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Helen is a powerful woman with a vast trajectory dedicated to her work. She started as a member of a law firm, and now, almost twenty years later, she has built her own law firm, the dream of her life. She has been under so much pressure throughout the years, overcoming issues and struggles through the hard times. She has overcome and destroyed the competition and carried her firm with an iron fist. Her rough, uptight attitude shows no mercy with the rival law firms. Her ruthless tactics are the key to her successful career.

"Another day complete," she says with a proud tone while she watches into her phone to realize it hit almost midnight. "Time to get back to the house," she says, removing her glasses and rubbing her temples. It has been a long, stressful day, and it's better to get back home.

"Nick has to be worried." She thinks about her husband of twenty years; he is lovely and supportive to her, but when she started to get much more money than him, he accepted that, unlike other men who feel inferior the moment their wives start to gain power and status, Nick, for his part, is none of that; he is supportive and very lovely to her. They are a great couple that has overcome the struggles throughout their two decades of marriage.

She loves the way their relationship and her whole life are going. At 45 years old, she feels like an empowered woman in every aspect of her life; she adjusted her business dress, the one doing wonders to highlight her overweight physique, and she still looks for someone of her age, of course, but there is a fact her body has seen better days; plump hips, a flabby derriere, and a big pair of sagging breasts as a result of being raised with three kids are the evidence of her long-time work and stressful life.

"Time to go," she says to herself, and she's about to leave the office when someone appears in front of her.

"Excuse me, mistress," she says, referring to a young woman, apparently in her twenties, with a tight and hot body, the skimpy tube top trying to contain her massive tits, her nipples very noticeable under the fabric of her top, her flat, sexy belly fully exposed, the tight leather skirt accentuates the curve of her tight-toned buttocks. The girl is a complete knockout. The vapid look of her eyes can tell you this girl enjoys wildlife. She brushes her long, lustrous hair with her dainty, well-manicured hand.

"Do I know you?" Helen looks in discomfort at this woman wearing undecent clothes, giving her the impression of a mundane woman.

"No, but I need your help; please help me." The girl says to Helen, her stunning face adopting a worried look, that she needs something from Helen, making this one feel a sense of discomfort.

"Look, I don't know what you want and, honestly, I don't want to know either, I have no time to waste with someone like you, so please go away" Helen speaks with concern in her wrinkled, round face.



"I cannot do that, mistress." The girl moans and looks at the mature, overweight woman. "Please, don't let me go, please, mistress." She starts to strip her clothes, exposing her massive and gravity-defying tits to the astonishment of Helen, who is looking at her awkward behavior.

"What the hell are you doing? Please leave my office before I call the police." Helen scorned out at the smokeless girl, rubbing her perfect memories, her slim fingers tubbing the thick brown nipples, the girl moaning and shuddering in pleasure.

"I need someone to give me pleasure, please. I'm lost; I don't know what to do. My master left me, and I just wandered around; he just left me for my own, and I don't know what I'm going to do. Please, mistress, help me." She moans in pleasure as she strips off her skirt, leaving completely nude, her tight shaven slit fully exposed.

"Oh my god, this is insane, please go away or I gonna call" 

"What are you going to do, mistress? I'm at your mercy; my body is irresistible. I know you're astonished looking at my hot, wonderful body, don't you?" She says this, followed by a grin, looking at Helen.

"What...WHAT?" Helen's anger grew inside her soul; her eyes burned with anger due to the nasty words this shameless girl is saying. Not only is she a sort of slut, but she accused her of staring at her body in lust; this is what makes her face wrinkle in disgust.

"Are you high? Look, I'm not that kind of person; I'm ordering you to let this office and"

"Oh, bitch, you're so fucking boring; you need to get loosen up a bit, you old hag. My master was right when he told me about people like you, boring people who hide their true selves; this has to stop it," the girl says in a concerned look, looking in her voice and walking toward Helen.

"Please, go away, or I will call." Helen suddenly found the girl's hands and shut her mouth. She tried to liberate herself, but the girl's grip was too strong.

"Look, you're so fucking gross, mistress, so fat and old," the girl says in disgust, feeling her flabby, overweight body pressed against her own tight and hot one.

"I no wonder why you are such an old hag; don't worry, I can fix that; my master told me how to do that." The girl says, and then he presses her plump cushion lips against the old dry ones from Helen in a deep, wet kiss that lasts for a few seconds while her dainty, well-manicured hands grip the contours of Helen's graying head.

"This feels good. My master told me about this before, but I didn't know how good this feels." The girl thinks, her tight slit dripping from the growing pleasure she is feeling.

"My god, this is disgusting; this nasty slut is kissing me. God, help, help," Helen thinks in desperation, but she feels pressed against her will; the girl's strength is too much for her old, aching body. The girl keeps kissing her deeper, toying with her naughty tongue, while Helen feels a warm sensation inside her body.

"God, there is; this is just the beginning," the girl thinks to herself, feeling Helen's body grow warmer by the second.

"God, this is insane; this is making me warm and tingling." Helen is astonished by the sensations flooding through her body. The kiss of this girl is making her unnexplained feelings inside her body, a bunch of sensations that seemed to be gone, dormant, return.

The girl keeps Helen in an iron grip around her head, and then the girl pins Helen down on the floor, with two women stumbling on the marble floor. With the girl on top of Helen, she wrapped her legs around Helen's flabby lower body.

"You're getting weak; I know you enjoy this the moment I see your face stripped of my clothes; I know about your deep desires; don't worry, my love; I'm here to set you free from your inhibitions and set your inner self." She grins at her, rubbing her cunt against the fabric of Helen's skirt.

"Please, let me go. I don't want this. I'm a lawyer, and I have the power to put you on." The girl kisses Helen once again, shutting her mouth with a wet and deep kiss of her plump, luscious lips.

"This bitch talks too much; I think it's time to speed up this shit." The girl thinks, grabbing Hellen's head, pressing against her own.

"Enjoy this, you fucking hag," she thinks in annoyance as her pussy gets wet by the second.

"This is insane. Help, help. I CAN'T MOVE, PLEASE. I DON'T WANT THIS, PLEASE." Helen tries to fight against this nasty whore, but it is in vain. The girl presses her lips against her own, devouring her mouth. The girl's luscious tits press against her own saggy ones.

"God, I'm so warm. Why is this happening? Please, no, I don't like this. What is happening to me?" Helen feels her body growing warm; excitement rushes inside her body; her legs tremble; and a flame that has gone dormant for so many years seems to be reignited between her legs.

"This is insane; I'm feeling hot, hot hot." Helen shocks as the girl keeps the wet iron kiss, her body spasming her, the girl's tight wet slit rubbing again against the fabric of her skirt, and a flame ignites inside her womanhood.

"No, no, this cannot be happening, jo fuck," Helen's own labia engorged under her skirt, dampening her pants, while a pleasurable tingling makes her body spasm from the sudden rush of lust inside her anatomy.

"God, this is insane. Why in the world am I getting horny? This fucking slut makes me horny. Fuck, what the fuck is this? I'm a respectable woman, not a fucking mindless slut."Helen's mind is in a constant fight against her growing arousal; she despises every moment of this nasty show, but for some reason, she cannot deny this growing horniness.

"I think I can do it better," The girl thinks, moves her hand to her tight, wet slit, and inserts two fingers inside her wet tunnel hole.

"Enjoy the lovely nectar of love." The girl grins at her, breaking the kiss and looking at Helen's flushed face.

"FUCK YOU, YOU SICK BITCH, I GONNA." The girl inserted two of her fingers inside Helen's mouth, making her unable to keep saying her outrageous words.

"Enjoy this lovely nectar; you're going to embrace your inner self very soon." The girl's eyes changed into a devious look; she licked her plump lips, and her womanhood dripped wet.

For Helen's part, her thoughts turn into a complete mess the moment her lips make contact with the girl's wet fingers, and the flavor of her lovely juices tastes like the gods, altering Helen's thoughts, her brain cells, and every fiber of her body overwhelmed by the intense flavor of this lovely nectar.


"This is...this..is...this..is" Helen's thoughts are affected by the intense rush of hormones flooding into her system, her body tingling, and her eyes getting wide from the unnexplainable sensations flooding inside her body.

"HOT?" A voice speaks inside her brain.

"Hot...delicious....tasty" Helen moans, her aging cunt is dripping wet for the first time in a decade, her legs tremble, and she is limp, as the girl rubs her pussy against her crotch, feeling the dampness of her increasing horniness.

"OOOOOH GOOOOOOOD" A huge moan escaped from Helen's lips, and her overweight body convulsed, spasming as ogasmic waves assulted her body over and over again.

"OOOOOHHHH, YESSS, THIS IS DISGUSTING." She cries in pleasure, still disgusted by this hedonistic pleasure, but she cannot deny how enjoyable it is.

"Keep cumming; let your inner self set free from all the fucking stupid worries of a boring life." The slutty girl whispers to her ear as she grips her overweight body, pressing against her own, feeling the spasms and shudders of Helen's body due to the maddening lust that assaults her over and over again.

"Cum with me; don't worry, we're together." She moans, feeling her own orgasm hit her too.

"OH MY GOD, YES YES YES, THIS IS CRAZY," Helen trashes in maddening pleasure; her mind is obsessed with the sudden raw lust assaulting her body; the worries, family, and her professional life are over; the only thing that matters is the intensity of these orgasmic waves her body is experiencing right now.

"I can feel your body changing." The girl says, as she notices Helen's wide frame reducing, the fat around her body evaporating, the flabbiness around the torso, and her lower body melting like butter, turning into sleek and toned flesh, her sagging breasts reshaping, and inflating into a big pair of tits that compete with the slutty girl ones.

"Mgod, we have the same pair of yummy tits, so much better than those old saggy ones." The girl smiles watching Helen's change firsthand, both women's tits pressed together as the rest of Helen's fat from her legs, thighs, and buttocks evaporates, turning into a toned, tight, perky butt and sleek legs.

"You're so hot that I'm jealous, bitch." The girl grins out at Helen's changing face; the wrinkles and fat around her old face disappear, leaving a hot face with sharp facial features; her eyes adopt the same vapid look as her, and her limps turn plump and kissable; her graying hair turns into a lustrous golden blond of hair.

"So delicious," the girl says, locking Helen's new lips with her naughty tongue.

"After the final waves of arousal subsided, Helen recovered from the mind-blowing climax, but her body still spasms as her mind gets back to her rational state.

"I think it's done; you're complete; my master was right; I'm ready to spread my love to everyone." The girl says, standing on her feet, admiring her nude form, and watching Helen's new hot and young appearance wearing the old clothes that fit her like a tent on her slim, improved physique.

"You're hot, bitch, even with those old fucking clothes." The girl smirks at her, rubs her pussy and licks her wet fingers. "The flavor is exquisite," she purrs, rubbing her thighs as an orgasm hits her.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Helen speaks in a high-pitched voice; even her voice changed, the girl thinks, as Helen tries to stand on her feet, notices her ill-fitting clothes, and looks at her improved body.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Helen grunts in despise, looking at her own body. With her old appearance gone for good, she has the body and look of a woman in her twenties, with a slutty, vapid look in her eyes and a shape suited for adult content.

"I just improved you, my girl." The girl smiles at her; she looks at Helen in her ill-fitting clothes, with despise in her eyes, but there is something inside Helen that seems undeniable.

"You're horny, I know; your pussy is still wet." She grins at her.

"Fuck you, fuck you nasty bitch, what the hell am I going to do living like this? I have a family, I have an emporium, and...


"And your body has needs; you're horny as fuck; I can see it just looking into your eyes." The girl giggles, looking at Helen's face flushed with arousal.

"Fuck you," Helen grunts. She rubs her pussy involuntarily, and a shiver runs through her spine, making her hips buck at one single touch.

"You are nothing but a horny slut; you're going to need a big, hard dick to satiate your hunger. Good luck with that; you can do it easily; you're superfucking hot." She winks at Hele.

"Well, my mission is complete. Good luck enjoying your new life, Helen."

"Wait, what the fuck am I supposed to do looking like this? What about my family and my life?" Helen cries desperately at her.

"Your husband and kids would love to see you looking like that." The girl giggles as she leaves Helen's office.

"NO WAIT, NO!" Helen tried to run toward her, but her body was still shaking due to the mind-bending climax. She stumbled down on the floor, merged with her juices, her loose clothes soaked.

"WHAT THE FUCK I'M SUPPOSED TO DO?" She cries in exasperation. What would she tell her family? Nobody would believe she is Helen; looking at her, she looks like nothing but a mindless whore with no purpose in life but sucking and fucking.

While all these thoughts flood into her mind, there is a growing heat inside her loins, making her grunt in frustration and excitement.

"Fuck, I'M SO FUCKING HORNY, THIS MOTHERFUCKING BODY IS KILLING ME." She grunts, removing her ill-fitting clothes, and starts rubbing her pussy like a bitch in heat, cursing and trashing everyone while her pussy squirts hot shots of nectar on the floor.

"FUCK YES YES, I NEED A COCK, FUCK." Helen curses the slutty girl who does this to her, but there is a need to be satiated while she is fucking herself for the rest of the night before.

Meanwhile, the girl is walking outside the building with a smile on her face; she is proud of this, like her master told her, and she is ready to spread the love to everyone. The first person is that old hag called Helen; it was her first victim. She doesn't know why she picked her as her first victim; there is just a vague memory inside her messy brain that told her to do this, but she doesn't know exactly why.

"Maybe just a sort of stupid thing inside my brain," she giggles as she thinks about Helen. What would be her new life? Maybe fuck and fuck like the bitch in heat she is, and working in the adult industry as there is no one that can get someone like her seriously in a law firm, not even as a secretary, the good point is that she is enjoying the pleasure all her life denied, or maybe it is just a curse.

"Who fucking cares?" She giggles as she spends the rest of her night with a proper dose of wild sex.


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