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Surprise Event(?)

  • Event 1: Chapter 51 Naming Rights 3
  • Event 2: Chapter 51 OC Character Rights 0
  • 2023-11-06
  • —2023-11-10
  • 3 votes
{'title': 'Surprise Event(?)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Event 1: Chapter 51 Naming Rights', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Event 2: Chapter 51 OC Character Rights', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 10, 6, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 6, 11, 20, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 3}


So, from next week to the week after that, I won't be posting any chapters as I need to do the rewrite. But I figured, considering chapter 50 will be posted soon after the break, that there needs to be some sort of special event, or in fact... two special events, both of the competition type. But the caveat is this: which event... will be for my Patrons only, and which will be for all my followers on any site?


- Anyone in the competitions must be part of the Discord, so I can actually see the responses.

- Both will last two weeks once they begin.  From Monday the 13th to Monday the 27th.

- The events will work on a voting basis through reaction roles on Discord. If a member of the Patreon wins in both events, then they get to win both events. But a non-Patron won't be able to join one event, although the normal followers can still vote.

- You can suggest as many abilities or chapter names as you wish! But it's still up to the Discord members' decisions. I might make the competitions tiered so the finalist outcomes will be taken from RR, SV, SB and SH polls on the 27th.

Alright, so, as for the actual events...

Event 1: A competition for who will name Chapter 51. I will be giving themes that the name needs to follow. The name with the highest votes wins.

Event 2: A creative competition for who can come up with the coolest ability. The winner will get to have a character they name, come up with a personality for, and with the ability they suggested for the competition, appear in Chapter 51. It won't necessarily be a major role, and depending on the character they create they may or may not appear again, but they will be in Chapter 51 for... let's say 500 words. As before, the ability with the highest votes wins. There are themes for the abilities too, but you could say... the themes are very broad.

So, the big question is... what event do my Patrons want for themselves?

(P.S. I'll be notifying everyone else about the events on Friday, hopefully. The poll closes around 6 hours before I post on Friday. Also, the next Chapter arrives in 1 minute.)



Why are you rewriting?


My fist ten chapter suck :P. I’m going to do stuff like get rid of info dumps and clear up the first chapter.


Oh I thought it was one week


Sorry. But it’s not. I can’t rewrite over 30k in one week lol. 10k is the equivalent of 20 word document pages with size 12 font. Imagine completing several assignments that long in only one week.