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Welp, because I got at least one person wanting to see what terrible rendition of my characters I've drawn, I guess I'll put them up. But not quite yet. I'll post my more recent ones first! Although, said recent ones are still a bit rough because they're... well, recent. 

Firstly, I had planned on posting this with Chapter 54, but I didn't finish it in time. We have Adrianna!

Because her hair is fun to draw :P

I also did Lucy, but it's very rough still: 

I'd say it's way better than that first pic I did of her in chapter 3. I haven't drawn her with her mask in ages though... probably should do that considering she wears her mask more often that not. 

I guess I'll put Hargrave here again, because I put him in the notice for the Forerunners but not anyone else: 

I pasted him from Discord instead of Imgur which is why he's small :P

And I drew.... Annaliese!

This was supposed to be for Chapter 56 but again, I didn't finish it in time.

And because I like his character design(s) the most, I drew everyone's 'favourite' character. Also, because my first two drawings of him were utter crap.

In fact, because I thought these two pictures were some of my highest quality ones since I began drawing my characters early last year, I decided I'd go further and do nicer versions of them on procreate:

I've only done the colours and not any of the shading, so that will be the next step. But it's my first time doing digital art since my cover which... I did amazing lineart of, but terrible colouring and rendering. But anything I do digitally is leaps and bounds higher in quality than my sketches, so I want to eventually do all my important characters digitally, but it just takes soooo long. It doesn't help that I don't have a tablet yet. 

I'll probably end up posting these again alongside the former drawings. Not that I want to post my former drawings...

Oh well. Chapter 59 part 1 comes out tonight for the 40th floor residents and ???,  57(1 of 2) for the forerunners and 55(2 of 2) for the plebeians. 

Nearly 1/5th of the way through the next arc already, sheesh. That's if I can keep up the current posting schedule for the entire year. I probably can't but I can at least keep it up until my semester starts. I mean, who's heard of an author releasing three 5k chapters a week? Even Path of Ascension only does it every week or so. 


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