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So, I've just come back from a three-week family holiday in Tasmania with very little service. The posts for the 40th floor members and ups release on a schedule, so they don't notice the problem, but... for forerunners and plebeian I have to manually change the post settings to allow forerunners to read it. Why? Because Patreon has crappy support for authors, that's why. 

But anyway, my point is, I've managed to fix up the last week's worth of chapters that were behind schedule because of my lack of service, and I plan to add two more collections to make accessing and finding the posts easier for each tier. Your scheduled post for today (Chapter 56 (1 of 2)) has already been released, so enjoy. The new collections might appear in the next one or two weeks. 

Anyway, as an apology, you get this picture of a mildly confused Hargrave I drew last week: 

Because why not. I've drawn a bit more stuff while gone, including redoing many of the characters... and possibly drawing new ones. Maybe I'll do a post with all my newer pictures sometime, if anybody cares about that. 



Please do a post of your character pics