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"You need to buy this one, is absolutely perfect" The shop girl syas to Damon, which seems to be a bit hesitated about this lsort of lamp, because it didn't look any single hightlight in particular,the lamp itself seems like a sort of replic, very dull and boring, but the girl seems to offer him a good sort of relique, but this makes no sense in Damon.

"No, i don't think this shit looks like a treasure or something like that"

"No, you're wrong boy, once you get this, you'll know what is this wonderful lamp going to tell you" The attractive girl says in a seductive tone,, she winks at him and then, she nears his ear, whisper to him to buy it, for some reason he accepted, maybe because the way the girl looks, or the sensual vocie, either way he bpoought the lamp and get back to his house.

Once in his apartment he looks at the weird lamp he bought, and he realises he don't have the ned to buy that stuff, what he was thinking? he thinks, her knows there is not such a thing like magic or something.

"How stupid of me" He says in disgust, then he rubs the lamp in sort of way to see what happen.

"Well...maybe this stupid thing would do something, yeah, c'mon do something you stupid thing" He says in concern to himself.

Then, something happens.

The lamp begins to float, a golden light emanates the object, and then, a pink gas appears around, forming a pink cloud around the lamp, growing by the second, and then, the pink gas is taking hsape, t adopting the form of a hourglass figure, a female shape, and then, aonce the fog dissipates, there is a lovely stunning woman, with ample breasts, a tight deiere, a flat sexy belly , wearing nothing but a sexy lingeree, a g-string, barely covering her tight shaven cunt, and a tiny bra, enoughly to hcover her thick nipples.

"So, where i am?" The hot sexy woman says in a high-pitched voice, her smooth sexy facial features adopts a concern look in her face, she rubs her golden head with her dainty well-manicured hand.

Damon is in shock, the fact this ancient item that seems to be a trashy stupid stuff is a very magical item, this sexy wet-dream of a woman appears iun front of him.

"Ehm...ehm...i" He tries his best to articulate a proper word, but he finds this impossibler.

"Ey, dingus, what ar eyou looking at,, shit, a pervert, this is the common thing" She rolled her eyes to see another guy shocked by her outstanding beauty.

"No..ehm, i'm not, i'm just shocked, i didn't know this could happen" Damon says, his voice trembling as well as his body.

"Oh, yeah,m dingus, you take this lamp and you don't expect to see someone like me comming outside from this, yeah, you genius" She rolled her eyes once again, and her cute nose rwrinkled in despise.

"Whatever, what do you want?" She says in a tired tone, her voice sound tired and cold and she has no intention to stand with this pathetic guy any longer.

"Well, why don't you want to just, you know, turn me a very hot person?" Damon says in a trembled and shy tone of voice, he has no experience with women and there is a reason why he has to just stop this and look for a new reason, many things are into his brain in this moment.

"Well, i can do that," She grins out at him, a shot glass appears, tjhere is a drink content inside the shot glass.

"There is, you just drink it and you'll be as hot and great as you want to be" She grins out at him, the slutty genie offers him the shot drink, and then Damon drinks it wihtout a single hint of doubt.

"Oh god, this feels so freaking sticky, and warmer, god, this for some reason ins making me really horny" He gasps, his body tingles all voer from head to toe, in that moment he feels his senses overwhelmed by the growing excitement inside his body.

"God , what is this, oh my...this makes me feel exciting, oh my gosh, what...oh " He gasps noticing hia growing bulge between his legs, for some strange reason this drink makes his hearth beating like a drum, his body tingles, he notices his vision turns blurry, his coherency and thoughts starting to get overwhelmed by this growing excitement.

"Yeah, this is what it supposed to be you dingus, you'll be hot and great,, your wishes are my command" She says in a sarcastic tone, her exasperation towards this guy growing by the second.

"Oh my gosh this...feels...good" He gasps, the excitement growing by the second, he fanned as a result of this pleasurable heat he is feeling right now.

"This is a side effect of the shot, you have to be excited, or well, i mean, horny" The genie says in a boring tone, she has experienced this kind of stuff many times before.

"Oh yeah, that is the correct word, i'm feeling horny, oh god, this feels amazing, so motherfucking amazing" He says, notices his bulge, hids manhood is hard and ready, he cannot believe this level of arousal.

" Is getting hot there"

"Yeah, better strip your clothes"

"Yes, better do that" Damon strips off his clothes, leaving his bodyfree from constricting clothing.

"Better now" The genie ays in a cold tone.

"Yes yes, cso much better, i'm so fucking horny that ithink i gonna jerking off right there"

"Yeah, better do that, this would help with the changes"

"Oh gfuck yes" Damon moans as he collapsed on the floor due to the growing excitement, his heart is beating like a drum, the genie said this is a side effect and there is a good thing to masturbate to speed nup tjhe changes.

And so this is what he did.

Damon starts to masturbate on the floor, naked and in front of this slutty marvelous gal, he cums instantly..

"OOOOOOH SHIIIIIT" He screams in joy, cumming hot spurts of seed on the floor, he keeps masturbating on the floor, seems like this maddening pleasure is not edone yet.

"Kepp cumming" The genie says, looking at him with a boring look in her face.

"YES, THIS IS HEAVEN MY GOD THIS IS CRAZY" He roars in utter pleasure as he keeps cumming massive loads of whit seed.

"Ooooh shiit" He screams in blissful agony, the pleasure assaulting his body makes him ubable to notice the changes happening in his body.

His height reduced, the mass reshaping, his chest inflating , a pair of gloves hang around his chest, his butt inflating with muscle and a feminine amount of fat, becoming a so juicy and toned butt, his face reshaping, turning oval, his chijn receding, his eyes turns stunning and with a vapid look, a long strand of hair growing from his scalp, his body mass reshaping, turning into a sleim hourglass feminine beauty, so hot and lovely, without a single hint of bodyhair.

"OOOOH GOD YESS" His mind is foggy bty the intense pleasure he is receiving due to this maddening horniness, his dicks cumming like a greek fountain before shinks completely into a tiny clit, and his balls receding turning into ovaries and opening her new tunnerl of love in the proccess.

Damon rest for a couple of minutes before notices the changes through his body, he screams out load in his new high-pitched voice, his old body gone, replaced by a new hot and feminine one, his dick gone, replaced by a tigght slit, he notices this and gone mad instantly.

"What the fuck is this, this is not what i asked for" He shouted out at the slutty genie.

"OPPPPS, sorry boy, my mistake!" She says in a sarcastic tone, following by a chuckle.

"What about my life, my family?" He screams in terror.,

"Well, i think i can fix that" She says, and then a new shot of drink appears froim nowhere.

"Drink it and you get back to your old shape" The genie says as she ktakes a phone from nowhere and start to look at it for msome social media and stuff like that.

"Thank you " He says in utter concern as he drinks it, then, something weird happens to him.

"What is this...i didn't know what the fuck this stupid drink was, but now, it feels familiar, the sticky warm substance...i get it...this fucking thing is...iss"

"It's cum you dingus" She says as she keeps watching her phone.

"Yes yes, it's cum, so fucking delicious cum" Damon moans, hthis new shot makes him feel hornier by the second, he notices his new labia dripping in anticipation.

"God what the fuck was that, i'm feeling so fucking horny, fuck it" He moans.

"Oh, seems like little Denna is so horny, tell me something, why just don't keepo yourself off with this" The slutty genie grins out at her and then a dildo appears from nowhere.

"This is what you want, my slutty girl" The genie smirks at him, rubbing the dildon around his ear, sending waves of pleasure towards his new horny body.

"God, it feels good, what the fuck is happening?" He moans, looking for answers, the horninness gtriwng at an alarming rate inside his loins.

And then, she moves the dildo right down he rpussy, sending a hot shot of nectar exploded from his loins.

"OH GOD YES, OH FUCK" He screams in uytter pleasure, his new toned sexy hips bucking, he experiencing his first female orgasm ever.

"This is what you need?" The slutyy genie whisper to him, sending more shots of pleasure to his body.

"YE SYES, A NEW HSOT OF CUM THIS IS WHAT I NEED" He screams in blissful agony.

"Oh yeas, your wishes are my command" A new shot appears, Damon grabs the shot and drink it like a maniac, his eyes rolled back, his new slutty body shudder in pleasure as the genie penetrates his tight slit with that big dildo.

"OOOOOOH FUUUUCK" Damon screams in agony, his rational mind tries to find out what is happening but the maddening pleasure overcomes his senses, his neuronal system is assaulted by this mindblowing pleasure.

"YES YE SYES" He screams and squirts a huge amount of nectar forming a puddle on the floor.

"I',m sure this is what you need, better a bimbo chick than a boring shy stupid guy" She smiles out at him.

""But, i'm not a mean genie or something like that wwould you like to get back to your old life, or would you like to stay like this hot slutty bimbo gal?" She asks him, notiicng his reddened face, she knows the answer anyways.

"I...need...more" Damon gasps, he is trying to recover from this maddening experience, he is at her mercy, this kind of pleasure is like nothing he experienced before.

"Yeah, i know htat, everyone ask for more, take this" She grins at him, and then, a new shot appears, this one is the definitive.

Damon drink it like, you can see his exasperation for that shot, the look in his eyes are the same like those drug addicts, he want s it, the pleasure, he wants mor eof it, once he taste that pleasure, he would never want to look back to hthat old life, his senses overcomed by this third shot., the last of his life.

He collapsed on the floor once again, his mind rewritting, hisold memories turns into ttrash, his eyes rolled back, his mouth foamed, his entire body shudders in a maddening liust that makes his old life gone forever, and with this, his entire identity gone for good.

A couple of minutes after, Denna's eyes open, she is completely nude, her hot tight body exposed.

"Who are you?" Denna asks to the slutty genie standing in front of her.

"Well, i'm genie, you have one wish, so, tell me sleephead, what is your wish?" The genie smile sout at her,.

"Well, i want to be with my boyfriend, i just don't know whay are here, i don't know what happening to me, i need my boyfriend" Denna says with a hint of concern.

"Oh, well, your wish is my command" She snapped her fingers and then,Denna appears in a luxury bedroom she is on a luxury king-sized bed wearing a hot sexy lingeree, and then a muscular guy enters into the bedroom.

"Hello dear, are you ready?" The muscular guy says in a seductive tone, his musuclar body bare exposed, Denna shudders in pleasure watching his hard big member.


Denna's wild lovely night has begun.


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