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It's done! I really enjoy how the linework on this one turned out :> I hope you all enjoy ^^




Oh no I love it xD


Out of curiosity, what's the inspiration behind the gear earrings...gearrings if you will :)


I love the poses of both of them. So many size pieces are one-sided (for obvious reasons). You did a good job of conveying the power and vulnerability each of them have. I like to image that she started giving him the bj and wasn't expecting him to reciprocate. Now, being a pixie and all, she's turned it into a bit of a game for herself: if she can keep from helping herself before he caves in, she wins. Just have to keep that hand... right where it is...


Hope you don't mind, I'm the person who commissioned this piece. The pixie is a High Pixie, from the SMT series. Specifically, there is a side-quest from the SMT game, Strange Journey. Early on, the main character runs into a regular pixie that is wounded. You give her a healing item and she's able to escape back home safely. Later on, you run into her again as a High Pixie. Now, she's created a new village that is a safe haven for weaker demons that are often killed by stronger ones. This commission is a what-if scenario where she meets her "hero" from earlier in the game, but now in a much more smaller, and vulnerable, state. She finally gets to return the favor he gave her, with a bit of interest (hope you don't mind the over-explanation as well).