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Hey, all! Started this comic like, a year ago(?) and never finished it - v - ;; so, i figured I'd delve back into my old catalog and get you all some content since I haven't been uploading consistently these past few days. My little sister might have corona, so my house has been pretty hectic :'^) hopefully she gets better soon <:"^D




Hope she gets better and you're all safe!


Oh god. Hope it will get better


Oh my god this is so cute


Holy crap... this is so cute and wholesome and sad at the same time.... I hope they get together, they seem like really good friends. I would love to see a follow up for this! As for your little sister, I hope that she is fine and I wish her the best during these trying times as well as the rest of your family.


I'm sorry to hear about that corona business that your sister is going through. Please stay safe, and I hope she gets better soon! As for the comic itself, it is quite lovely!


Really nice, i want to see waifu growing and take care of her troubled heart


Thank you ; v ; ! I think things are getting better, but we'll see.


me too! Her fever was lower this morning, but still too high for her to be healthy.


Backstory on them: They've been good friends since before the virus afflicted her. They weren't romantically interested in each other, but now that she's single, he's starting to see her through a more romantic lens. Hell, there's just a lot more of her to look at! XD And thank you, I think she'll be okay, but we're still very worried haha ^^;


Hey, thanks :'^) The test hasn't gotten back to us yet, but we're all honestly hoping she got it, so all of this quarantine business hasn't been for nothing. She's been isolated in her room for a couple days now, and it has to be rough on her. If she has corona, it'll be reassuring to know she wasn't stuck in there for nothing ^^; And thank you! I'm glad you like it :D


This is ridiculously cute! Super great comic! I hope things get better for you at home soon.


Glad you like it! ^^ And me, to :'^D My sister's fever did seem to drop today, though! We're hoping it doesn't come back and that she's past the worst of it all :'^)