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Uh... sorry. I got swamped with assignments on the weekend, and tried to get everything done, but couldn't. I could release a shorter chapter today, and the remaining 1.4k tomorrow, but I feel like that would set me up for bad habits and I'd do this again. If you're worried about my bad writing habits and lack of backlog, good news: I've been doing this for six months already :P (Cos ADHD I do better when under pressure)

Good news is that from Thursday to Wednesday of next week is my mid-semester break! So I should hopefully be back on track with everything.

I have to write my first April Fool's chapter too, after all.

Again, really sorry, but I feel like I can let myself do this just once because I haven't had to take an unscheduled break once yet, and I'm halfway through my uni semester.

Chapter should be released tomorrow instead of today. Not sure what time that will be for you guys, but it will be during my daylight hours, so that will def be earlier than normal. Wednesday chapter will be released on Wednesday... Definitely. Probably. Hopefully.

P.S. Demon Realm glossary info is almost written up too. Might get to add that to the RR glossary this week, which I'll link when I'm done.

Anyway, it's 11:56 PM for me and I have to be at Uni and hour and a half away from me on public transport by 9:30 am tomorrow, so once again, soz.



Good call on not cutting the chapter imo, more likely to give bad habits

Orange Thistle

Don't fret. Thanks for the heads up. :)