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Lucille flicked through the pages and looked up at the man opposite her. “This is everything?”


Count Ravimoux bowed his head. “Everything we could obtain since the ‘attack’.”


She pondered the contents for a moment longer and then placed the pages on her desk. “It’s more than I expected. I appreciate you coming person to pass the information on the intruder to me.”


“Truthfully, I have another matter to discuss,” The Count replied. “But…”


He looked at the door, which opened to reveal a certain Prophetess accompanied by Sir Albrecht.


“Lucy, Sedric is asking to discuss the Beast Realm trip and- oh.” She blinked when she noticed the Count. “Sorry, were you busy?”


The dark-haired man observed Annaliese and then smiled. Placing a hand on his chest, he bowed respectfully. “Count Regulus Ravimoux, my lady Prophetess. It is an honour to meet the one closest to our mutual friend. I lead one of the Commission’s four Counties.”


“Friend?” Annaliese looked at Lucy with surprise.


Lucy just raised an eyebrow at the Count, making him smirk. He straightened up and gave the Prophetess a relaxed shrug. “Well, our acquaintanceship is certainly stronger than that of the other Counts. As such, I believe the term ‘friends’ should apply to us, no?”


“Whatever you say.” Lucille sighed and turned to Annaliese. “Tell Sedric I’ll meet with him after this. And before he asked – no, he doesn’t have a choice. He’s coming with me.”


Annaliese nodded and left Lucy’s study. Once again left alone, Lucille turned to Count Ravimoux. “Another matter?”


“Yes. That of your visits to the four Counties,” he replied with a nod. He gestured to the spare armchair. “May I?”


“Of course.” Lucy sat behind her desk and rested her intertwined fingers on her lap as she listened closely to what he had to say.


Count Ravimoux gestured to the pages on her desk. “As of yet, the agenda of the intruder and the force or forces behind them is indeterminable. Nobody has come forward to take advantage of this lapse in our defences, so we’ve decided to hide news of it for now. Because of this, your visit to the Beast Realm and hopefully our Counties will go on unimpeded.”


Lucy nodded thoughtfully. “The vassals and family branches must be getting increasingly curious about me since the attack at the external debut. Otherwise, I you wouldn’t have come forward to push me like this.”


“Yes, Count Evisenhardt and Count Chavaret requested for me to bring the topic up with you,” he agreed. “They never would have done this without your expressed desire to visit us, though.”


Lucy rested her chin on her hand. “Have you three decided which County I’m to visit first? I don’t have a preference.”


“Is that so? Well…” Count Ravimoux held his chin as he considered it. “As the more affluent County among us, Evisenhardt will wish to have time to formally prepare for your visit. Their County is the closest to the Capital City and requires certain traditions due to that status. Count Chavaret only wishes to meet so that he may study your weapons… do you wish to visit my County?” he asked with a strange smirk.


“I heard that Ravimoux had no fiefdom on the Aeternus plane,” she pointed out with a quirk of an eyebrow. “Unless you have some grand secret to reveal to me?”


“Ha, there’s no such thing,” he chuckled. “I could always invite you to the ancestral estate, but I haven’t been there for several years, so there wouldn’t be much meaning.” The Count nodded to himself. “I will organise for Alichanteu to welcome you first. That will limit the opportunities for their factions to employ schemes.”


“Any news about that?”


“About Radical and Olden?” Count Ravimoux questioned. “Nothing major. Their ambivalent attitude is making me wary, considering the recent intrusion event, but there’s nothing to be done if they haven’t shown any moves. Although, I must ask.” He tilted his head. “Do you truly mean for Sir Rouzet’s city to be the first to undergo redevelopment?”


Lucille smirked and crossed her arms. “I’ve seen that he’s more capable than he appears. He’s got the perfect disposition, attitude and status to rub the factions wrongly, and redeveloping his city first will give him a good test.”


“I see.” Count Ravimoux glanced behind himself and then nodded to her. “Alichanteu it will be, then. I’ll get back to you with the week once it’s decided. I should be taking my leave now.”


“I’ll contact you soon,” Lucy replied politely. Then she had a thought and raised a hand to stop him. “Ah, could you relay my request to Vincent to purchase a chain called the Magisterial Treasure Emporium? It’s a chain of stores that has expanded into the frontier regions of the Beast Realm which I think may be useful for my purposes.”


“Sounds interesting,” Count Ravimoux replied with a wicked smirk, no doubt aware of what had occurred between her and the store. With a bow, he shut the door behind him, leaving her to sigh and kick her legs onto her desk.


I want to go somewhere and level up. Will I be able to do that more next year?


Something on the edges of her perception field caught her attention and she rolled her eyes.


Time to deal with Sedric’s complaints. I’ll add him to the list of ‘people who need to develop social skills’, after Hargrave.



“-and I’ve never worked with raw materials before. So yeah, I just don’t see how I could be of any help,” Sedric argued with his hands on his hips. “I bet those mages of yours would be more help… hey, are you even listening to me?”


Lucy gazed off to the side with her arms crossed, idly watching her bond cajole Raegan into another plan to prank Ashale’viaf.


Is there anything else I should purchase while I’m in the Violet Luminosity Jungle Region? Maybe Hargrave would appreciate access to water natural treasures…


“Hello? Am I talking to a brick wall?”


…but water natural resources in an illusion region would be more expensive and of lower quality than what it’s worth. I’m also unsure how his bloodline advancement works as a former human. Scytale said he can’t be considered in the realms of an advanced or superior beast but closer to something in between.


Sedric narrowed his eyes at her, thinking. “Time for me to start looking for employment under the Coalition instead, I think,” he suddenly announced.


Lucy whacked him on the top of his head with her cane. “Don’t give me such an unbelievable lie if you’re going to speak falsehoods. Also, I still haven’t changed my decision about bringing you.” She walked over to her couch as the crafter glared at her, one hand pointing at her and the other rubbing his sore head.


“So you were listening!” he complained. He marched over and sat on a nearby seat, scowling. “At least give me several day’s warning! Annaliese told me you decided on this only yesterday!”


“It was an arbitrary decision,” Lucille replied as she sipped her coffee.


Sedric gripped his hair. “Look, I just don’t want to go anywhere with that darned snake!”


They both glanced at the silver-haired teenage boy, who had successfully gripped Raegan in a headlock. Scytale looked up. “Hm? Did someone mention me?”


“He is the most irritating person to exist,” Sedric muttered.


Lucy shrugged. “True.”


“Hey, don’t lie!” Scytale said, pointing at Sedric. “Just the other day you were telling me how much you loved me and never wanted me to leave!”


Sedric stared. “What-”


“Awwww, how sweet,” Raegan snarked.


Sedric scowled and jabbed a finger at him. “You shut up.”


Lucille sighed and sat her coffee down. “I’ll stop him from bothering you too much. You forget, Sedric, that this trip to the Beast Realm won’t be more than a single-day event for us three. Obelisk teleports are instant. It’s only Marellen, Roa and the other two who will be staying for a week.”


He stared at her. “Really? But…” He slowly turned to look in the direction of a certain Prophetess who was lying on a couch, reading a book.


Annaliese shiftily looked away. “I-I may have gotten the details wrong when I told him more about what you said…”


“Ugh.” Sedric buried his head in his hands. “That makes me feel better then. Having to go everywhere with that snake…”


“You say that like you don’t already deal with him every day,” Lucy pointed out. “I don’t understand the problem here.”


He considered it with a strange expression. “I… huh.”


Lucy watched him and then stood up with a huff. “If that’s the end of this issue, I’m going to see Hargrave. You two over there, don’t antagonise Ashale’viaf anymore,” she warned, pointing at her bond and Raegan.


Scytale pulled down an eyelid and stuck out his tongue to mock her with a stupid face. Raegan just scoffed.



With unusual swiftness and dexterity for a man of his build and height, the ex-mercenary swung his demonic spear through the air while cloaked in his new draconic aura. It cut through the air like thunder and when the sound of footsteps approached, he whirled around and pointed his spear at the newcomer.


“Impressive moves. Nice and flashy,” Lucille remarked dryly. She put a hand on Eolith and pushed it away. “However, I’d prefer it if you didn’t aim your weapon at my throat as your blade is uncovered, unlike the first time we met.”


He stiffened as memories of that event threatened to overwhelm him, and then Hargrave hurriedly pulled back the spear. “…is there something you need to tell me?”


“In a way.” She tilted her head. “Do you know what’s happening?”


He nodded. “You’re going to the Beast Realm with the others.” Hargrave turned to the side and held out his spear to practice his forms again. “To purchase the cities in Scytale’s home region.”


“Good, you know.” Lucy nodded. “I’ll be back by roughly nine at night, but if I’m late then don’t-”


“Departing at eight in the morning and then splitting from the sponsored party,” he murmured, throwing his spear at the opposite side of the training room. It plunged into the white stone wall and then shot back to him with a gesture of his hand.


Lucy raised an eyebrow. “You’re unusually well-informed-”


“The Supreme Serpent’s Silent City in the Violet Luminosity Jungle Region.” He punctuated his statement by spinning the spear in his hands but then Hargrave paused when he noticed Lucy’s gaze.


She held her chin as she observed him. “Hargrave…” Lucy began. “Is something wrong?”


“Wrong? Ah… no.” He blinked, looking distracted. “I don’t think so.”


“Are you sure?” she pressed, almost certain there was something on his mind. “This isn’t like you. You didn’t notice me until I was already close. You’re acting off and seem to be focusing on my excursion a little too much.”


“Maybe…” Hargrave looked down at his hand and frowned. “I’m… not too sure what might be the matter myself. It doesn’t feel like anything is different…”


Lucille pressed a hand to her temples, feeling frustrated at the quantity of emotionally underdeveloped individuals running around her. “Tell me if you work out what’s the problem, okay Hargrave?” she ordered, pointing at him. “If you keep acting like this when another intruder appears, who knows what will happen.”


That seemed to make him react and he straightened up. He nodded solemnly. “I’ll get over this soon.”


I doubt it. If emotions were that easy, I would’ve chosen to abandon my revenge and make ‘Adrianna’ not exist in this timeline.


Truthfully, revenge against the Hero wasn’t the only reason why she needed to be close to him.


Lucy left the training room and placed her hands behind her back, feeling a bit weary after everything that had occurred and what needed to happen. Her mind was busy planning how to persuade the Demon Emperor to let the House of Wordless Observers infiltrate the Demon Realm and eradicate the Malediction supporters, busy working out whether he would even care to refuse her in the first place and busy thinking of how she could obtain a demonic spellcraft-related skill during the fight. It was her best opportunity to obtain one.


Now she had Hargrave and whatever was going on with him to deal with too. And keeping in contact with the members of Ravimoux the Count had employed to covertly guard Marellen’s party when they investigated the location of the avalanche.


At least she wasn’t Vincent. He had hardly seen her at all that week due to all the nobles requesting to meet with him. The few hours before midnight were the only times they met to catch up.


I’d almost feel sorry for him if I didn’t know he worked better under pressure. He seems to be enjoying himself in that strange, work-obsessed way of his. But what to do about Hargrave…


A blonde-haired figure snooping around rooms of the Commission while trying to hide from her guard caught Lucy’s attention. Lucille slowly narrowed her eyes.


Operation Prophetess Sleeper Agent begins.


She quietly walked up to the girl and placed her hands on her shoulders. Annaliese yelped and spun around, only to let out a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.


“Oh, it’s you, Lucy!” she replied, a hand on her chest to calm her heartbeat. “You scared me!”


Lucy smirked but then shook her head and grasped the Prophetess’s shoulders again. “Annaliese. I have a very important task for you,” Lucille began seriously.


Annaliese blinked and then excitement seemed to make her eyes gleam. “Really? An important task for me?” she asked in a hushed voice.


“Very.” Lucy nodded and leaned forward to whisper into her ear, “I need you to go talk to Hargrave and find out what he’s hiding from me. Here’s what you’ll do…”



“He’s moping because he feels left out,” Annaliese announced half an hour later. “I’m pretty sure he really wanted to go with everyone to the Beast Realm so he was waiting to be asked, but nobody did.”


Lucy stared at the girl. Then she groaned and ran a hand down her face. “Really? He’s upset about that?”


“Hargrave doesn’t know he’s upset about that, though.” Annaliese leaned forward to pick up a jam biscuit. “He did mention something about how he promised to ‘make it up to you’ and thought you might need protection after the intruder incident, whatever that is.”


Lucille pinched her nose bridge.


Is he only experiencing ‘normal’ relationships for the first time after coming here? Not that contractual relationships can be considered normal.


I’m more impressed that Annaliese was able to get that kind of reasonable answer out of him. I suppose that goes to show what happens when someone with high EQ meets someone with EQ in the negatives.


She paused and shot the Prophetess a sceptical look.


Does Annaliese actually have high EQ? I always thought of her as the type of person to make things worse with misunderstandings. If she has high EQ, then how much of her naivety and personality is an act?


Lucy watched as the girl tried to lick the jam off her fingers at the irritation of Sir Albrecht, who demanded she clean them properly using a handkerchief. She facepalmed.


Annaliese, put on an act? I must be ridiculously exhausted. She just has a way with people, and Hargrave is exceptionally weak to her. That has to be it.


“The reason why I didn’t choose to bring Hargrave was because it was going to be a short trip,” Lucy said, crossing her arms. “Hargrave has his own goals and I don’t want to take away opportunities for him to obtain them. That includes taking away his time.”


Annaliese tucked her knees under her chin. “Hmm… I don’t know what these goals are, but they must be super important if you think so, Lucy. He’s still upset though. Did you say you have a contract with him too?”


“I did, yes.”


“Then maybe he feels abandoned,” the blonde-haired girl suggested, poking one of the glowing natural treasures in the fruit bowl on the table. “Like he’s not useful to you because you didn’t ask him to guard you like when you went to the Dungeon.”


“Well, even I have figured that out now, but…” Lucy gave the girl a deadpan look. “Hargrave isn’t some sad little puppy I abandoned in the rain. He’s a fully grown adult man who can knock both of us out before we realise it.”


Annaliese blinked, then suddenly covered her mouth to stifle the noises coming out of it. Lucy raised an eyebrow as the Prophetess suddenly threw her head back and began laughing.


“And what is the matter with you?” Lucille asked.


“I-I’m sorry, I’m just… pfft.” Annaliese descended into laughter again. “I’m imagining Hargrave with his wings out, looking all droopy and sad. I think it would fit him.”


“If you say so,” Lucy said with scepticism. “I don’t see how that imagery fits a warrior who wields a demonic spear but suit yourself.”


Annaliese grinned. “You know, the more I get to know him, the more I see him as just a big teddy bear!”


“A what?


Hargrave, king of inopportune moments, entered the room just in time to hear that description. Annaliese glanced back and then quickly turned away. “Nothing.”


“Hargrave, next time you want to go somewhere, just ask,” Lucille casually told him while straightening out her gloves. “I was trying to be considerate of your plans by not requesting you to follow me, but if that’s what you want...”


Hargrave stared at her. “How…”


Lucy pointed at Annaliese. The girl shot Lucy a dirty look for the betrayal and then beamed at Hargrave. “You never told me not to tell her, so I answered her questions!”


“Did you put her up to this…?” Hargrave slowly asked Lucy. Lucy looked away.


“That’s not important!” Annaliese interrupted. She pointed at the scarlet and blue-haired man. “Hargrave. Lucille was only trying to be nice by not asking you, so don’t be upset anymore, okay? No more sulking!”


“But… I wasn’t…”


“No more sulking!” Annaliese stated crossly.


“I…” He scratched the back of his neck. “Okay…”


“I’m off to find my bond,” Lucy said as she stood up from the couch. “I have to make sure he’s not up to anything disastrous.”


“I’ll come too!” Anneliese stood up, making Jasten Albrecht in the back of the room sigh and stop leaning against the wall.


Hargrave hesitated, and then slowly began to follow them. “I… guess I’ll come along.”


Lucille shrugged. “They’re in the Pavilion’s biomes. This will be a good time for you to learn to sense natural treasures, Hargrave.”


He nodded and the four of them left, beginning the search for one mischievous serpent and the second angsty tagalong.


A stern-looking man with white sideburns and a red tie scanned the holographic reports shown in front of him. He shut the projection down and looked opposite at the blonde-haired man in his early thirties. “No contact from Williams yet?”


“Edison Williams hasn’t contacted Lucille, no,” Stephen Lawrence awkwardly replied. He shuffled in his seat, still not used to talking so frequently with Marvin Goldcroft.


“She told me he’ll be in contact soon,” Marvin murmured, frowning slightly. He shook his head and straightened up. “Rumours?”


“No rumours about this ‘Simulacrum’ have been heard yet, sir,” Stephen said. “Harold McGuire’s plan to cut off the pathways of communication between people who’ve received the ‘sign’ worked, from what we can tell. Even with some of the memories Lucille showed us, they haven’t been able to confirm if there’s anything unusual or supernatural about them.”


“A traceless ability…” Marvin huffed. “My niece is luckier than she deserves. For her to gain that sort of ability.” He shook his head. “Has Lucille requested for you to do anything recently?”


Stephen shook his head. “She says everything is progressing well. We just need to keep planning for the reveal in two months where they’ll all be gathered without notice.” He rubbed his neck. “For that plan to work though, we need Edison Williams to contact us…”


“He’ll be wary, knowing some power has been activated on him without any of his guards or energy shields protecting him against it,” Marvin remarked, pulling up another projection to read. “As the World Government President, Williams was also one of the strongest ability users when the rift catastrophe occurred. His ability to summon the weapons of mythical gods is incredibly strong, but Lucille’s ability pierced the invisible armour he always has summoned.”


“…she’s an incredible girl,” Stephen carefully replied.


Marvin huffed and crossed his arms. “Obviously. She’s my niece and the only heir of me and my brother, an entrepreneur who built this empire from scratch after changing our last names.” He looked off to the side in reminiscence. “She’s always been special, ever since my brother’s son and his wife showed her to us for the first…” His words trailed off and his brow lowered in concentration.




Marvin tapped his fingers against his desk in mild agitation.


“…sir?” Stephen carefully repeated.


“Hm? Oh, right.” Marvin turned back to him. “My… nephew? My nephew and his wife turned up with her and we soon learnt she was a genius.”


Stephen rubbed his chin, wondering if it was okay to ask something he wanted to know. “Sir, why did she always have such rumours about her incapability, then?”


Marvin waved his question off with a dismissive scoff. “Her doing, of course. Not out of dislike for me or Medallion, however. My no-good brother tried to push his duties onto her so she acted to prevent his subordinates from allowing it.” Marvin smirked. “First time I got a good laugh at my brother’s expense in a long while.”


“I’m glad you seem to have a good family dynamic,” Stephen said with surprise.


Marvin stood up and turned around to gaze out at the view of the World Government’s sky-rings projecting news and broadcasts into the atmosphere. Images of the missing thousand, including his niece, were shown up there, interspersed among the numerous advertisements and posters of esper celebrities.


“Good family dynamic… and here I thought we didn’t,” Marvin murmured. “I didn’t think she could show emotions until we met again in the Simulacrum…”



The more we learn about Lucy’s oddities the more suspicious I am that’s she’s some kind of artificial human or homunculus


Thanks for the chapter!💕