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"Hello, welcome! My name is Dina. Do you need a haircut?" The lovely woman says with a wide smile adorning her face, her facial features are stunning, and she looks like some kind of supermodel; her face could easily pass for one of these cover magazines; her lustrous hair is tied in a ponytail; her body is as stunning as her face.

"Oh, you're such a smart girl. I come here to a professional haircut salon, and you ask me if I'm going to get a haircut? Oh, good for you, gal; you're so clever; I think you consider yourself to be into science or something; you're so smart that maybe you might get a  Nobel."Damon says in a totally sarcastic tone that his face denotes stress and tiredness, he has been under a long and very tough day, his job is a puny sort of wacky roller coaster, with an SOB boss and an entire group of fucking bitches, he is jaded of all that endless job, and he pictures his life in this fucking job for the rest of his puny and pathetic life.

"Hey, you don't have to be so harsh; I was thinking you could be here for some other reason." The girl says with a little concerned tone that her delicate face denotes a hint of discomfort. She crosses her arms looking at this guy; his first impression is of a frustrated and lackluster guy, far from being angry or something like that. She feels bad about him.

"Poor guy," she thinks before looking at him with a glimpse.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It seems like more than two neurons are working into your brain. Now please, I'm tired of all this shit. I need a freaking haircut if this is what you were asking for, you dumbass." The guy says with concern in his face that his day has been a complete mess, which makes him release his anger and frustration with this lovely girl, who just keeps herself as neutral as possible.

"Yes, sir, you can come here and get your new haircut." The girl tries her best to keep herself as lovely as possible, and she offers him a seat inside the big salon.

"Wow, this is very big," Damon thinks, amazed by how big the salon is. He is surprised to find there is no client getting a haircut—not a single client—but beautiful, lovely girls talking.

"Today has been a not-so-good day; you're lucky you can get a haircut first, with no need to wait a long hour for it." The girl smiles at him; she tries to be as positive as she can.

But Damon's look is very disappointed; his entire self denotes a total lack of positivity, and his long workday makes him despise everything in his life. He starts to reconsider his lifestyle.

"This is what I want for my life." He thinks as he just sits in one of those big chairs placed right in the corner of the big salon.

"A stupid, boring job and a puny paycheck? Fuck off, I'm tired of this fucking shit," HBe thinks, the frustration on his face, the tired look in his eyes—there are things so evident for everyone to notice, Dina included.

"Poor guy, what a miserable man he is," Dina thinks, trying her best to keep calm and happy as always.

The man sits in front of the very large mirror, noticing the tired look on his face firsthand. "You're going to love this new haircut style." She smiles at him, looking at his reflection.

Damon doesn't reply to her comment; his frustrations and stress make him lost in his own thoughts, ignoring the girl.

She quickly pulled what looked to be a neon pink shot out of the fridge and offered it to Kari. "Here, drink this. I promise it'll do you good." She said with a wink, a friendly smile spreading across her face.

While the drink itself looked dubious, it was hard not to trust that smile. He plucked the shot from Dina's hand and tossed it back. He instantly felt a burning rise from his stomach to his throat. But, not the average burn from an average drink. This made her throat feel like a complex system of burning cables. The burning stopped but his throat felt sore. Before he was able to do more than give a single audible croak, Dina said. "Just relax, that stuff is very strong." Her smile then took on a vaguely wicked quality as she said, "You're gonna feel amazing in a second." As he said that Damon felt a numbness that began in his chest and radiated out bring with it a floaty cloudy feeling.

"What the hell did she mean by that?" Damon thought. He felt his head lifted to the sink as Dina began washing his hair with a shampoo that smelled strongly of strawberries.

"What..is.." Damon tries to say something, but Dina shuts his mouth, and then she nears his ear and whispers to him delicately, "Don't you worry, my love." Licking his ear, a wave of excitement went through Damon's body, tingling all over.

"This lovely shampoo has...some side effects." She grins, looking at his crotch, and a tent forms between his legs. Damon notices his arousal growing at a steady pace.

"The shampoo is doing its magic," she giggles, washing his hair. The shampoo wax rinsed out the water leaving his head turned as his hair was growing long and lustrous, turned a sweet honey blonde. "Ahh, just beautiful." She said looking down on the tired man.

"Don't worry though love. When we're done you'll get a whole new license." She said patting Kari's cheek. She then began rubbing her hair with a strange cream similar to leave in conditioner. After the cream was applied she began removing every stitch of clothing the young woman had on, careful moving her cumbersome body as she did.

Damon is in a frenzy state of euphoria; his is hard, and he blushes a bit at his ragging erection; the fact Dina noticed it makes him concerned.
"Shh, don't speak, my love; once I finish this, you're going to love your new version." She smiles at him, licking his ear and waxing his hair carefully.

"You're getting gorgeous, all thanks to the estrogen shampoo." She smiles, waxing the lustrous mane of blond hair growing from Damon's scalp.

"Estronge...what?" Damon thinks in a foggy state of mind; he notices there is something wrong, but his blurry mind, along with his increasing arousal, overcomes his senses.

He tries to move; there are a few questions he wants to ask Dina, but they are in vain. His body is overwhelmed by these sensations, trembling and tingling all over.

"Don't try to move, baby; just relax and enjoy the new you," she whispered in his ear, rubbing his nipples.
"You are so hard; let me help you." She unzips his pants, revealing his hard erection and stroking with his well-manicured hands.

"Do you like it, right?" She smiles at him, and a moan escapes from Damon's lips, overwhelmed by the pleasure.

"God this...is...wow," He moans again, with Dani's hand working on his manhood.
"You need to get off before we can keep with this." She smiles at him, stroking his member faster.
"The shampoo is having its effect on you; the chemicals are working into every cell of your body." She whispered to him, stroking his member and rubbing his nipples.

"I think they're growing too." She giggles, noticing growing mounds around his chest.
"Let me help you with these boring, unflattering clothes." She starts to strip off his clothes.
"The part I love about this is seeing the changes firsthand; I love this," she says seductively to him.
Damon is shocked to hear her words. What the fuck is she talking about? Unable to speak, with his senses overcome by immense pleasure, he just lies on the chair, moaning, with his naked, boring body fully exposed, with a stunning woman stroking his manhood like a bitch in heat.

"I can bet you never received a blowjob like this." She grins at him, her plump, luscious lips meeting with his ragging erection, giving him the best blowjob of his entire life. Considering Damon's nonexistent sexual life, this is too much.

"What..the...oooh god" Then it happened: Damon's cock exploded, spurting a torrent of virile seed on the floor.
"Say goodbye to your old life." The woman smirks at him, feeling proud to see his change firsthand.
Damon's body was reshaping, the mass contracted, losing muscle and height, turning petite and slim, his chest inflated, a big pair of titties stood proudly on his chest, thick brown nipples throbbing, his lips plumping, turning luscious cocksucker lips, his eyes adopting a vapid look, his nose shrinking, turning small and delicate, his overall skin gaining an artificial tan, and his body turned into a young, hot woman with a vapid look in his face.

"And the final touch" She grins and storks his member, spurting the last remains of his masculinity.
"Say goodbye to your cock; don't worry, baby; you're going to love your new tight, shaven, and wet pussy," she says, looking at the hard prick shrinking into a clit while his balls receding into his shaft and turning into the ovaries.

"You're going to love it, trust me." She winks at him and notices that his new tunnel of love is open.
"You're ready, my love, ready to enjoy a life as a hot, slutty gal," Dina winks out at him.
Damon recovers from the intense orgasmic bliss, and he notices his body is completely different from his old one.
"What happened to me?" He says with a shocked look on his face that he looks himself in front of the large mirror.
"I'm... 'm."

"A beautiful woman," Dina says, rubbing Damon's long mane of hair.

"I'm beautiful" A tear ran down his face. He had never seen someone as beautiful as his new reflection.
"How was this possible?" Damon says, touching his smooth, delicate face with both hands.
"Everything is so smooth, so soft,"
"So hot?" Dina helps him.
"Yes. I'm feeling so hot." Damon couldn't deny his growing arousal. He noticed his dick was gone, replaced by a wet hole, but it doesn't matter in his current state of mind; he has some needs to be satisfied.

"This is one of the side effects; this includes a high-sex drive; you have to be careful; you need a big, hard dick impaling your hole every single day."

"Yes, this is what I need, a big hard member. I don't know what this is, but, you know, I need a big one right now," Damon says with a needy look on his face.
"You have to get one big hard later in tonight's party, Deannie; you need to get ready," Dina winks at her.
"Yes, yes, a party; I think I can get used to this body; everything feels so wonderful, so perfect, so hot," Damon, or, I mean, Deannie, says in joy.

"Trust me, you're going to love being a woman; forget that old boring body; you're such a hot young gal now," Dina rubs Dennie's nipples.
"Yes, I'm so fucking sensitive; I never thought being a woman would be so hot," Deannie moans in pleasure.
"Your pussy is ready to fuck."
"Yes, I'm ready, so fucking ready."
"Perfect, we get ready for the party." Dina strokes Deannie's tits, sending waves of pleasure towards her body. She has a new bestie to enjoy tonight's party.


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