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The combination of overwhelming intellect mixed with little free time and the needs of a young adult was difficult to balance. Nick had always thought he’d been exceptional at time management and social skills in the moment, but in reality, everyone was kept at arm’s length, including his family. He never made any true and lasting friendships, as very few people were able to both keep up and interest him. He was reluctant to share his amassing wealth with his family, feeling as if his parents began to love him more only after he began to prove his ability to the world. As for women, Nick was no stranger to bedding lucky damsels after drinks or parties, but a lasting relationship never felt like it was in the cards.

Before Nick realized it, the year 2000 had rolled around. He was lounging around his large, lonely house, retired in his early 40’s. He felt it happening for nearly a decade prior and it was only getting worse – his life was slipping away, and more and more bodily functions were falling out of his control. The people he saw daily dwindled, his entire family had passed on, and women under his age would only look at him with platonic kindness instead of the lust they used to.

Unsatisfied with the idea of spending his remaining years watching TV and mingling with other seniors, Nick began a project in isolation, using nothing but his basement, an array of chemicals, basic tools, and his knowledge. Studying the way his own cells behaved day to day, he devised a theory to reverse the aging process. Despite already having decades of experience and intellect, it took Nick months of studying before he felt confident enough to begin the project. A point that came up a lot in his research was the fact that women generally tended to live longer than men, but there was no conclusive root cause as to why, so Nick chose not to factor that in at first.

He looked at his overweight old body, the tiredness of his face, and the look of his disgusting body, makes him fel old and tired, but he knows this gonna change very soon thanks to his new experiment.

Years of work there had made the familiar laboratory a second home for Nick, but tonight he could only view it with renewed excitement. It was no longer just his workplace, but now the epicentre of a bold new frontier, the heart of a revolutionary experiment.

Nick punched his latest trial formula into the chemical sequencer, hesitating before hitting the blinking green button. His eyes focused on the console, Nick pressed a few buttons, adding five units of the Enhancin formula to the chemical before launching the sequencer. He felt her heart rate accelerate as the contents injected into the canister with a forceful vibration.

"Trial series 487, Confirmation round 2. May 28th, 12:22 pm," Nick dictated aloud for the benefit of his voice recording.

Automatically, he turned toward the dispenser just as there was a loud popping sound, followed by a piercing hissing of the escaping pink gas, blowing directly into his face.

"Oh shit..!"

His rational mind took over a second after that, and he whirled around to hit the emergency air decompression button on the wall behind him.

There was a tingling sensation at first, which quickly built to a burning sensation all over his entire body from head to toe, and se clutched herself, not in pain precisely, but overwhelmed by the intensity. His vision blurred and the room swam out of focus.

“This is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I was struck by some of it – so far, no effects. If anything, I feel great!” He said, voice shaking, grabbing a small voice recorder from the desk he had been thrown into. Strangely, his body didn’t hurt from the impact, the adrenaline taking over.

“Modification to previous statement: Some effects noticed. My hair has grown longer”, Nick said, confused. Thick, luscious strands were bursting from his head, tumbling down in front of his face. He brushed them aside as best as he could, noticing that they had shifted from their natural brown into a black raven one. “Additionally, my hair has shifted black. Perhaps some sort of reaction to the energies?” Nick theorised. His hair shifted back, working itself into a tidy updo, a few long locks falling down over his glasses and his neck.

“More changes noticed”, he said, voice wavering. “Body weight appears to be disappearing” he said, taking a quick peek underneath his shirt at the sudden slimmer torso. Even without looking, he could tell that beneath his trousers his legs were slimmer. The room suddenly felt strangely hot. Usually, this far underground, it was a low temperature.

"Umm.. erogenous zones appear to be highly sensitive, " he said, distractedly, breathlessly, forgetting this last though automatically continuing to observe aloud through habitual practice. His hands appeared to be on automatic as well, stroking his erect member.

While this happening, his chubby facial features reshaping, his round face adopting a very angular look as the blotches and wrinkles vanished, leaving his face smooth and free from any single blemish, as his nose shrinking, getting smaller as his thin lips plumping, getting a pouty look, his ears shrinking as well, getting a total little pair of lovely things as his eyes looking bigger and with a glow of total sultry one, his eyelashes thinning and getting very smaller as his forehead, which looks very small, the ¿ chubby man's face has been replaced by a total stunning face from a supermodel, and very younger, probably ten years younger than his original age.

“Getting unusual hallucinations…” he slurred into the recorder, stroking his dick, scrabbling for it at his side. “Clothing. Shopping. So much pink”, he said through gritted teeth. He had never cared for fashion before, but now it was all that he could think about.

"OH YES" Nick screams higher and louder, the long black hair obscuring his vision, he knows there is something very wrong with him, but the constant pleasure his body is into makes him unable to stop this and do something.

He wanted to stop this, but his body looked like it was on autopilot as he kept stroking his member faster than ever, while streams of seed sprayed all over the desktop.

His Adam's apple disappeared completely, as his neck slimmed down, leaving in its place a cute tiny neck.

"Highly aroused.. Heavily charged... " he moaned.

Nick is helpless, unable to stop this as he feels his suit getting so loose, almost looks like a tent on his slimmed frame he feels the two big mammaries poking out through the fabric of his loose shirt, and he feels his nipples getting very sensitive, sending constant waves of pleasure through his entire self as his dick keeps cumming all over the place.

“This feels, like, so good!” he said, unaware the recorder had been abandoned to the floor. His intelligence was rapidly decreasing, making it harder and harder to process what was truly happening. His voice grew higher, shifting in accent until each syllable was dragged out longer, as if his mind was struggling to process what word came next. He eyes glanced at the lab coat hanging over a chair. “Am I a scientist or something?” he said, confused. “Ugh! Don’t be silly…” he said, uncharacteristically giggling. “You have to be like, super smart to be a scientist, I think.”

During this happening, he feels his hands and harms reducing in size, he feels the callouses from his thick arms reducing, leaving the callouses and turning into a dainty little hand, smooth and so lovely, his little fingers getting well-manicured, he feels his dick too big for his new dainty hands as they are so tiny to grab his dick entirely as he needs both hands to grab his dick properly.

"FUUUUUUUUCK" Another wave of raw pleasure assaulted him, his poor dick spurted infinite fluids of white liquid all over the place as the fat resided into his doughy arms slimmed completely, leaving in its place very slim arms to match his new dainty torso, the DD cup tits make a hot contrast to the rest of his slim torso.

Nick looked at his body. The sight of it was turning him on more every second. It was perfection – almost. It was beautiful and womanly, but Nick knew that there were things that needed to be improved.

A voice speaks inside Nick's mind, a high-pitched slutty one, rewriting his thoughts, the memories from his life, the struggles are disappearing piece by piece, as the new slutty moments of a hot stripper are invading his brain, images of parties and a long list of sexual partners replaced the former ones from his old self.

His dick spurted the last remains of his masculinity, as the hard member shrinking inch by inch, second by second, turned into a spongy tissue, reforming into the new clit as his balls receding into his shaft, turning into the ovaries from his new reproductive system, his urethra receding inside the new tunnel of love from his new feminine reproductive system as new termination of nerves is building all over the entire reproductive system, sending new zones of pleasure.

In a few seconds, the new labia have been formed, hot tight pussy lips, clean of as single pubic hair.

Plastic swelled. The wide, fatty rear that Nick had grown,, the muscles being supported artificially. His breasts inflated, turning hot and perky eliciting more airheaded moans. The skin was stretched thin as they expanded, the breasts now barely moving no matter how much he writhed in pleasure.

A part of Nick knew he had to stop, but something else was in control now. Another reality of pleasure was overcoming him, and he needed to serve it. His clothes vanished. He watched bemused as his clothes slipped down, the fabric disintegrating into nothing, replaced by a lacy black bra cover her new hot perky boobs. His body, still changing. The greatest change was in his new skirt, the colour – now a bright pink, matching the glow from the pink gas. Soon, Nick was wearing a black lace bra with a pink skirt and a stockings.

“God, Nikki is horny” the new slutty woman said with a laugh, the words coming out strange through her thick lips. She skipped over towards a desk easily in her heels, rummaging through the drawers. Soon, her desperate hands found what she was looking for: a small device, long and rounded at one end.

Like, this feels so good…” she said mindlessly, her high-pitched voice echoing in the empty room. Gripping the probe, she shoved it deeper and deeper with each thrust, imagining her lover in the bimbo world just beyond. Spreading her legs wide, Nikki pushed, screaming ecstatically. An energy was building within her. Deep within her newly feminine organs, it crackled like a ball of fire, pleasurably warm. Building incrementally, the pleasure spread across her doll-like body, reaching the blonde hair in her scalp and the shining nails at the end of each trembling finger.

“Oh my God, I’m going to-“ Nikki moaned, her words being interrupted by an explosion of energy within her. She felt more alive than ever, her body reminding her that this was her only purpose in life. Nothing else was worth striving for. She didn’t need intelligence, only sex.

The orgasm shook her to her core. She was left panting on the desk, frozen in bliss.

Nikki picked at her nails for a moment, realising that the door at the far end of the lab had been open. She began to walk. Cindy didn’t know where she was going, but she knew wherever she went, she would be the life of the party.

Behind her, like a bright shadow, the pink gas trailed behind.


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