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Where people used to get tired of work and enjoy a beer at the local nightclub and spend a night with their respective partners with a round of passionate sex as a way to relieve the tensions and stress from a hard-working life in just a few minutes of ephemeral pleasure before getting back to their respective duties from adult life, there are ones who just don't waste time in ephemeral pleasures, and in fact, they used to despise them with all their core, the vain superficial pleasures of the mundane world are just distractors to reach their goals. There are few guys who have this mentality, just like this guy.

James looks at his phone, a message from one of his contacts to make him clear the nuts and bolts of the next project the team is working on. He has been working so hard on this project for a very good three years, the ones that could be described by him as a living hell. After a long three weeks without a single hour of rest working, he is finally free and ready to take a rest for a long day. James has been thinking about the idea of getting a rest at a bar and drinking a beer, but he finally despises it considering he is not the kind of guy who just stays there and enjoys a beer or watches semi-naked girls dancing on stage; his tastes are different from the average guy. He is about to come to his house, read a book, and get to sleep.

As he leaves the building and gets to his car, he notices a guy in a very disheveled and completely devastated state. His clothes are ruined, as are the rest of his disheveled aspects; he looks like a homeless person. The distant look in his eye gives him the impression of an individual who is experiencing substance abuse. James tries to ignore this guy, but suddenly, the homeless man starts to speak something uncoherent. Uncoherent noises and animalistic roars escape from his mouth, and a few words finally come out of his thin and dry lips: "I GONNA SRAY MY SEED ON EVERYONE, I GONNA SPRAY MY SEED ON EVERYONE." And then he grabs James by his hand and stomps him with a kiss so brutal and deep that he finds hold for a few seconds.

James tries to get free from this crazy SOB, but the homeless grip is too strong James forces, but it is in vain, and then, suddenly, the homeless breaks the kiss, making him despise him, and then a sudden change in the homeless face, the wrinkles, spots, and scars vanishing little by little, turning smooth and free, then the hair, eyes, and lips adopt a mature, sophisticated look, the years vanishing, giving them the look of a man in his forties. James was speechless. For some reason, the look on the homeless changing appearance made him a little warmer. What in the world is happening? he thought as the once homeless guy turned into a very handsome, mature guy in his forties, the disheveled clothes shifting, and he turned in a very expensive black suit. "Well, that was so close; I was about to stay like this forever," the former homeless man said in a more eloquent tone. "Then it is your turn, Jenna." The man says, looking deeply into James's eyes and making James speechless, that for some reason he couldn't move a single muscle; the force and tension were too strong to handle.

"Let's take a first hand at your change, Jenna." The man says before stomping him with a second kiss, this time so much longer than the first one, and more powerful effect on James, which eyes got blurry, and then, a startling change began; long strands of hair obscured their vision, and James noticed his chest inflating. The former homeless man notices this too, as the massive tits become more appealing for both, making the scene weird and really hot for James, as well as his arousal increasing at an alarming rate. His mind is fogged by a surging rush of pleasure overcoming his senses; more changes appear around his physique; the mass is redistributed, turning more feminine and losing height in the process; his ass is ballooning, turning into a pair of toned gloves of flesh as his waist shrinks, giving him a slim and hot feminine figure.

"Damn, you are really hot, Jenna." The man says once he broke the kiss and lets James look at his transformed body. From what he could tell, he looks really hot; he notices he is fully naked, his tits are fully exposed, as well as the rest of his now petite, young, hot body, a completely female version of him, but his dick is still there, proudly erect, throbbing in pleasure. He didn't know what had happened to him, but this makes him horny as hell.

"W-w-what is this? You..." James tries his best to say a coherent word; the scared look on his slutty face makes the former homeless man smile. "Yeah, I know. I have one more detail to fix. Let me take care; don't worry. The man kissed James again as he took care of his ragging erection, stroking his dick, sending James electric shots of pleasure he couldn't believe how horny he is, the pleasure coming out, and then, finally, erupted out from his dick, spurting loads of shots of white seed before shrinking into nothing, the last moments of masculinity drained.

"Is it done, Jenna?" The man smiles at her and breaks the kiss for the final time, and this time the change is complete; James is gone, and in his place, a slutty gal called Jenna grins out, moaning as the arousal awakens her in the form of a hot load of juices from her tight slit.

"Yeah, baby, I cannot wait to be impaled by your prick." She grunted out at him, enjoying every single minute of pleasure she spent with this handsome, mysterious man.


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