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Sxww desperately wanted to get Hu Tao onto his roster; he'd missed out on her first banner due to a lack of free time while it was live, and he intended to rectify that mistake by saving up his Intertwined Fates and pulling on her rerun. Unfortunately, he'd lost the 50/50 on the 5-star pity and gotten a Qiqi duplicate instead; he didn't have nearly enough primogems to get another guaranteed pity roll, and Hu Tao's rerun banner was just a day away from going offline. Not wanting to wait until another rerun to get her on his roster, sxww sought out a much more unscrupulous method of getting what he wanted: he downloaded cheating software for Genshin Impact that would rig the odds of the timed banner in his favor, guaranteeing him a 5-Star character every time he made a banner pull. Though it was a risky move, Howard figured he'd be fine if he just did one pull to get Hu Tao and then uninstalled the software immediately afterward before the game could recognize it and ban him for cheating.

Unfortunately for him, that's not what happened.

As soon as Sxww did his banner pull after installing the cheating software, the game completely froze up on him and booted him back to the main menu. The menu now had a much darker and more menacing look to it. He tried shutting down Genshin Impact, but it seemed that the computer had somehow locked itself into the game; even his attempts to power down the computer had no effect. Suddenly, a paragraph of sharp red text appeared on the screen:

A letter appeared—the one that could be seen. "Embrace your inner self," and with the following. "Type your inner self." He saw this as a way to get his character, so he typed Hu Tao on screen after the new text appeared on screen. "You sure?" "YES NO" He selected "yes," and then his computer screen blacked out right before a blast of electricity shot out of the screen and hit Howard square in the forehead, causing him to reel back in pain. Feeling a rush of pleasure emanating from his loins, his dick growing hard and erect as he could not wait to stroke his member, and that is what he did, he began stroking his member with wanton abandon.

"YES, YES, THIS FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD." He screams in pleasure, his dick spurting a lot of white seed like a Greek fountain. His face began morphing and contorting into a younger, girlier visage. His eyes began to sting as they grew larger and turned a bright scarlet color, their pupils becoming white and blossom-like in shape.

"OOOOOH YEAH" Another spurt of white sticky seed erupted from his ragging erection, making him completely lost in a sea of maddening arousal. Unable to comprehend what exactly was happening to him, Sxww's hair began changing as well, shifting to a dark brown color and lengthening into a pair of twin tails that reached all the way down to his thighs, his mass shrinking and the unwanted fat and muscle reshaping into a more girly, feminine look.

"IIIIIEEEEEEEEE" He screams in utter pleasure, memories from a life he didn't know very well, but his weeb fanboy lifestyle makes him aware of them; they are the memories from Hu Tao invading his brain, erasing his own.
A tightening feeling spread across his neck as it and his Adam’s apple shrank down, leaving him with an all-too-familiar feminine voice instead of his own.

"GOD, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME? THIS FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD." Roars of pure pleasure assaulted his body, and hot white seed erupted from his hard dick. His collarbone began to ache in pain as his shoulders drew closer and closer together, leaving him with a smaller and daintier body frame.

"I'M BECOMING, I'M BECOMING HER, I'M BECOMING HUUUUUU." Another electric orgasm assaulted his changing identity, the small room turning into a mess as a result of the thick loads of his seed. At the same time, his height began to drop significantly as his spine shrank and painfully arched forward. His skin took on a paler, softer complexion while almost all of his excess muscle and fat were burned away in the blink of an eye, giving him a much frailer and skinnier appearance; any fat or muscle that remained was redistributed to his thighs and rear, filling them out to give his rapidly feminizing body a slightly curvier appearance.

"NOOOOO I GONNA I GONNAA NOOOOO" The last remains of his existence spurted from his dick before shrinking into nothing, leaving a completely flat-shaven pussy as he collapsed, his memories replaced entirely by the ones from the Hu Tao character. The old weeb guy is gone, replaced by his very own fantasy; his clothes have shifted into a slutty maid "uniform," which consists of a very tiny top and a g-string, barely covering her nipples and her slit.

As Hu Tao woke from her peaceful slumber, this version of her remembers more than a maid her original character, the program did a very well job adjusting her identity, as a horny maid to serve the first man she meets, but there is no one to be found right now, he wakes in a very mess, the small room is covered by a huge amount of white seed, probably is something that she knows very well, but in fact, she ha sno time for presumptions but just clean this mess, this is what she is, a submissive maid, she started to clean the big puddle of white seed on the floor with her tongue, she is very happy to see this, she has to be very careful to don't waste anything of this precious nectar, this makes her completely aroused and wet down there, better be careful, she thinks, cleaning with so much love and care, she is a very good maid afterward.


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