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A Female to Male, Age Regression, RealityChanging story.

The office is quiet, with very few voices talking in a very low, almost whisper tone. The laptop rested on the tiny desk of the very modest office, the thick fingers typing at a very fast pace. The sound of the laptop keyboard typing is the only sound that can be heard in this very quiet office.

Using the laptop, we found a woman, probably in her forties, with a matronly body, probably 180 pounds of lazy jiggly fat, the chubby sitting legs moving, the fabric of her black XL suit pants strained to the frantic moving of the woman's chubby body, probably the suit pants are a size small since she has gained a few pounds through the last couple of weeks, and her chubby hands typing faster, almost as if her life depends on it.

The white, tight XL long-sleeve business blouse is a little bit soaked in sweat as a result of the exasperation of the speedy typing of the matronly woman.
Her breathing is fast, her tired eyes glued to the laptop screen, her wide forehead sweating, tears of sweat running down her chubby wrinkled face, and her thin lips middle open. You can see a few of her yellow teeth, probably from so many coffees. Speaking of coffee, she takes the large cup of coffee and drinks it like water, and throws the cup in the little trash can placed near the desk.
She stopped for a while as she assimilated the taste of the sugary cup of coffee she drank, licking her thin lips to taste it better. She took a breath of relief, a sort of relaxed look. Judging by the look on her chubby face, it seems like she has been typing for a very long time.

The chubby woman moves her hands to the head, caressing the frizzy brown hair with a few gray strands. As she moves her hands down to her rotund flabby belly, covered by the withe fabric of her XL blouse, the rotund belly rested on her lap, as big as the rest of her hefty mature body, the big sweaty breast rested on top, probably a double D, with sagging as a result of her use of gravity and perkiness that comes with age, the natural cycle, the woman seems like her best years have long gone, the stressful life and work have ruined her image.
"I need to stop eating trash foods; I'm up 5 pounds in just two weeks!" she says, grabbing the rolls of her fat belly.

"Thankfully, I have the Spanx underneath, so this helps me fit into this blouse. I have to change my wardrobe," says the woman with a tired look on her face and the tone of her voice, thinking about how many times she tried to lose weight and how many times she failed miserably. Every time she says, "I'm going to lose weight," she gives up a couple of days later.
"Well, it seems like this comes to age. I'm going to get used to having this fat belly and this chubby body for the rest of my life. Menopause is such a bitch," she says, letting out a sigh, very resigned to living with that old, matronly body, remembering the times when she was young and all her life ahead—before the marriage, before the kids. In moments like this, she got very nostalgic with the memories of her youth, full of energy and goals.

"And to think I had very high goals in my younger days, well, it was just dreams from a stupid girl like I used to be," she says with a very tone of despise at her old young persona, full of drams, but the real life stomps straight to her face, and there is, at 45 years old in an overstressfull work, her life has been into a downhill since very few years, being in an overworked job like this, with countless hours of demanding job has put her marriage into ruins, her relationship with her husband has fallen since very years ago, there are very reasons like her lack of care about her looks, and body, something she knows it's true just by looking at her own body, and the very cold attitude she shows into her bed, refusing to have intimacy to him, she didin't remember the last time they had intimacy, probably a couple of years ago, and the overworked job is the final straw for this total issue that lead her marriage to the point of collapse.

All of that horrendous personal life of hers makes her brain a total mess, and the only refuge she finds is in this job, so with this way, she could be as overworked and stressed as ever, but she found a little bit of peace, but in the end, she would like to find something better, to restart her life, far away from the worries and stress from her current life. She felt a little bit of shame about these so egocentric and shallow thoughts. She is a mother of a kind and sweet 18-year-old daughter, and aside from the stress of a dead-end marriage, they have been together for 25 years. Does she could be able to throw away 25 years of her life like there mean nothing? ..
Questions and thoughts like these are very present in her between her little moments of rest between work, questioning her life and choices she made throughout the years, questioning them over and over again, thinking about a way she can change all of this, wondering what happens if she could regress the time when she was young, does she choose differently? Considering her current life, she thinks, of course, yes.

And while she rubbed her head, with these wacky questions, she replied the same answer: "Of course yes, I would choose differently; I wish to get a new youth to choose better, but there is just nonsense from my stupid wishes, the wishes from a menopausic overweight and hopeless woman," she says, resigned and hopeless, the normal feelings to her since a few years ago; the look in her tired wrinkled face denotes resignation and nothing else; the only hope, the only light of hope to her is her daughter, Tiffany, a sweet and kind 18 years old; she means everything to her and so does her father.

"Perhaps being with Michael for 25 years was not as bad as I thought," says the chubby, mature woman, thinking about her adorable daughter, the product of her marriage with him—her everything.
She takes a look at her laptop clock and squeals...
"Damn it, is it 2 p.m.?" she yelled while she placed her chubby hands on the keyboard, restarting the very fast typing.
"This is what happened when I got distracted; damn these useless thoughts, they are just a mere waste of time," she yelled out, her chubby, sweaty face invaded by the previous stressful look, her eyes focused on the screen, and her thick, callous fingers typing like there is no tomorrow.
"I need to finish this before 5 p.m.," says the woman, with her tired eyes glued to her screen as her fingers type faster with each passing second and a possessed look on her tired, chubby face.
Her chubby hands move faster, and her chubby feet wearing middle-class conservative business pumps click against the marble floor.
"Damn it, damn it, I need to get focused on my work, not into vain thoughts like being young and successful," she thought as her hands moved on autopilot, keeping her typing against the keyboard.

The chubby mature woman keeps her typing, sitting in the large business chair, enough to support her large matronly shape, with an utter focus on her work.
By then, her cell sounds...
She heard the phone sounds from her big black purse headed in the corner of a little table into her office. She didn't pay attention the first time; the work was much more important than a silly phone call.
But then her phone rang once again.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me!" She groaned with a look of rage on her tired face; the wrinkles through her face wrinkled even more as her chubby facial features adopted a look of anger; her slightly doubled chin trembled, her teeth clenching, as an involuntary move due to stressful moments like this.

She groaned and stood on her feet, her chubby body moving and jiggling as she stood up and headed towards the little desk settled in the corner of her office, and picked up her phone.
"I hope there is someone important calling me, not some stupid weight loss ad or something." She stops as she looks at her phone and realizes her daughter is calling her. Her angry expression changes completely, replaced by comfort and happiness to see her dear daughter calling her.
"Hi Mom, good day," her daughter Tiffany says, her high-pitched teen voice so uptight and youthful.
"Hello, sweety, I'm working; this database is killing me." The overweight, mature woman replies to her daughter, and her anger dissipates.
"Oh, sorry, Mom, I think I called at a very bad time, again. Sorry, Mom, I just want to know how you are because you went out too early today. Please be sorry," Tiffany says with a sense of shame as she realizes she called her mom at the wrong time.

"Don't worry, sweetheart, is okay, I'm very glad I am talking with you right now, work could wait' is always very welcome to give a call to you, sweetheart." The woman says, with a little smile adorning her face, that this is the first time she has smiled in all this day, something she is not very used to doing, her wrinkled, chubby face looking a little bit appealing—the magic of a single smile.
'Okay, Mom, thank you. I just want to know how you are, and I know you are okay. Please, take care, Mom. See you later, Mom. Bye," her daughter says.
"Thank you, sweety; I'm fine; take care of yourself too." The woman says, and with this, the phone call is finished.

"She means everything to me," she says with a smile adorning her face. When she is talking with her, there are no worries or stress but pure happiness, and her tired eyes glow with glee.
She headed back to her desk to keep up with her work, her chubby body jiggling at every step, her face and mind thinking about her lovely daughter and the life of her life.
For a very few minutes, she was happy. While she makes her way to her desk, to keep up with her stressful, overworked job, her big flabby legs jiggle under the fabric of her tight XL black business pants, her big flabby ass jiggling at every step.
"Well, time to work, enough talk for today," she thought and placed her big flabby ass onto the large business chair, finally sitting her chubby body...
"God, I'm so tired from just a little walk. I need to get more active' she says as her breathing fastens. From this sudden excess of activity for her chubby body, the one that has been used to just sitting in the business chair and staying this way from the rest of the day, she knows very well. She adopted a worry expression about how out of shape she is. She could do morning walks, hit the gym for a couple of days a week, get more active, but all these thoughts go away when she looks at the laptop screen.

"NOOOOO!" She screams at the black screen in front of her; the laptop battery is off, and all her work has been thrown out to the window.

She could not believe this; the countless hours she had spent on this database had been slipped away by just a mere mistake. Her teeth clenched again, her whole body tensed, her tired eyes burned with anger, her tired, round, chubby face got more wrinkled, and her breath fastened.
She has always been a well-mannered person, but in this particular moment, all that well-manneredness is gone, and she just grabbed the laptop and threw it down against the marble floor.
With the artifact turning into pieces due to the sudden rush of strength and adrenaline flooding through her veins, her anger fogged her mind, not thinking about the consequences but just a way to express her bitterness and despise for a horrible job and a very wasted time.
The laptop was just a mere excuse for her inner feelings rising to the surface.
"FUCK THIS WORK, FUCK THIS JOB, FUCK EVERYTHING!" she screams out, followed by a few groans of pure anger, her mouth dripping with utter despise and ang for a very wasted life like her, as the memories of her bad choices throughout her life come once again.
She stood there quietly for a few seconds. The anger drawn into her face vanished, the adrenaline dissipated, and her whole chubby body stopped tensing as she just stood on her feet, quiet and a little bit calm, thinking about the consequences of her sudden moment of anger.
"Bad choice, dear Amber; a very bad choice; another one to the long list," she says to herself as she looks at the broken laptop laid down on the floor. There is no job and no laptop to keep her typing; there is a big issue for her.

"Hey Amber, what's going on here?" says a young woman, probably in her late twenties, standing at the entrance of Amber's office with her hands placed on her slim waist, moving them down to the contours of her tight business skirt that accentuated her tight bubble butt, her sleek toned legs bare exposed.
"Nothing, Elisa, just a little problem with this laptop, you know, work issues, nothing else, just a damn broken laptop and lost work. I was spending a very few hours to just throw it out of the window," Amber says with a look of exasperation and resignation to the fact her work has been destroyed, half by the laptop and half by herself.
"Wow, this is a fucking shame, Amber. Is there something I can help you with?" Elise says as she crosses her arms to the suit jacket, hugging her perfect C-cup breast, looking very worried about her colleague.

"To be frank, there is nothing you can do about this, Elise," Amber says with a resigned tone, looking at Elise. Elise is a very attentive and supportive colleague; she is very kind to her, and they support each other. It is a very good friendship.
"No way, Amber; there has to be a way," Elise says as she heads to her chubby colleague and hugs her in a way of showing support for her.
"Oh, is such a shame, man; she looks very sad. I have to help her," she thought, looking for a way to support her colleague.
"Let it be, Amber. There is no hope; it's lost. I have had to restart since the beginning, so better move on," Amber says, followed by a long sigh. Her chubby body jiggled with the sigh, and her big flabby belly inflates and deflates with the exhaled move.

"This is not the only thing, is not just work, is just about everything in this miserable life, I'm very tired of this, i-i-am just tired of everything, I think my life has been a very waste of time, I have nothing, I just like to regress in time when I was young and just rewrite my life if a have the power to do so, I wish to rewrite my life and be a different person, a young and beautiful person, with no fucking worries of a dead-end job, a stupid husband to blames you for our broken marriage, I really, really wish to be young and beautiful, with power, the power only the youth gives you to build your life," she ended her statement, breathing hard, her chubby body trembled, jiggling, shaking as this rush of emotions running inside her, her chubby wrinkled face shocked with this surge of words coming out her mind, but deep inside she knows this is her real emotions about her wasted time.
"Oh god, she looks so miserable; I didn't know she was that unhappy with her life," Elisa thought, grabbing the contours of her stylish business jacket, very tight to accentuate the curve of her perky C cup breast and the tight slim waist, thinking of a way to help her colleague relax.
"Everyone says such hurtful words when they are in such angry moments. It is all about stress. Amber worked too hard. She needs to relax and get loose from time to time. I think that will help her. Yeah, of course she will." She smiles a little bit as she places her hand in one of her jacket pockets and grabs a little stuff.

"This will work," she thought as she looked at the chubby, mature coworker, who was with her eyes looking down the floor at the pieces of her broken laptop.
"Take this," Elise says, placing a pill on the desk. The pill looks very common, circular, with a white color. Amber looked at the pill, confused.
"What is this?" Amber asked her with a confused look.
"You look very stressed and tired, Amber. This pill gives you the energy to keep up all day, plus, these serve as relaxation as well, so you'll look less tired and stressed," Elise says with a smile on her face, happy to give her colleague a little support in her very stressful day.
"Really, I don't know Elise; I'm not the person who took pills to get relaxed and stuff like that," says Amber with a confused look on her face, looking at Elise and wondering about this.
"Don't you worry, Amber, these are very healthy pills to help you increase your energy and improve your work; trust me, plus, this helps you reduce your appetite, and you can lose a couple of pounds as well," she says with a smile adorning her young, striking face.

Amber's expression changed at these last comments. She could lose a couple of pounds with this, plus she will be more energized. She has nothing else to lose, so she has to restart the database for a very few hours and better keep with a lot of energy.
"I have nothing else to lose; I take it, Elise. I need to start this work again, so better start now. Thank you for this, Elise' she says with a smile on her chubby face.
"You welcome Amber; you can count on me," Elise says as she heads out of the office, her toned derriere swaying sensually as she heads out of the office.
Amber looked at her colleague going outside her office, her hot-toned butt swaying at every step.
"That bitch has a great body; I wish I could get that body," Amber says with a hint of jealousy, looking at her colleague's great shape.
"But I'm okay to shed off a few pounds," she says as she picks up the pill, looking at it for a few seconds.

"Well, is now or never?" she says, and finally takes the pill, gulps, and drinks a little glass of water her coworker placed on the desk and stands on her feet for a few seconds.
"Well, nothing happens; it seems like we are normal; no heart attack or some sort of side effect," she says, feeling a little bit calmed as all the insecurities and doubts she had about the pill dissipated.
"Get back to work. I need to find a way to keep up with this project. This database is starting to kill me, god," she groaned as she looked at the broken laptop lying on the floor.
She makes her way to borrow a laptop from her colleague to keep up with her work, and a couple of minutes later she gets back to her office, and with a new laptop, she restarts her work.
"Well, let's go, Amber; you can do this," the overweight, mature woman said to herself to self-motivate.
Sitting in her chair, her chubby hands are typing once again.
After a couple of minutes of typing, Amber felt a little warm, and her body began to tingle all over her matronly shape.

"Oh, there is a little bit warmer right here; I can feel it." The overweight woman says, getting warmer and with a very subtle tingle all over her body,
"It's getting very warm here," she says, keeping her typing, her overweight, flabby body tingling all over from head to toes, tears of sweat running down her forehead to her chubby facial features.
"I can feel my body temperature increase; I'm even sweating," she says, her breathing turning faster as she keeps typing.
"My heart is beating fast; I can feel the blood pumping faster into my veins," she says with a very excited tone.

"I think this is the effect of the pills; I can feel adrenaline rush into my veins; it's like a rush of energy flooded into my system," she says with her chubby face drawn with an expression of excitement, her eyes wide open, and her chubby fingers typing at a high rate.
"Oh god, I can feel this rush of adrenaline; I'm feeling so great," she says, very happy, her smile wide open, feeling an excitement she hasn't experienced in a very long time.
"This is great; I've never felt so alive; wow, what a wonderful pill; I love it' she speaks out loud. Every fiber of her entire flabby anatomy trembled, jiggling with excitement due to the effect of the pill.
The rush of blood and adrenaline going wild into her system made Amber's entire body tremble, her chubby hands shaking and typing at the same time, her speeding pace becoming faster, her look on her face, her tired eyes looked fewer tires, glowing, glued to the screen, and her lips formed a wide smile, making her look like a maniac typing at the screen.
"Oh god, I've never felt so alive in all my fucking life," she groaned, her breathing accelerating due to this insane rush.

"This is amazing; I have to thank Elise for this pill; she is amazing," she says in a very exasperated tone, a very breathy one as a result of the effects of the pill.
She didn't notice the strange tingling cascading all over her body, making her entire body tremble and shaking every cell of her entire anatomy.
"This is amazing. Thank you, my lovely Elise. I'm gonna give you a very good gift," she says between gasps as she remembers Elise's sweet and kind demeanor.
"Oh Elise, you are a great fucking woman," Amber says, getting warmer and tears of sweat running down her forehead and her facial features, her tight XL business blouse getting soaked, and a strange sensation running down her lower area.

"Oh god, this is new," she says with an expression of concern at the feeling of her lower area getting warmer, spreading a pleasurable sensation over her chubby body.
"I haven't felt this in years, fuck," the menopausic woman says and lets out a little moan, her chubby legs rubbing together, sending a wave of pleasure all over her mature body.
"This flood of emotions and sensational pleasure is making Amber distracted, but she fights to keep up with her typing, but their chubby, shaky fingers would like to be focused on other works, like right down between her legs...
"Focus Amber gasp, focus gasp," she moaned at this surge of arousal growing up inside her body, her loose, mature, and dry pussy getting wet, soaking the Spanx underneath.
"God, my vagina is getting wet. Wow, when was the last time this happened? Five years? Woah!" she moaned.
"I have to thank Elise for this surge of emotions that this pill caused; I've never felt so aroused in all my fucking life," she moaned, her pussycle clenched, throbbing with a desire she hadn't experienced in years.
"Oh, Elise, so good Elise, such a great woman," she moaned, and the image of Elise's toned butt appeared in her mind.
She let out a loud moan as her chubby fingers stopped typing. There were many feelings inside Amber's entire being; her brain was fogged by all this surge of emotions.

Elise has such a great fucking butt," she moaned, her pussycat throbbing with really wanton desire at this thought. She moves her hand down the crotch of her XL black business pants.
She rubbed her crotch for the first time in years and sent an electric shot of pleasure all over her body, making her moan loudly. Her chubby legs and her entire overweight body spasmed, clenching together in a slow motion. The rolls of fat in her hefty abdomen undulated her entire being, shaking to this magnificent pleasure.
"Oh God," she moaned, experiencing her first orgasm in years. Her pussy soaked the lower area of her Spanx and the fabric of her black pants, and she could feel her pussy still releasing liquids.
Unlike she could guess, the pleasure didn't subside, even though it kept growing. Amber could feel her entire body tremble; it was like her entire being had not enough yet, almost like this orgasm awakening a repressed locked pleasure, the one that wanted to come to surface...

Amber's mind was in a buzz, filling with images of Elise's entire body. She kept her hands down the soaked fabric of her pants, rubbing her randy pussycat under the fabric.
The intense pleasure Amber experienced makes her unaware of the changes going into her entire overweight body. Little did she know her body was turning less overweight as her entire matronly frame changed, losing pounds little by little.
Her round, chubby face lost her roundness, the flabby features slimming, the few wrinkles disappearing, the same with her crow feet, and the pronounced forehead. Her entire face was reshaped, turned less like the one of a 45-year-old woman, looking less feminine by the second, her adopting the face of a young man. As her female facial features vanished, with all the fat on her face evaporated, her second chin shrank completely, her face anatomy adopted a square look, and she started to grow facilal hair from the chin and the contours of her face.
The frizzy, dull hair, tied in a ponytail, receding into her scalp, and the gray strands vanished, turning into a low fade haircut.

"Oh god, Elise, I would love to smack your tight, hot little ass," Amber says. The tone of her voice sounds huskier, and the beginning of Adam's apple forms...
Amber's lower body undergoes the same transformation as the fat of her backside and the chubby flabby arms start to evaporate from her body, the tight sleeves getting a little loose as the former flabby arms packed on muscle, the former flabby jiggling arms of her chubby body turned into a pair of muscular biceps and forearms as veins start to bulge onto th e strong powerful arms, the flabby shoulders and backside diminished in size as the unwanted fat burned away, turned strong powerful backside as the muscles and bones widen, reshaping themselves, Amber entire structure transforming from an old, severely overweight and unhealthy, to a more optimal young muscular look, the one looks less feminine by the second.

Amber chubby DD sagging tits deflated like a balloon, the fat evaporated in mere seconds deflated completely, the mammary gland lobules shrinking into nothing, and the nerve connections attached to the mammary glands burned along the fat tissue as a big pair of strong muscular pectorals strained the contours of the black bra, looking very weird on her muscular masculinized look.
"God, Elise, I need to fuck your tight, hot ass," she says in a huskier voice, sounding masculine by the second. Her moans become grunts, in a very masculine way.

While she kept very busy rubbing her crotch, she didn't notice her big flabby belly receding, the layers of fat shrinking by the second, the flabby unwanted fat disappearing roll by roll, the fat from very years of indulgence, stress, and caring for a family finally vanished and packed with huge raw muscle, the fat dome of a belly turned into a raw muscular eight pack.
"Oh god, I need to fuck you, Elise; I'm gonna make you my bitch," she grunted. The masculine tone of the voice, Amber, looked less like Amber.
The lower body undergoes a similar transformation; the fat from her thighs, ankles, and big flabby butt evaporates and turns into nothing; the more astonishingly, her butt turns into nothing; her upper body becomes more compact and packed with solid raw muscle; her childbearing hips diminish and shrink, leaving in their place a pair of veiny muscular legs.
At this point, Amber looked more like a hunk stud in her twenties than an obese woman in her mid-forties.

Her mind undergoes the same dramatic transformation; the memories of her family and the stressful life are replaced by images of hot girls being fucked, the sexual experience of a young student like the one she is becoming, the image of Elise running into her mother...
The fabric of the black business pants gets loose as the fat evaporates completely, leaving only raw muscle instead.
Amber's pussy was the last to get changed; the ovaries descended right down the vaginal tunnel, turned into testicles; the uterus shrank, turned into the prostate; the fallopian tubes reshaped into the new seminal vesicles; and the vaginal tunnel closed completely.
The last strand of her female anatomy, the clitoris, growing inch by inch until it reached the size of an 8-inch penis, sealed the entire rewriting of her female reproductive system into a functional male reproductive one.

Amber looks nothing like herself, in mind and soul. The flabby, overweight female body transformed into a muscular, young, and masculine body, with no trace of her former female self.
Alhbert's erect cock formed a tent between the soaked Spanx and the fabric of the black business suit. The new male organ wanted to be touched, and he stroked his big hard cock under the fabric of his garments. He wondered why his pants felt a little loose, but it doesn't matter right now; he has a very hard business right down. He stroked a very few times; the testosterone is very powerful. After a few minutes, her muscular veiny hands made his big hard cock cumming, spurting hot loads of sticky white seed through the garments. The white sticky seed merged with the soaked garments.

He grunted out loud, his muscular hips bucked, and he stroked faster and harder with his big cock.
After a couple of minutes, he got quiet, his muscular frame stood on the chair, and he rested for a few minutes, recovering from a huge orgasm, the one he is very used to with hot, tight women.
Speaking about hot, tight women, the memory of Elise comes to his mind; the image of her tight ass swayed in a sensual motion makes him hard once again.
"I need to fuck you," he grunted in a very husky, masculine tone.
After a very few minutes, he stood on his feet and took a look at himself, with a look of disgust on his face.

His chiseled facial features gave me a confused look to see him wearing such ill-fitting clothes.
"Why am I wearing this sh*t?" He asked with a disgusted and confused look. She was wearing a white long-sleeved blouse that fits very tight on her muscular upper body. The buttons of her blouse burst apart with just a few flexes, tearing the fabric of the blouse with a few flexes and turning the garment into tears.
He swipes the tears off the garment as he takes a look at the black bra suited to his powerful, veiny chest. He just grabs the undergarment and throws it against the marble floor.
The loose pants were the following as they just laid onto the floor, revealing his muscular legs and a very odd Spanx covering his crotch area and the lower abs, with a tent forming into his crotch by his raging erection.
"You gotta be kidding me," he says as he grips the garment and rips it apart. He grabs the garment to take a look at how soaked the Spanx is, soaked with the lubrication from another person...
"This has to be a fucking joke; maybe I was drunk or something," he said as he let out a loud laugh at the fact he was wearing clothes that perfectly suit an obese, old woman.

"Yeah, so much better," he grunted and made a few flexing exercises. With his body in all its muscular glory, the chiseled eight pack, the huge pectorals, the broad shoulders, the muscular backside, his big veiny arms, and his strong, powerful legs, it seems like his body was chiseled by the gods. Not an ounce of fat on his powerful bodybuilder-esque look, and his young sensual face makes him a very hunk stud.
He takes a look at his big, dark cook, veiny and ready for another round. He grinned, arousal growing inside him.
"Good, I think someone could solve our problem," he says with a grin on his chiseled face. His muscular frame walks to the door.

"I think Elise could help me with this little big problem." He said, heading to the door in all his naked glory, with the ripped garments lying on the floor as the only remains of Amber, the middle-aged woman gone for good, and in her place, a huge, muscular, well-endowed young stud makes his way to success.


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