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Do you need a drink? I have a lot of them." A lovely girl says to Ethan, a poor guy walking around the street just for relief from the exhaustive 10 hours per day job, that walking in the night once he finishes his work journey is what he does for distraction.

"Eh, no, sorry, I'm not in the mood to get a bit of this right now," he says with a faked smile on his face to not be considered a boring or mean person. This night has been very fun, and there are a lot of things to watch, like this lovely girl standing outside a liquor shop offering shots of drink to everyone.

"Oh, I understand. You look so tired. Can I ask you what happened?" The girl smiles at him; her soft, stunning facial features are so hard to ignore, as are her stunning body as well.

"Yeah, I don't know, I'm in a sort of meltdown; I work almost all day long, and I think it is just a waste of time and I'm wasting my years in a lackluster job," Ethan said sincerely with the girl, who seems to be very cared about him for some reason; her smile and tenderness make him feel like someone cares for him.

"Oh, you poor guy, you don't have to be so bad about yourself. Look, maybe this is the beginning of a new chance in life. Maybe you just need to go away from all these things in life that make your life a complete mess. I don't know, maybe I'm talking too much." The lovely girl says, following by a chuckle, that the one seems to be a bit contagious to Ethan, who smiles back at her. The little talk seems to be a bit good to the poor stressed guy.


"You're right, maybe I have to search for new opportunities in life. I'm nearly 30 years old, so I have many more years to enjoy a better job and a better place." He says to her in a retrospective: all the missed opportunities, all the wasted years—he realizes he has more years ahead of him and there is no time to waste in a lackluster job.

"That's the attitude, boy. Look at you; you don't look as tired and stressed out as before. Life is joy, boy." The girl smiles at him, brushes her lustrous mane of hair, and offers him a single shot of a purple-colored drink.

"JI thinks you need to relax; just drink it for the long and bright future ahead of you." The girl says with a wide smile on her smooth, delicate face that she winks at him and rubs his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right, I have to loosen up a little bit from time to time; I work too hard every single day. It is not bad if I take a single shot at this." Ethan smiles, takes the shot, and drinks the content without a single hint of doubt. The purple-colored drink makes his throat warm, and with a growing heat inside his loins, the flavor is somehow like something he has never tasted before.

"Wow, girl, what is this? It tastes so good." Ethan's voice trembles a bit, the heat still inside his throat and then going down to his stomach, making the drink more enjoyable with the delightful flavor. He licked his lips in response.

"It's a special drink we're promoting just for tonight; we're launching our new purple vodka; it's a special one, and just for today, we're offering free shots to everyone." The girl says with a smile on her face and watches Ethan's expression, who seems to be so amazed by the intense flavor of the drink.

"Wow, it's amazing, it's so freakin delicious," Ethan says with a bit of joy on his tired face. The one doesn't look as tired as before, his eyes widen, and he feels a bit different, a bit tipsy, and just by one single shot!


"I knew this was going to make you feel better," she says with a smile, rubbing his shoulder and winking at him. The shot makes Wthan's body tremble in joy.

"Yes, I'm feeling better. Thank you so much, lady," he says in excitement.

"Npleasl.e, call me Jenna." She smiles and grabs the thick bottle of purple vodka.

"Another shot?" She asks him, knowing the answer, but her lovely nature is so hard to miss.

"Yeah, of course, this tastes so fucking delicious." Ethan shuts his mouth at these words that are escaping from his mouth, considering he is not the kind of person who swears in public. "

Don't worry, you're getting better; this is what the shot does; feel free to enjoy this lovely shot." She bings him another shot, her delicate, well-manicured fingers grabbing the single shot of vodka.

"Thank you, sweetie," Ethan says in a happy tone, his facial expression changing completely from the old, boring, stressed look to a happy and tipsy one, thanks to the shot Jenna offers him. "I'm just taking a second shot; what wrong would happen?" He thinks before drinking the second shot entirely that the purple liquid makes his throat and digestive tract burn in heat. He crunches his belly with the hot sensations flooding inside his body, and the burning runs through his entire body.

"Oh sh*t, this is so fucking great," Ethan says in a breathy tone. The heat inside his body is very pleasurable, and a warm tingling sensation emanates into his system, overwhelming his thoughts. A shiver ran down his spine. There is a feeling that this is completely good—maybe the best he has been in all his life.

"These are the lovely effects of this lovely purple vodka; this makes your body burn in heat, but hey, a pleasurable heat washing all your thoughts and worries, your body overwhelmed by an intense feeling into your system, you just let these sensations flooding into your body overwhelm you, say hello to the waves of pleasure gonna embrace your body in and out, just enjoy bouy," Jenna grins at him, looking down at the growing bulge between his legs.

"God, yes, I'm getting so overwhelmed. I think these are the best shots I drink in my entire fucking life, oh yeah." Ethan's eyes glowed with glee, joy, and excitement, rushing with a growing heat all over his body. He rubbed his torch, feeling the tenderness of his tight, hard member. He is hard, so hard.

"Oh boy, it seems like you're ready to fuck." Jenna grins at the excited Ethan, who is rubbing his crotch. Feeling the waves of pleasure emanating from his body, he notices that his member is hard, ready to explode.

"I don't know what the fuck is that drink, but it feels so fucking good—I mean, hot, hot hot." Ethan screams in joy, overwhelmed by the sensations flooding into his body. The growing pleasurable heat all over his body makes him feel the urge to strip off his clothes, leaving his chubby body nude in just a few seconds.

"My god, the drinks hit you really hard, boy. Maybe these are the side effects, but is that weird, you know? The last guy didn't show the same effects as you; well, who knows, the drink hits differently on people."She chuckles watching Ethan's erratic behavior; he doesn't hear anything the stunning girl says; his mind is focused on the strange yet pleasurable sensations flooding into his body, a pleasurable heat, increasing by the second; his face reddens with the heat and the growing arousal in his body, overcoming his senses.

"This is incredible. Wow, I'm so...so."

"Horny?" The girl grins at him.

"YES, YES, I'm so fucking horny, I think I cannot hold it anymore; the heat is so fucking intense."

He tries his best to collect his words, but it finds it too difficult for him to collect his thoughts properly. His mouth and brain are in a sense of blur from an intense heat growing between his legs, his cock erect, with a bit of cum pouring down the head of his manhood.

"Definitely the shot, but these effects seem to hit you really, really hard, boy." The girl says she watched Ethan grab his member with his hands and begin stroking his manhood with reckless abandon.

"YES YES, I'M SO FUCKING HORNY, FUCK YES YES." Ethan moans, stroking his member faster, his hand gripping his ragging erection, jerking off like a maniac. There is no shame or fault inside his mind, but the primal urge to release all this sexual tension.

"You need to get yourself off, boy. Enjoy the moment. This is what I was talking about. Enjoy the pleasures of life; nothing else matters but the lust and joy of life." She smiles proudly watching Ethan stroke his member, jerking off like a possessed maniac, his eyes glowing with glee, his chubby body trembles, sweating all over, his legs trembled. There is a puñlsating feeling inside his loins, a feeling that he knows very well what is about to happen.

"II'M TOO CLOSE, I'M TOO CLOSE, UGHJHH." He moans in ecstasy, finally enjoying the moment of bliss he always wanted; his dick spurts a torrent of white sticky seed all over the floor; his body trembles with passion; and his mind is completely overwhelmed by the mind-blowing climax.

"Look at that marvelous Greek fountain," Jeanna giggles, watching the exnasty spectacle of Ethan's virile seed spurting out from his dick like crazy, load after load, climax after climax assaulting his body, shouting and trembling in constant heat and lust.

"I'M CUUUUUUMING" He screams in a high-pitched voice, far different from his usual one. The fact that his voice sounds girlish makes him feel a bit scared, but his worries slip away as a new mind-blowing climax assaults his body.

"Enjoy this, my love; don't fear; is everything okay?" Jenna takes his phone and starts recording the nasty spectacle.

"GOD YES, YES, YES." Ethan screams in blissful agony as more unexpected changes manifest in his body: the long, lustrous hair growing from his scalp, his face reshaping, his eyes turning long and luscious, his lips inflating, turning into a pair of cocksucker ones.

"Oh, bitch, it seems like you're getting hot and beautiful," Jenna says with a smile adorning her stunning face as more changes happen to Ethan.

"YES, YES, YES." He moans in utter pleasure as his overwhelmed mind cannot comprehend what is happening while his body mass and height shrink by the second his fat melted like butter, turning into a feminine and toned shape, his big pair of tits growing around his chest, his legs turning sleek and toned, his buttocks turning perky, and without a single hint of blemishes, wrinkles, or stretch marks, his entire body turns into a youthful piece of hottie.

"Look at you, bitch; the last man turns into an Asian hooker, but you are a lovely blond hottie; my god, that drink is incredible," she says while recording the whole nasty show with her phone as the last vestiges of masculinity slip away from him.

Ethan's last vestige of masculinity, his dick, spurts the last loads of virile seed before shrinking into nothing but a clit, his balls receding into his shaft, opening, and forming the entrance of his new tunnel of love. Inside him, his new chalice of womanhood forms, the urethra disappears, the womb forms, and his old, male, and sterile reproductive system turns into a functional and very fertile female reproductive one.


"The change is done, which is amazing," Jenna thinks, looking at the blond hottie, spasm, recovering from the intense pleasure.

"You're a hot bitch, Nancy," she says to the transformed man, her eyes blinking a few times, her body recovering from the extraneous pleasure. Who is that chick, she thought? For some reason, she had the idea of being a man; in fact, she used to be a man, but she had no idea what she looked like as a hottie right now.

"I don't know, sweetie, but I used to be a man, but what happened? I mean, I look hot, but I have the vague idea of being a man, a completely different person, but I don't know why I got into this," Nancy says, thinking about her old life, but the memories and thoughts of her former existence are blurrier by the second.


"Oh, bitch, stop talking sh*t and take this," she smiles, offering a shot of purple vodka to Nancy.

"Oh, thanks, sweetie," Nancy says, drinking the shot instantly, and then, the heat burning inside her loins, a growing pleasure building between her legs.

"Oh god, yes!" Nancy spasms, her tight slit squirting a load of female juices on the floor, merged with the puddle of virile seed formed on the floor as a result of Ethan's metamorphosis.

"Oh god, this is amazing," Nancy purrs in pleasure, rubbing her tight slit with her dainty fingers before licking them.

"Oh gal, you suck a naughty slut," Jenna smiles at her, with her phone still recording.

"Yeah, I'm such a naughty slut." Nancy grins at Jenna; her family has been very kind to her all these years, and her "work" as an OF model is a complete success thanks to Jenna's guidance.

"Well, this might work for him," Jenna thinks, sending the video to a contact with the title "New Slut for the Crew."


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