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Hey, all! So update on my tablet situation-

The second pen I got didn't work either! : ^ ) buuuut I was able to dig around and get out an old tablet that thankfully still worked. It's a bit janky, and the pen pressure is off so I have to do a lot more manual work to achieve things (plus it's not a graphics tablet, so I had to relearn how to draw while not looking at my hands X] ), but it's a decent fix until I get my next tablet. Oh, I ordered a whole new tablet, by the way ^^ unfortunately, there's no projected shipping date, so I'll be working with this old one until it gets here (the reviews claim it ships relatively quickly, so we'll see haha)

Thank you all so much for your patience, it means a lot to my that you all are sticking with me :'] I've been really stressed about not being able to work on commissions/patreon drawings, so expect to see a lot more content over the next few days >:]




No worries, we can wait! And this one is so cute and wholesome!


No worries on the delay. Sometimes hardware breaks down--it's understandable. That aside, thanks for your hard work in spite of it! This scenario is really cute, by the way! It's not one I've ever seen.


Aww that sounds lame, but at least you've got an alternative! Hopefully it ships on the sooner side. This one looks great so far!