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Middle-aged man to Girlish young gal. Features: Age Regression, Female to Male, Reality Change, Identity Lost. Enjoy this.


"Oh my, look at this babe," The guy says, looking through the mall, the people walking and talking, throughout the entire center, everyone centered on their problems and duties so characteristic of adult life. There are just more and more worries with coming to middle-aged life, this guy was no exception at all.

As he stepped outside a stand, he looked at the pic that caught his attention instantly.

"Look at her," He says. Looking at the picture with admiration. The picture shows a woman, in her twenties, with lustrous blond hair cascaded to her shoulders. Her body is slim and toned, and there is proof of her constant workout regime, she has to keep hours and hours in the gym to maintain that slim and toned physique. Her model cover face is beautiful, she could be on the cover of every magazine in the world. Her facial features are so lovely. Her very skimpy clothes leave nothing to the imagination. The blue tube top and the micro skirt leave her body almost bare and exposed.

"Damn, she is so beautiful, with all her youth and life ahead," He says, with a hint of jealousy at seeing the young woman on the poster. His envy is growing as memories from his life appear inside his mind, with the bad choices and so many wasted years of doing nothing but drinking himself to death, with nothing else to value he built during all those years.

"Probably she could party, get wild and fuck like a maniac. How envious, I miss those days" He says with a tone of resentment, thinking about the beauty and youth of this woman, the one he wasted, building nothing to make his life for the better, and now in his thirties, he feels like he is nothing but a man entering into the middle-aged range.

As much as he might be considered as young as well, he felt old, in heart and soul. The wild years of an uncontrolled life riddled with excess have paid off on his integrity, affecting his will and making him exhausted, with little will to enjoy life anymore.

"The glow in her eyes, she enjoys life to the max," He said, rubbing his brown head with his thick hairy hand. His overweight physique stood in the enter of the stand, looking at the poster, hypnotized by the beauty of the young blonde model, he could feel her entire body tremble, the anger and envy against the woman youth, the one he could wish for, to do things better, and enjoy life as he always wanted, probably to remember those wild days from his youth.

While this was happening, a hand touched him, a soft touch he could feel on his round flabby shoulders, he was lost in his thoughts and got shocked by this abrupt touch that interrupted his thoughts, he turned to see who was the person interrupted his thoughts.

"Do you like her?" She says, a woman, in her forties, wearing a long floral dress, her body curvy and charming, her face round and sweer, her long black-raven hair tied in a ponytail.

"Ehm..i..yes..she is lovely and I just was admiring her beauty and..you know," He says, with a blush on his round face, with a sort of a surprise the woman, who seems to appear from the stand, start to talk to him, The tone of his voice sounds kinda shy and with a hint of fault about himself considering he could be passed as a pervert.

"Don't be so shy, boy is okay to admire the beauty of such a stunning woman like her. You need to be proud of your good tastes" The woman says, followed by a chuckle. Her tone sounds motherly and calm, looking at the middle-aged guy with her deep brown eyes.

"Yea...you right..i was just...admiring her..thinking about her youth, her life ahead...I would like to get a chance to relieve my twenties and do it better" He says, with a tone of sadness in his voice. He wondered about how he opened his very deep soul to this unknown woman, considering how reserved he was. Always hiding his thoughts, never sharing them with anybody.

"A wasted life, you mean. You can do it, you can get a new chance to enjoy it. would you like that?" The charming woman says to him, looking directly into his eyes.

"I have no clue how something like this could be possible...but...yes.I wish that. I wish with my entire soul" He finally admitted. His body trembled with excitement.

"I know you love her to the point of being like her. Tell me, what would you like to do with that body" The woman says to him, looking into his eyes, entering in his very soul, with her deep brown lustrous eyes.

"I" He tried to collect his thoughts, and a surge of excitement ran through his entire self, thinking about the possibilities of being young and hot.

"WOW, with that body the sky is the limit, you know, just think about her, with that hot body I could get whatever thing I want to. Young, beauty, everything" He says with tremble and excitement in his voice, his heart beating, the memories with about what he could do with that body are infinite.

"You can get all the fun you want if you know what I mean," the woman says with a chuckle, seeing the man glowing with excitement.

"Yeah ma'am, iso much fun, enjoy life, going parties, getting wild, dancing, and partying till the end, my god yes," He says, his voice changing a little, sounding more feminine, his eyes glowing with a joy that he hasn't experienced in a long time.

"All the sex you want," The woman says.

"Yes, all the fucking sex could I want, my body is so fucking hot, I can get whatever single man I want to," He says, his voice sounding high-pitched, his eyes glowing, a smile adorned his entire face. A tingling cascaded towards his entire physique,m from head to toe, making the middle-aged body rippling. Every fiber of his body regenerates by the second, renewed with a surge of energy.

"With your beauty, you can get whatever you want, my dear," The woman says, looking at his body rippling. A smile adorned her face, almost like she was prepared for what was about to come.

"Yes, yes, my body is so hot, every man drooled over me," He says with a giggle, in his high-pitched voice, his brown hair growing from his scalp, getting blond and lustrous.

"Your hair is beautiful, my dear, you have so much work done there, don't you" She says with a smile, looking at the transforming guy.

"Yeah, I mean, I love to keep myself beautiful as always, I spent a lot of time in the spa for my hot beauty treatments, don't you see how beautiful my face and hair are" He says, with a giggle, his face and hair transformed, the round pasty face changed, turned into a lovely oval face, his eyes grown, the eyelashes thinning, his lips plumping, the chin receding. His facial features changed dramatically, turned into a lovely young girl in her twenties.

"And what about your body, you are so fit and hot, how much do you work gal?" The woman asked the transforming man, with a little bit of glee in her eyes.

"I kill myself inside the gym, this body needs so much care and dedication, I count my calories, I workout over four hours per day, I don't wanna end as a fatso, you know," The transformed guy says, his overweight physique transform, the middle-aged fat evaporates, slimming, and losing height in the process, his body mass redistributed, her torso becoming slim and dainty, the old thick fat hairy hands turned slim and delicate, well-manicured ones. The fat from his legs evaporated, and turned into slim, toned limbs, with a healthy amount of feminine muscular definition, his butt reshaping, turned into a tight toned bubble butt.

"You look great, Jenny. Some so many people just don't take care of themselves, getting fat and unhealthy, but you, my dear, you look beautiful, I wish to be like you" The woman says, looking at the once middle-aged guy, with joy and passion to see this lovely transformation..

The final touch happen, his old frumpy clothes shifted to match the new beauty that stood in front of her, turned into a blue tube top, leaving her toned slim arms and flat sexy abdomen exposed, and a blue microskirt, so slutty, leaving her toned thighs and legs with everyone to see and admire her hard work and dedication she puts to build this body barely covering her womanhood.

"You got it. I keep myself to don't end up as a middle-aged fatso, you know, those lazy ones who let themselves go, eating till no end, no chance in hell I could do that" Jenny says, moving her left hand to her long blond hair, caressing the lustrous blonde strands of her beautiful mane.

Jenny is very aware of her beauty and her value. Parties are a part of her life, and enjoying life is one of her priorities, she keeps herself fit due to countless hours in the gym, training is her life, and she loves that. The attention she received from everyone is one of the things she considered to keep as fit as possible.

"I'm so hot, I kill them all with that session, the camera loves me, " She says, admiring her poster, a proud smile adorning her face.

"Is hard to believe there could be someone as hot as me, you know, there are poor jealous gals who don't like to see me shine but fuck em, I'm the hottest, and they have no option but to look my hot pics appeared elsewhere" She says with a smile, her stunning facial features admiring her poster.

Jenny's ascending modeling career is the best thing that could happen to her this year., Finally, her hard work and discipline toward her beauty and body care have paid off. She has been keeping herself in an impeccable physical condition to get a chance into the modeling scene, and finally, she got it. She knows this is just the beginning, but with her discipline and self-assured personality, she knows that she can rise to the top in no time. She has her youth and life ahead, plus, she has no time to waste, but there is more time to time for a wild party and get a fuck time with hot lovely partners.

"You'll be a great model, Jenny, you have everything, the sky is the limit," The charming woman says to the young girl, placing a hand towards her shoulder, s, smiling at her.

"Thank you, I love your advice, Lady Mary, this is why always come here to talk with you, I love you so much, you are like my mother," She says with a smile on her face, admiring the motherly figure of Mary, she has the better pieces of advice to her, and the tips she can gives her to enjoy the party and make every man wild.

"You welcome, Jenny, I'm here to help you. Now, why don't you tell me about your last night with that hunky adonis, seems like you got a very wild time, don't you" She says following by a chuckle.

"You bet, I just lost count of the times I came, that was fucking amazing, I think I see him tonight," She says with a giggle, thinking about the wild night of lust and passion from the last night.

"You lucky girl, I wish to have your youth and body, seems like you are an insatiable, little naughty girl," She says with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I cannot get enough, Mary, I just need it, I'm hooked to him, I cannot get enough, I think we have to have a lovely time tonight. I need another round of pleasure" She purred, the memory of her hunky partner still inside her mind.

"My naughty girl. Seems like you enjoy your life to the max, right?" She asked her, with a smile adorning her soft round face.

"Oh yeah, I need it, i just don't want to wait and see my life waste, going down to the toiled, mi need to live and enjoy my life, i'm young, beautiful, with my life ahead of me," She says, with a entire determination in her voice, proudly about her young life.



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