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I hate that I only make posts like this when I can't post. But really, I did a test today, and I have another tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I can't promise this will be the last time I don't post at the right time. I'm thinking that when it's time for my second test period/exam period at the end of the semester I'll take a full week break, but I still want to get out the right amount of chapters each week until then. Normally the weekends are the perfect time for me to smash out all the words I need but not this time.

On a side note, now that the entire first arc has been written and posted, I can reveal my super secret chapter notes (out of order compared to cannon because I made changes as I went along):

Arc 1

July-December, 6/60 months

  • Vincent meets Lucy 

  • Lucy reveals how she wants to call a meeting in a few weeks between family leaders 

  • Lucy and Scytale discuss a bit about the Mystical realm 

  • Scytale discusses his future class, aspects, and goals with Lucy 

  • Lucy discusses the pocket watch and two snake swords skills, then discusses the resources available to them 

  • She reveals to scytale her plans for a restructuring of the Aurelian commission 

  • She reveals to Vincent her plan of making him an aide. He keeps it silent from his father for a while. She asks about efratel and he looks into it 

  • Short interlude with an update on Marellen’s party. They keep in contact 

  • Lucy meets with the accessory maker to organise a deal 

  • The four leaders meet up and Lucy reveals her age and her plans, also revealing the depth of control over the faction she has. She also asks to pretend her leadership of the faction was intended by using planted candidates

  • They agree to support the restructuring in exchange for  access to more permissions. They discuss an internal party for her ‘debut’ within the faction. They don’t do an external one due to the emperor’s ball coming up 

  • While preparations for the debut are ongoing, Lucy meets up with Annaliese, revealing her status as a regressor, and writes to the Vadels to sponsor Marellen with a skill book from the all element mage, while inviting Efratel early to the debut 

  • Accessory maker accepts her invitation to work at the Headquarters, and meets Annaliese, ignorant of her identity 

  • Lucy meets a messenger from Alichanteu younger bother. 

  • After a few discussions with Annaliese, including adding free time to an agreement with the citadel and a discussion about why Scytale can’t fly yet, the Citadel of Fate’s Paladins arrive to pick her up, along with a member of Paragon. She says goodbye to Lucy and the accessory maker, who is shocked, while Vincent becomes suspicious of Lucy’s abilities. 

  • Lucy goes on to the demon realm 

  • She makes a deal with the demon emperor, heading back home to continue preparing for the debut in two weeks 

  • Switches to Conlan’s perspective for a bit 

  • Lucy meets up with Efratel, arranges something, before it switches to scytale who discusses his adventures with the spirit and exploring the gardens.

  • Lucy has her debut, meeting with several other young nobles of the families. 

  • She organises an event for members to come forward with their proposals, meeting two relatives of Vincent who become his subordinates

  • For next three chapters, a montage of Adrianna’s time at white Squall fortress is shown, along with several of her subordinates. Her advancement to Squad Leader is shown, and she gets her own squad full of nobles and talents to command. 

  • At competition, Femidela deals with some olden and radical infiltrators. Sedric Pov as he looks at the Coalition and other tech, 

  • Lucy meets almost winners of event, wakes up Scytale, Scytale meets Jacques and caius, Lucy and Scytale visit library to find out what his sympathetic aura effect does, tests out his spells. End of chapter they leave to go to the forerunners event. 

  • Conlan pov where they visit forerunners event. Conlan and Catherine find Liliana. Conlan notices Lucy and Scytale but doesn’t recognise them. Randall sees Conlan is regressor, but then sees Lucy’s status as well. Lucy pov, and they enter the system event, seeing the 6th Realm: Cosmic Realm notice. Lucy and Scytale leave to go to archive, finding out how to fix her origin skill.

  • Caspian perspective chapter on his interactions with Adrianna. Caspian asks about her age. Caspian asks to call her Adrianna and she says he can, but she won’t call him Caspian. He asks why and she points out his admirers, saying she doesn’t want to get caught up in his love life. End of chapter switches to Adrianna’s pov and he’s on Commander’s ship and Adrianna sees the Commander send him to take a break after a tense battle. She says to him she knows how Atlanteans work. The Commander reveals to her why Caspian is in the navy. 

  • Lucy meets up the the future prismatic dragon to organise a deal with him, and receives updates on the accessory maker’s progress. She tells Vincent her Origin skill. 

  • Marellen’s progress at the academy is shown, including his transfer to the all aeon origin plane, as well as updates about Roa and the barbosas siblings. 

  • Adrianna chapter where she is shown sparring with the Commander. Commander introduces her and Caspian to the Dawnlight. Information about Caspian’s atlantean bloodline is revealed. Adrianna muses about how she dealt with bringing up his bloodline last time, and this time goes differently. She reveals she knows how atlantean bloodlines work, and says the Commander did a very cruel thing to him. End of chapter she’s on the Commander’s ship and he gets her to use her magic. She says to Caspian do you know why I said what I said earlier now, and looking nauseas, he replies he does. 

  • Hargrave chapter where he interacts with Vincent, Sedric and Scytale, feeling confused about Lucy, because she doesn’t show the normal signs of having hidden intentions for him. Lucy reveals the existence of the ‘blood patriarch’, their relation to vampires, and what a ‘cycle’ is. 

  • Lucy goes to the capital to go to the ball, where the public finally know there’s a new leader of the faction. Emperor meets up with her, after giving her title in private. Four Demon Duke bloodlines are introduced (part where Lucy internally discusses Demon Emperor’s hair colour, overhears them talking about Demon Emperor’s anger), as well as the 7 eternal duchies. 5 Heavenly sects too. Representatives of the institutions come as well. 

  • Ball occurs where the gifts of the other realms and Lucy’s entitlement are shown. 

  • Lucy meets with Prince Stolas, who they both realise recognise each other, and that Stolas is the demon emperor and an ‘Authoriser’. Lucy finally feels a threat to her plans and they do another deal. Lucy must resolve some problems for the system to get no interference from it for her plans. 

  • Lucy reveals the secret identity of the Archduke to Scytale, who hates it. She explains to Vincent that the archduke and her have met, without her realising he was the archduke, so she got caught up in trouble. She says she can’t explain fully because it was the Archduke’s secret too. 

  • Conlan perspective chapter 46. He completes a Dungeon with Catherine and Liliana, and ends up receiving a powerful skill. Liliana and Catherine also gain good skills. It’s revealed that Conlan decided to work with his old party member before going back to the navy. End of chapter Larena and Garthe are revealed. 

  • Scytale + Lucy head to the beast realm to do the stages. 

  • Lucy persuades serpent king to work with her.

  • Scytale pov where he attacks a beast and defeats them. 

  • Lucy manipulates three beast rulers into attacking each other, and makes one the real leader to fulfill objective. 

  • Lucy complains but Scytale gets good benefits. Lucy ends up with the pseudo-realm core catalyst for her origin skill and preparations to contact earth begin. Uses two obelisk teleports. 

  • End of this: 0 obelisk teleport. 


  • Annaliese’s experiences with Jasten and her brother, Roa and Marellen pov. Garthe and Larena pov where they get a letter from Efratel, Marellen and co’s plans to meet up to explore an an ancient smaller outer plane fragment set to decay in ten years and so forth occur. Adrianna reveals she got to captain rank because of her merits she gained, staying through the most dangerous winter period of the distorted depths and instated at February. The Commander offers her a cigar and she accepts them, saying she actually likes them. Commander comments on how that’s not a good thing. 

And that's it. That's literally it. For every 1-2 dot points, I type out 5k worth of words. Are you proud of my superior disorganisation skills? And yes, at this point Annaliese, Sedric and Hargrave didn't have names. Neither did Sir Albrecht. I typed this out on holidays on Apple notes after I wrote my first 10k/2 chapters, and now I have plans for the next five major arcs. That's roughly... 3 million words of this including what I've planned and written.

And guess what: that's not the endpoint.

I swear I never intended for it to be this long! This whole story was supposed to be a parody of the regression and tower-climbing genres, but it seems I liked world-building, my characters and mystery too much. Still, I hope to continue this for as long as I can, and currently, it looks like I might be able to get nearly 1.5 arcs out in a year because 3x52 = 156.

Anyway, look out for a chapter tomorrow. I just reeeeaaallly need to study right now. University first, hobby second.


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