, his excitement growing as a result of this lovely, almost perfect moment.
"I cannot believe...I cannot believe this." His senses overcame while Lindsay's tongue played with his own, in a long, deep kiss that seemed to last forever.

Little did he know some weird changes were happening to him, for example, his growing erection between his legs or a tingling cascading from head to toe.
"God, this feels like paradise; it is like,Oh h yes.He thinks while his mind is overcome by the growing excitement inside his body, his heart beating like a drum, his body tingling all over. After a few seconds, the kiss broke, their lips parted, and Lindsay looked at him with a sultry look in her eyes.

"I can see your big boner poking out." She grins at him, making him flush with shame as a result of his evident erection.

"Don't worry, love, I can help you with that. Just enjoy this, and we will be together." She kneeled down on him and rolled down his pants, freeing his erection.
"Oh, it's so big; I think it's such a shame this is going to be lost forever," she says, looking at Matt's hard member with a hint of shame on her face.
"What are you, oh?" Matt moans as Lindsay's lips contact his ragging erection, her lips moving in and out of his hard shaft, sending shivers of pleasure through his spine, making him hornier by the second.
"God, yes...yes.." He moans in pleasure as Lindsay works faster in his shaft, her head bouncing in a very skillful way, her tongue playing with his gland, sending intense shots of pleasure through his entire system, making him moan in response.

"God, this is amazing; I cannot hold it anymore." He thinks, moaning, his mind overcomes by the pleasure his body sends throughout his nervous system, and all of this thanks to Lindsay's entire skillful blowjob.

"OH GOD YES, I GONNA, I GONNA OOOOOOH." He screams in joy as a torrent of sticky virile seed erupts from his ragging erection, screaming in utter joy while Lindsay swallows every single drop of his seed.
"OOOOOH YEEEEAAAAHHH" He screams in utter joy, his chubby hips bucking involuntarily. His back arched as a result of this mind-blowing climax, and his dick kept spurting more white seed through Lindsay's mouth while she stroked her still-hard member faster and faster.
"OH GOD OOOH YEEEEEEES" He screams in a changing tone of voice; his voice sounds kind of feminine, more high-pitched than before.
"Oh, what's happening, my...my...my voice is...OOOHHH GOD" He screams in joy as another spurt of seed exploded from his ragging erection, through Lindsay's mouth, slips his thoughts and worries as a result of this maddening climax as other changes happen to him as his hair growing long and luscious from his scalp, turning into a lustrous mane of hair obscuring his vision, or his body mass shrinks by the second, losing pounds and flabbiness at an alarming rate, his flabby torse reshaping, turning into a slim and dainty one, with a perky set of breast hanging on his chest, his flabby belly slimming, turning into a flat sexy belly, the fat around his chubby legs reshaping, turning into a sexy sleek and toned legs, with a perky butt devoid of any single blemish or cellulite, but just pure hotness.

"GOD, this is...OOOOOHHH." He screams in utter joy in his new high-pitched voice as a new orgasm hits him harder this time, his new slim and feminine body spásm, his new hot sexy body shocks as waves of pleasure assault his feminine body, as the final changes in his body happen as his face turns feminine, the flabbiness, wrinkles, and blotches from his face disappear, turning his skin smooth and sexy, with a healthy tanned skin all over his new sexy body, and adopting a youthful look, his eyes turn long and luscious, his nose shrinks, and his lips turn into a sexy pair of luscious lips.

"GOD YES YES OOOOH" He screams in joy as his masculine reproductive system reshapes inside, his dick spurts the last vestiges of his masculinity as it shrinks by the second, turns into a clit, his balls and sack receding into his shaft, turns into the ovaries, opening the entrance of his new tunnel of love, and forms the labia, turning into a functional female reproductive system.

"Oh, yeah, look at your new tight and hot pussy." Lindsay sees Matt's newly formed labia and starts to rub his clit with her dainty little fingers.}
"Do you like it, Maddie?" Lindsay grinds at him and rubs the clit with a skillful maneuver, sending electric waves of pleasure assaulting Maddie's body.
"OH GOD, THIS IS...OOHHHHHH" Maddie screams in blissful agony as she experiences her first female orgasm with her hips bucked, and her body shudders in pleasure as she grabs her new perky breasts with both hands, feeling the intense pleasure this new feminine body gives her.

"OHHH SHIIIITTT" She screams in joy for a few seconds before the orgasmic waves subsided. Maddie's body is tired as a result of the long, mind-blowing climax she experienced, first as a man and now as a woman.

"God, baby, well done; I knew you were going to love this," Lindsay says, standing on her feet and looking at Maddie's tight and hot body. Maddie's eyes got wide open looking at her changed body; everything about her looked sexy and hot; there was no flabbiness of wrinkles from her old boring body but just a sexy and hot body. She notices her ti shit look loose on her slim, sexy frame, covering her tight slit, and flushes a bit.
"Oh sh*t, I'm..."

"You're hot, baby; you're hot and sexy. I love the new you. Would you like your new sexy body?" Lindsay says with a wide smile on her face.

"Whm, yes, I'm looking hot, but...what about me? I used to be a man, and now I'm like this; I don't know what to do. I'm" Maddie's words got shut open as Lindsay kissed him with her naughty mouth.

"Shhh, don't worry about that, baby; we're together, and nothing else matters." She smiles at her.

"Ehm, I think you're right; I've always wanted to be with you, and now I'm sexy and hot, and oh my, I'm horny," Maddie says with a flush in her face. She notices her pussy is getting wet.

"We can solve that later on, but first, take this." She grabs her purse and takes off a hot bikini for Maddie.
"This suits you better than that old, boring t-shirt," she says.
"Ehm, yeah," Maddie says shyly as she strips off the loose garment and wears the bikini Lindsay gave her.

"Oh, baby, you look beautiful," Lindsay says, admiring Maddie's hot shape.
"Ehm, thank you, Linds," Maddie says, admiring herself. In fact, she is so sexy that her tight body is devoid of any single blemish, scar, or wrinkle, just sexy beauty.

"You're right, Linds, I'm beautiful," she says, admiring her sexy body.
"I know, Maddie, finally your inner beauty comes out to the surface, and now you're as beautiful as you are deep inside your soul." She smiles at Maddie.

"Now, bitch, smile at the camera," Lindsay says as she grabs her phone and takes a picture of Maddie.

""Thank you," Maddie says. Remember, there is a new life with a bright future for both.


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